D Company 253rd Infantry regiment 63rd Infantry Division
Back to the 253rd Infantry Regiment
Abbott, Abbott D. | Capt. | O1309153 | |
Abrams, Louis R. | 2/Lt. | O1322298 | |
Adams, Kenneth C. | T/5 | 16064916 | |
Adams, Ralph | Pfc. | 34592885 | |
Aldred, Robert B. | T/5 | 32283408 | |
Aldridge, John J. | Pfc. | 35273707 | |
Alford, Farris T. | S/Sgt. | 34986340 | |
Algin, Alexander | Sgt. | 36149467 | |
Allegaert, Peter F. | Pvt. | 31363887 | |
Anders, David NMI | Pfc. | 36672584 | |
Anderson, Frank L. | S/Sgt. | 34403746 | |
Anderson, R. E. | Pvt. | 38545234 | |
Andrews, Floyd | Pvt. | 39686133 | |
Angel, Joe | Pfc. | 35137984 | |
Antonelli, Harry | Pvt. | 33835760 | |
Arouillo, Nunzio A. | S/Sgt. | 12301874 | |
Asero, Frank | Pvt. | 42188676(.2) | |
Atchison, Gerald D. | Pvt. | 37728482 | |
Atchley, James R. | Pvt. | 38663181 | |
Autry, Heath R. | Pvt. | 34679310 | |
Avellino, William A. | Pvt. | 33798029 | |
Bachman, George E. | Pfc. | 33610179 | |
Bachus, Marsh W. | T/5 | 18202728 ? | |
Baines, Stanley | S/Sgt. | 7084230 | |
Baird, Joseph L. | Pfc. | 36242722 | |
Baker, Harl W. (T/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2011508 | |
Baker, Harl W. (^2/Lt.) | T/Sgt. | 15012975 | |
Balan, Walter W. | S/Sgt. | 36831603 | |
Banta, Walter E. | Pvt. | 42008357 | |
Bard, Robert W. | T/5 | 33734259 | |
Barker, Reginald F. | Pfc. | 33886549 | |
Barna, John | Pvt. | 33943868 | |
Barnes, Bryson W. | Pvt. | 39703939 | |
Barnes, Jack NMI | Pvt. | 36875355 | |
Barnett, Harry S. | T/5 | 38066103 | |
Barrows, William H. | Sgt. | 32287973 | |
Bassett, Carlos E. | T/5 | 38665433 | |
Bates, Mellonoskie | Pvt. | 14073792 | |
Bauer, Lloyd J. | Pvt. | 36838796 | |
Beard, Claude E. | Sgt. | 35344072 | |
Beard, Raymond W. | Pfc. | 36685596 | |
Beard, Shirley | Pfc. | 35813797 | |
Becker, Oscar, Jr. | Sgt. | 32566969 | |
Beckett, Harold D. | S/Sgt. | 42022085 | |
Bedrick, Sidney | Pvt. | 31428099 | |
Bee, Harry Thomas | Pfc. | 13156182 + | |
Beenfield, Edwin G. | T/4 | 32477741 | |
Beers, Orvas E. | 1/Lt. | O1548143 | |
Behm, Emil E. (R.) | Sgt. | 36303269 | |
Bell, Andrew G. | Cpl. | 42030978 | |
Benson, Robert S. | Pvt. | 33796257 | |
Berg, William W., Jr. | Pfc. | 33700149 | |
Bernard, Glenn | Cpl. | 37627266 | |
Bernstein, Jess | Cpl. | 42010244 | |
Bertalon, Joseph T. | Pvt. | 33831131 | |
Beskororan, Alex NMI | Pvt. | 32983880 | |
Betts, William A. | Pvt. | 33692454 | |
Bielinski, Edward NMI | Cpl. | 36831547 | |
Biscotto, Louis M. | Pvt. | 33943000 | |
Bixenmann, George A. | 1/Lt. | O1557254 “ | |
Black, Carroll J. | Sgt. | 34864587 + | |
Blair, Lester M. | T/4 | 38066088 | |
Blais, Roland J. | Pvt. | 11039860 | |
Bocker, Oscar, Jr. | Sgt. | 32566969 | |
Bode, Gerald H. | Pfc. | 37748348 | |
Bodzer, Peter | Pfc. | 33893948 | |
Boenfield, Edwin G. | T/4 | 32477743? | |
Bolton, Donald G. | Pfc. | 36978955 | |
