Staff Sergeant Gerard M. Tanguay 31007150

Staff Sergeant Gerard M. Tanguay 31007150 US Army. He was born on July 14th, 1917. He entered the service on March 3, 1941 Springfield Massachusetts. He served in the 1st Coast Artillery District and was transferred to the 36th Infantry Division. He served in Combat in Europe with the 36th Infantry Division. He was transferred to D Company, 253rd Infantry regiment, 63rd Infantry Division on June 28, 1945 along with T/4 Joe J Kotwig 20848521, T/4 Lester M. Blair 38066088, PFC George S. Norris 34352514, PFC Ottis J. Reach 34105303, S/Sgt James W. Clemens 36112041, T/5 Antonio J. Oilento 12056444. He was Awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, the Bronze Star Medalthe Purple Heart Medal, American Defense Medal, the Good Conduct MedalThe American Theater of operationsthe European Theater of Operations Medal ETO with 2 battle star, the World War Two Victory Medaland the Army of Occupation Medal. He was married to Doris Tanguay. He died on September 9th, 2000


2 – Amanda Tanguay

3- 63rd Infantry Division Records