Bombery, Anthony F. | Pfc. | 36977281 | |
Bonner, James P. | Pvt. | 34975758 | |
Borda, Michael | 2/Lt. | O1313493 | |
Bounds, Ronald A. | Pfc. | 36396604 | |
Bowers, Ellsworth H. | Pfc. | 13138461 | |
Boyd, George D. | Pvt. | 44022226 | |
Bozza, Richard J. | Sgt. | 42051645 | |
Bracken, Urban L. | Sgt. | 36038619 | |
Bramson, Edwin M. | 2/Lt. | O558768 | |
Brandes, Bobby G. | Sgt. | 14074392 | |
Bremholm, Charles L. | Pfc. | 37694401 | |
Bresler, Loamie S. | 1/Lt. | O1321285 | |
Brestrich, Guenther W. | T/5 | 36836775 + | |
Bridges, Orrin S. | Sgt. | 36443919 /VA | |
Briggs, Louis H. | Cpl. | 38465856 | |
Brock, Richard L. | Pvt. | 35898608(.2) | |
Brock-Jones, Francis B. | Pvt. | 36772639 | |
Bromley, Norman Paul | T/4 | 31400305 | |
Bronner, Albert C. | Pfc. | 35798851 | |
Brosius, Donald W. | 1/Sgt. | 36624460 | |
Broskey, Leonard J. | Pvt. | 33893868 | |
Brown, Alfred E. | Pfc. | 36685110 | |
Brown, Andrew A. | T/5 | 35036991 | |
Brown, Eugene J. | Pfc. | 33943090 | |
Brown, George A., Jr. | 1/Lt. | O1326234 | |
Brown, Glenn E. | Pvt. | 42022433 | |
Brown, James Price | Sgt. | 14130613 | |
Brown, Sam E. | 1/Lt. | O1320828(.0) | |
Brown, Walter G. | T/5 | 16054274 | |
Broyles, Frederick G. | Pfc. | 6996660 | |
Bryan, Elton C. | Pvt. | 34855375 | |
Bryan, Elwood | Pvt. | 33872825 | |
Bryant, Thomas | Pvt. | 34883459 | |
Bucher, Vernon H. | Pvt. | 33878561 | |
Bullard, Nathan | Pvt. | 34965934 | |
Burns, Jack | Pvt. | ||
Bush, Thomas E. | Cpl. | 20813969 | |
Bussler, John M. | Pvt. | 13142036 | |
Caffrey, William L., Jr. | Pvt. | 31371740 | |
Cahill, | Pfc. | 33797978 | |
Cahill, George | Pvt. | 33798029 | |
Calbert, Maurice H. | Pvt. | 36873206 | |
Campbell Everett F. | Pvt. | 31437327 | |
Cantrell, Thomas E. | Pvt. | 34883113 | |
Canzoneri, Joseph | Pfc. | 16118533 | |
Capodanno, Fred A. | T/4 | 32956418 | |
Caporale, Frank N. | Pvt. | 35834128 | |
Carberry, Rowland P. | 1/Lt. | O1315265 | |
Cariski, Harry | Pfc. | 42075538 | |
Carman, Gordon R. | Pfc. | 36876156 | |
Carvalho, Manuel W., Jr.(M.) | Pfc. | 31425675 | |
Casey, Thomas J. | Pfc. | 36009604 | |
Cason, John E. | Pfc. | 33862149 | |
Ceglarek, Joseph A., Jr. | Pfc. | 36978141 | |
Chadwick, Lawrence J. | Pvt. | 33808681 | |
Chalcraft, Elmer D. | Pfc. | 36919621 | |
Chambart, Joseph A. | Pfc. | 32998745 | |
Chamberlain, Philip T. | Pfc. | 13061562 | |
Chase, Warren O. | T/5 | 11051472 | |
Church, William V. | Capt. | O439225 | |
Ciliberto, Anthony J | Sgt. | 33024484 | |
Ciliberto, Peter J. | Pvt. | 33929293 | |
Cissel, Sebastian S., Jr.(B.) | Pvt. | 33901773 | |
Citarella, Alfred | T/Sgt. | 32083418 | |
Clark, Charles A. | T/4 | 32566978 | |
Clark, Louis | Pfc. | 32333483 | |
Clark, Raymond J. | T/5 | 31045535 | |
Clemens, James W. | S/Sgt. | 36112041 | |
Clevenger, Herrel D. | Pfc. | 38228956 | |
Cloney, Phillip W. (Claney) | Pfc. | 36874519 | |
Coates, Edward E. | Pvt. | 36895110 | |
Coffinger, Harlin E. | Pvt. | 36781608 | |
Cohen, Harry | Pvt. | 42051706 | |
Cohen, Hyman | Pfc. | 42075549 | |
Cohen, Lew | Pfc. | 35037134 | |
Colavito, Vito | Pvt. | ||
Cole, | Pvt. | 39466481 | |
Cole, William A. | Pfc. | 44043611 | |
Coles, Robert L. | T/4 | 32253930 | |
Collier, Amos G. | Pvt. | 34875118 | |
Collins, James T. | 1/Lt. | O1042525 | |
Collins, John P. | S/Sgt. | 36874611 | |
Colvin, Edward D. | Pfc. | 35244107 | |
Combs, Donald M. | S/Sgt. | 32199969 | |
Comeau, Joseph E. | Pfc. | 42188624 | |
Connell, Joseph J., Jr. | Pvt. | 33942999(.7) | |
Connor, Charles W. | Pvt. | 32927487 | |
Conrad, Denver J. | Pfc. | 35212420 | |
Conrow, Clifford K. | Pfc. | 12073173 | |
Cook, John N. | Pfc. | 33957074 | |
Cooper, Herman | Cpl. | 32647116 | |
Cooper, William H. | S/Sgt. | 31196238 | |
Corbin, Alvin J. | Pfc. | 33878497 | |
Corker, William | Pvt. | 42128968 | |
Cortinovieri, Alfred J. | Pfc. | 11052526 | |
Costa, George J. | Pvt. | 42091234 | |
Couch, Ralph A. | Pvt. | 44035709 | |
Cowley, Robert D. | Pfc. | 38696542 | |
Cramer, Clarence E., Jr. | Pfc. | 33957067 | |
Crandell, Dwight Raymond | 1/Lt. | O547671 | |
Crawford, Ronald V. | S/Sgt. | 6555032 | |
Crawford, James J. | Pfc. | 31285622 | |
Crescenzo, John A. | Pfc. | 12232173 | |
Croan, Charles F. | Pvt. | 35808785 | |
Croghan, | Pfc. | 39338800 | |
Croghan, Clement J. | Pvt. | 39339016 | |
Cross, Billy | Pfc. | 35848765 | |
Crowley, | Cpl. | 39919529 | |
Cullen, David | Pvt. | 39177756 | |
Curtin, William J. | T/Sgt. | 31193990 | |
Daugherty, Paul F. | T/4 | 36502309 | |
Daugherty, Robert L. | Pfc. | 33843348 | |
Davis, Charles E. | T/4 | 36033477 | |
Davis, LeRoy E. | Pvt. | 33931501 | |
Davis, Richard H. | 1/Lt. | O1081209 | |
Dean, Charles | 1/Sgt. | 6894717 | |
Delaney, Raymond F. | Pvt. | 42031703 | |
Demler, Edward G. | Pfc. | 36874834 | |
Dennis, Victor | Pfc. | 31376298 | |
Deschambault, Anthony A. | Pvt. | 31400328 | |
Dibarto, Anthony J. | Sgt. | 33024484 | |
Dickinson, Thomas M. | Pvt. | 33714692 | |
Dinkelman, LeRoy R. | Pvt. | 39707783 | |
DiRubbo, Salvatore Lawrence | T/3 | 32538044 | |
Dolese, Hamilton F. | Pfc. | 34234378 | |
Donato, Joseph | Cpl. | 13079485 | |
Donckers, Frank C., Jr. | T/Sgt. | 15048927 * | |
Doucette, Bernard J. | Pvt. | 36895062 | |
Douglas, Dorsey H. | Pvt. | 6788394 ? | |
Doyle, Maurice H. | Pvt. | 42022420 | |
Driver, William T. | Pfc. | 36876490 | |
Dubinsky, Bernard E. | Pvt. | 13056677 | |
Duda, Edward B. | Pfc. | 7022378 | |
Dudek, John A. | Pfc. | 33692488 | |
Duke, Charles W. | Pvt. | 35760666 | |
Dunn, Daniel W. | Pfc. | 42187027 | |
Dunn, Hugh C. | Sgt. | 37244502 + | |
Dupree, Otis W. | Pfc. | 34196080 | |
Durham, Ernest | Pvt. | 35100967 | |
Durnin, James | Pvt. | 32980005 | |
Dusonburry, Ralph L. | Pfc. | 35037300 | |
Dyal, Howard L. | Pfc. | 44022214 | |
Dyer, Jesse E. (A.) | Pfc. | 36978173 | |
Easton, Stuart W. | Pvt. | 33703104 | |
Elam, Madison G. | Pfc. | 35813413 | |
Elbers, Theodore P. | Pvt. | 36831500 | |
Elliston, Walter | Pfc. | 36973213 | |
Elnicky, Joseph | T/4 | 32187888 | |
Engle, Robert J. | Pfc. | 36906129 | |
Epps, James L. | Pvt. | 7081137 | |
Estep, Dock J.? | Pfc. | 39467804 | |
Fabis, Joe M. | Pfc. | 33033546 | |
Faris, James S. | Pvt. | 35297060 | |
Fears, John W. | S/Sgt. | 33040917 | |
Feczko, Francis G. | Pfc. | 42010251 | |
Fenning, Clifford H. | Pvt. | 35880988 | |
Ferguson, James E. | Pvt. | 36686157 | |
Ferland, Lester V. | Pvt. | 31400717 | |
Ferony, Thomas L. | Pvt. | 42030166 | |
Ferry, Francis L. | Pfc. | 32287993 | |
Fields, Lewis C. | Pfc. | 37742853 | |
Fisher, Paul J. | T/4 | 16156319 | |
Fisher, Raymond L. | Pvt. | 42000385 | |
Fishman, Morris H. | Pfc. | 42075329 + | |
Fleming, | |||
Fleury, Jessie J., Jr. | T/4 | 33179275 | |
Floyd, Samuel | Pfc. | 34010967 | |
Foley, James | Pvt. | 42049412 | |
Ford, Wilburn C. | Pfc. | 34964537 | |
Foreman, Hampton H. (S/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2006060 | |
Foreman, Hampton H. (^2/Lt.) | S/Sgt. | 39702564 | |
Forsman, Henry D. | T/5 | 34163992 | |
Francisco, Earnest L. | T/4 | 33209877 | |
Franckevitch, Peter M. | Pvt. | 39210922 | |
Frankel, Edward | 1/Lt. | O1326185 | |
Frascatore, Nicholas A. | Pvt. | 42091099 | |
Freeman, Floyd E. | Pvt. | 36764787 | |
Freeman, Lloyd V. (W.) | Pvt. | 15041984 | |
Frere, John E. (S/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2006061 | |
Frere, John E. (^2/Lt.) | S/Sgt. | 33732706 | |
Gable, Amos | |||
Gable, William A. | Pfc. | 44034560 | |
Gabriel, Robert | Pvt. | 35924284 | |
Gale, Garnet D. | Pvt. | 39466481 | |
Garfen, Leo | Pfc. | 32539894 | |
Gario, Edwin NMI | Pfc. | 39705066 | |
Gartner, William C., Jr. | S/Sgt. | 35751364 | |
Gartside, Joseph A. | T/5 | 13079727 | |
Garver, Jacob E., Jr. | Pvt. | 33900124 | |
Gatzi, William | Cpl. | 33028566 | |
Gault, Harry G. | 2/Lt. | O1321301 | |
Gauthier, Charles Z. | Pfc. | 31431012 | |
Gellert, George J. | Pfc. | 33063438 | |
Gertsch, Ray P. | Pvt. | 39919863 | |
Gibbons, John N. | Pvt. | 42039837 | |
Gibbs, Robert W. | Sgt. | 38429307 | |
Gidusko, Julius E. | T/5 | 33275742 | |
Gill, John E. | Capt. | O1306834 | |
Glenn, Arthur | Pvt. | 37540748 | |
Gnacek, Walter J. | Pvt. | 31349754 | |
Goldman, Roy E. | Pvt. | 12228536 | |
Goodman, Vester S. | Pvt. | 38296000 | |
Gordon, Donnie S. | Pfc. | 44019117 | |
Grasso, Charles I. | T/4 | 32344069 | |
Grauman, Richard L. | Pvt. | 35223209 | |
Graveline, Alfred P. | Pvt. | 31350662 | |
Graw, George H. | Pvt. | 33401752(.32) | |
Green, Abraham L. | T/5 | 31404984 | |
Greene, Robert B. | Pfc. | 39338484 | |
Greer, Walter V. | Pvt. | 34920623 | |
Griffin, John W. | T/5 | 32354914 | |
Grimes, Augusta C. | Pfc. | 38371165 | |
Gronbach, Adolph NMI | Pfc. | 32997902 | |
Groshong, LeRoy R. | Pfc. | 39337809 | |
Grossi, John J. | Sgt. | 32563755 | |
Grossman, Theodore | Pvt. | 39719771 | |
Grzesiak, Edward | Pfc. | 36304336 | |
Gubbins, Frederick J. | Pvt. | 42090329 | |
Hagan, James W. | Pvt. | 35810033 | |
Hahn, George H. | Cpl. | 36931603 | |
Hahn, George H. | S/Sgt. | 42008932 | |
Hale, Fred L. | T/5 | 33033436 | |
Halen, | |||
Hall, Harry M. | T/5 | 33164541 | |
Hall, Sylas L. | Pfc. | 33665917 | |
Hamell, Paul C. (Hamel) | Sgt. | 42010075 | |
Hamett, Dursey D. | Pfc. | 39051598 | |
Hamilton, | Pvt. | 36876244 | |
Hamilton, Leonard J. | Pvt. | 36876191 | |
Hammond, Phillip D. | Pvt. | 32597269 | |
Hand, John F. | T/5 | 32389835 | |
Hanks, Jack A. | 2/Lt. | O1313159 | |
Hansen, Albert L. | Pfc. | 37591834 | |
Hansen, Charles S. | Pfc. | 36336162 | |
Hanson, Norman M. (Hansen) | 1/Lt. | O550933 | |
Harkins, William F. | Pvt. | 33714717 | |
Harrington, Thomas M. | Pfc. | 33005961 | |
Harrison, Jackie L. | Pfc. | 36977375 | |
KIA | Hart, Marvin J. | Sgt. | 32237075 + |
Hayden, Joseph NMI | Pvt. | 36766085 | |
Haywood, Clifton R. | T/4 | 33033480 | |
Heiden, Donald W. | T/5 | 32140291 | |
Helms, Edison P., Jr. (W.) | S/Sgt. | 33464082 | |
Hendricks, Michael | Pfc. | 32686985 | |
Henry, Bert E. | Pfc. | 20624345 | |
Herbert, Edgar C. | 1/Lt. | O1041168 | |
Hernandez, Jose M. | S/Sgt. | 38578671 | |
Hess, Carnel C. | Pvt. | 35761748 | |
Heyden, William I. | Pvt. | 42091165 | |
Hickman, Glenn H. | 2/Lt. | O1326240 | |
Hillen, Warren | Pfc. | 33261700 | |
Hodge, Edward E. | Pvt. | 35298229 | |
Hopkins, Earnest | Pvt. | 6984587 | |
House, John E. (W.) | Pvt. | 42120699 + | |
Hoyt, Hines Wilbur | Pfc. | 38491517 | |
Huber, Walter C. | Pfc. | 35884234 | |
Hughes, Donaldley E. | Pfc. | 33045743 | |
Hummel, Eldon H. | Pvt. | 20822135 | |
Huntington, George R. | Pfc. | 18201251 | |
Huseman, Ferdinand Paul | S/Sgt. | 32530081 + | |
Hutchinson, Louis M. | T/5 | 38616080 | |
Immerfall, Alfred R. | Pfc. | 36216851 | |
Ingram, Evereete H. | Pvt. | 34878138 | |
Iniver, | |||
Irlam, Arnold J. | Sgt. | 33033577 | |
Irvin, Robert E. D. | 2/Lt. | O442862 | |
Jackson, Leo A. | Pfc. | 36875555 | |
Jacobsen, James E. | T/5 | 36321108 | |
Janiczek, Ernest | Pfc. | 33815274 | |
Jankovich, John F. | Pfc. | 42010466 | |
Jankovich, Urban P. | Pfc. | 42010493 | |
Jeannette, Louis R. | Pvt. | 37582203 | |
Jennings, Marvin | T/4 | 33045689 | |
Jerge, Alfred E. | Pvt. | 42091217 | |
Johnson, Earle Albie, Jr. | Capt. | O26211 ** | |
Johnson, Gilbert J. | Pfc. | 39469761 | |
Johnson, Melvin B. | Pvt. | 36830948 | |
Johnson, Melvin G. | T/5 | 38579453 | |
Johnson, Paul | Pfc. | 31409494 | |
Johnson, William A. | Pfc. | 34093399 | |
Johnson, William J. | Pfc. | 39904891 | |
Jones, Clarence M. | Pvt. | 6946566 | |
Jones, Harley E. | Pvt. | 35560675 | |
Jones, Horace F. | Pfc. | 39725254 | |
Jones, Myron Glen | S/Sgt. | 39925270 | |
Jordan, Edward H. | Pvt. | 42058997(.87) | |
Juan, Robert L. | Pfc. | 36257542 | |
June, | |||
Kaniewski, Peter W. | Pvt. | 42060622 | |
Karolak, Theodore | T/5 | 33033380 | |
Kean, Edward L. | Pfc. | 13200556 | |
Keen, Richard J. | Pfc. | 6997092 | |
Keene, Joseph H. | Pfc. | 42026407 | |
Keesling, Clyde M. | Pvt. | 39421669 | |
Kelly, Ed | |||
Kemp, John J. | Pfc. | 37055727 | |
Kerr, James | Pfc. | 35388004 | |
Kettner, Louis H. | Pvt. | 42060661 | |
Keys, Lucious D. | Pvt. | 34882096 | |
Kindel, James F. | S/Sgt. | 39703354 | |
King, James J. | Pvt. | 33746760 | |
Kirnan, George T. | Pvt. | 42068305 | |
Kiser, James C. | Sgt. | 33656501 | |
Kissler, Carl B. | Pfc. | 33920763 | |
Klammer, Herman D. | Pfc. | 36977315 | |
Klimovich, Stanley H. | Pfc. | 32995237 | |
Kline, Raymond | Pfc. | 35429806 | |
Klingensmith, Earl L. | Sgt. | 33033523 | |
Klonarides, George A. | Pfc. | 32085450 | |
Klutz, Robert E. | Pfc. | 34965887 | |
Knapp, Morris, Jr. | Sgt. | 42063378 | |
Knight, James H., Jr. | Pfc. | 32510658 | |
Kohne, Harvey L. | Cpl. | 37398774 | |
Koladzieski, Henry B. | Pvt. | 42009858 | |
Konicki, Harry O. | Pvt. | 36876244 | |
Koppen, John E. | Pfc. | 33876304 | |
Kotwig, Joe J. | T/4 | 20848521 | |
Kraemer, Russell A. | T/5 | 42068799 + | |
Kramer, William C. | Cpl. | 33327250 | |
Krauss, Paul W. | Cpl. | 33203566 | |
Kretzer, David H. | S/Sgt. | 33006357 | |
Kruckvich, Anthony J. | Cpl. | 33033532 | |
Kullman, John F. | Cpl. | 33029601 | |
Kuntz, Joseph P. | Pvt. | 42067534 | |
Kuzdzel, Edmund J. | 2/Lt. | O2018185 | |
Kyle, Charles P., Jr. | Pvt. | 33764376 | |
Labik, Paul V. | Pfc. | 33939168 | |
Lacey, Mathew T. (Matthew) | Pfc. | 33193584 | |
LaChance, Raymond C. | Pfc. | 42120634 | |
Lamb, Marvin A. | Pfc. | 38661132 | |
Lambert, Parley A. | Pvt. | 35072525 | |
DOW | Lambrecht, Nicholas C. | T/Sgt. | 33794926 |
Lample, William | Pvt. | 33920506 | |
Lanier, Wallace H. | Pfc. | 35477763 | |
Lanning, Dale L. | Pvt. | 6276497 | |
Larkin, Robert B. | Cpl. | 39715799 | |
Larkin, William B. | Pvt. | 31409486 | |
Lawrence, Guy B. | Pvt. | 38592990 | |
Lawrence, Lemoin D. | S/Sgt. | 35002984 | |
Leach, Carlton C. | T/4 | 32037813 | |
Lease, Lloyd L., Jr. | Pfc. | 34947633 | |
Lee, Paul W. | Pvt. | 38569351 | |
Lehigh, Michael | Pfc. | 33916814 | |
Lehto, William D. | T/4 | 39181968 | |
Leuzzi, Thomas D. | Pfc. | 42067956 | |
Levin, Benjamin S. | T/5 | 33904421 | |
Lewis, Charles E. | T/Sgt. | 32042288 | |
Liddle, Leonard J. | Cpl. | 33764245 | |
Lieto, Augustine J. | S/Sgt. | 32510466 | |
Lind, John J. | Pfc. | 33746565 | |
Liptak, Paul | T/5 | 33033389 | |
Llewellyn, Henry S. | Pfc. | 20313864 | |
Louis, Andrew F. | Pfc. | 37035954 | |
Loveless, William R., Jr. | Pvt. | 20234475 | |
Lowe, Edward E. | Pfc. | 35560164 | |
Loyd, John M., Jr. | Cpl. | 34968144 | |
Ludwig, Leo V. | Pfc. | 42068119 | |
Lukasik, Anthony F. | Cpl. | 32409018 | |
Lytle, Kenneth R. | Pfc. | 33920692 | |
MacIntyre, William R., Jr. | S/Sgt. | 32956263(.2720) | |
Madden, George J. | T/5 | 32334093 | |
Mahar, Harold W. | Cpl. | 31389791 | |
Maiorano, Matt M. | Pvt. | 33920672 | |
Maller, Arthur M. | Pvt. | 42030266 | |
Malone, Thomas P. | Pvt. | 31416859 | |
Mang, Edward J. | Pfc. | 42093355 | |
Mann, John E. | Pfc. | 13196963 | |
Mansell, Richard W. | Pvt. | 31323585 | |
Mansfield, Leroy | Pfc. | 33759811 | |
Maples, Donald G. | Pvt. | 36876262 | |
Marcher, Alan C. | M/Sgt. | 42067466 + | |
Marine, Anthony M. | Capt. | O1297065 | |
Markon, Roy NMI | Sgt. | 13132885 + | |
Marsden, Arthur S. | Pfc. | 31299394 | |
Martino, Anthony W. | Pvt. | 33612662 | |
Marvel, Sherwood H. | Sgt. | 32952720 | |
Mashaw, John R. | Pvt. | 42120808 | |
Mask, John C. | Pfc. | 34981386 | |
Mays, Cyrus M. | T/5 | 33854683 | |
Mazgaj, Michael W. | Pvt. | 33920655 | |
McCann, George T. | Pvt. | 33514760 | |
McCarthy, John B. | Pvt. | 33699760 | |
McCarthy, Vincent S. | Pfc. | 42067929 | |
McCauley, Wallace E. | Pvt. | 39467725 | |
McCormick, John P. | Pfc. | 33836941 | |
McCracken, Gail (?) | |||
McCullough, Harold F. | T/Sgt. | 32999579 | |
McElhinney, William F. | Cpl. | 32176020 | |
McGillen, William | Pvt. | 33808483 | |
McGlone, Clyde R. | Pfc. | 39725262 | |
McGonagle, William | Pvt. | 33808499 | |
McGrath, Robert Joseph | T/5 | 32956146 | |
McGraw, Dennis A. | Pfc. | 33732918 | |
McGuire, Gerald | 1/Lt. | O1049265 | |
McKennon, Stuart | |||
McMillan, Gerald E. | Pvt. | 38608675 | |
McPherson, James G. | Cpl. | 32351790 | |
Meares, Harry D. | 1/Sgt. | 6394066 | |
Meek, Martin L. | Pvt. | 6761408 | |
Mercer, Clarey | Sgt. | 6374794 | |
Meredith, Thomas | Pfc. | 35404348 | |
Mertens, George R. | Pfc. | 36242601 | |
Metcalf, Donald G. | Sgt. | 39925482 | |
Micetich, Laddie A. | Pfc. | 36690381 | |
Miles, Garvie, Jr. | Pvt. | 35897840 | |
Miles, William H. | Pfc. | 33837827 | |
Miller, Bryce M. | Pfc. | 33935038 | |
Miller, Carruth S. | Pvt. | 34871656 | |
Miller, Eugene E. | Pvt. | 39236915 | |
Miller, Jacob E., Jr. | Pvt. | 33872904 | |
Miller, Rigsby N. | Pfc. | 34882784 | |
Miller, Robert O. | Pfc. | 12045138 | |
Miluk, Peter | Sgt. | 42176122 | |
Mintz, Richard A. | Pvt. | 42093445 | |
Mischke, Richard W. | Pfc. | 36341739 | |
Miskinis, John A. | Pvt. | 31427993 | |
Mitchell, Lawson J., Jr. | Pfc. | 31448790 | |
Mitchell, Peter | Pfc. | 32222443 | |
Mobley, Perry L. | Pfc. | 35559937 | |
Mock, Fred L. | 2/Lt. | O1320764 | |
Molina, Federico E. (D./P.) | Pfc. | 38253498 | |
Monaghan, Leo P. | 2/Lt. | O549399 | |
Montgomery, Richard T. | Pfc. | 33045791 | |
Montour, Tony | Pvt. | 38008893 | |
Moodie, Richard M. | T/5 | 11056099 | |
Moores, Merwin M. | Sgt. | 39338587 | |
Morello, John L. | Pvt. | 32947965 | |
Morton, Francis C. | Pvt. | 42093088 | |
Moschino, Alfonso | Pvt. | 35641502 | |
Moser, Eugene J. | T/5 | 37466871 | |
Moses, Quintin R. | Sgt. | 6899237 | |
Mott, Donald E. | Pfc. | 39418370 | |
Moya, Fernando P. | Pfc. | 38578260 | |
Muench, Joseph W. | Pvt. | 35453276 | |
Mulcahy, John M. | Pvt. | 42092622 | |
Murphy, Leo D. | S/Sgt. | 33835758 | |
Murphy, Sam C. | Pfc. | 35039697 | |
Murray, Donald C. | Pvt. | 33901646 | |
Myers, Charles R. | Pvt. | 33510832 | |
Myers, Isadore A. | Pfc. | 37288227 | |
Nansel, Richard W. ? | Pvt. | 31323585 | |
Nault, Clarence G. | Pvt. | 31350162 | |
Neal, Harvey K. | Pvt. | 34679223 | |
Nesmith, Fred S., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O926236 | |
Neville, Luther M. | Pvt. | 33854538 | |
Newsom, Clifton D. | Pvt. | 34890590 | |
Nichols, Herbert L. | Pvt. | 6272314 | |
Nickles, Edgar | Pfc. | 35779334 | |
Niebergall, Edward R. | Pvt. | 42009058 | |
Niemiec, Edward J. | Pfc. | 33795069 | |
Nobles, D. L. | S/Sgt. | 38075643 | |
Noeth, Theodore J. | T/4 | 36077626 | |
Norris, George S. | Pfc. | 34352514 | |
North, Herbert W. | 1/Lt. | O1311682 | |
Nowack, William NMI | Pfc. | 36875629 | |
Nurrenberg, Charles E., Sr. | Pfc. | 35792943 | |
Oakley, Maurice G. | T/4 | 35659960 | |
Ogden, Daniel S. | Pfc. | 42185173 | |
Oilento, Antonio J. | T/5 | 12056444 | |
Oliver, Thomas | T/5 | 34350112 | |
Oshman, Bruce C. | S/Sgt. | 42010241 | |
O’Berto, John J. | Pfc. | 36830890 | |
O’Brien, Philip E. | Pvt. | 31427189 | |
O’Brien, Robert C. | 2/Lt. | O1317102 | |
O’Neil, Thomas P. | Pfc. | 31097612 | |
O’Rourke, Raymond G. | Pfc. | 39502462(393.) | |
Pacifico, Fred A. (T/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2014830 | |
Page, Frederick E. | 1/Lt. | O1059228 | |
Pagonica, Nicholas J. | Pvt. | 42067394 | |
Paladino, Albert A. | Pvt. | 42030626 | |
Pappas, Nick NMI | Pvt. | 36874969 | |
Parish, Marvin D. | Pfc. | 39926173 | |
Parker, Christopher C. | Pfc. | 38524591 | |
Pasternack, Richard P. | Pfc. | 42099753 | |
Pate, William E. | Pvt. | 38603774 | |
Patrick, Carl W. | Pfc. | 34262633 | |
Patterson, Cletus L. | Pfc. | 34001049 | |
Pavlinsky, Frank R. | Pvt. | 36840850 | |
Pawlowski, Eugene S. | Pvt. | 42021923(.823) | |
Pecquet, Urbain A. | Pvt. | 38616289 | |
Pederson, Maynard H. | Pvt. | 37583436 | |
Pelletier, Paul V. | Sgt. | 6544522 | |
Perdue, Delmar R. | Pfc. | 35079403 | |
Perrone, Charles A. | Pfc. | 32414311 | |
Peters, Raymond | 1/Sgt. | 20211513 | |
Peterson, Waldo R. | Pfc. | 37019796 | |
Petrucelli, Daniel J. | Pfc. | 32315620 | |
Pettenato, Matteo W., Jr. | Pfc. | 42184810 | |
Pettis, Bennie V. | Pfc. | 44039362 | |
Pfeiffer, Richard M. (N.) | Pfc. | 13189060 | |
Philbeck, Hiram B. | Pfc. | 34124104 | |
Piascik, Romon | Pvt. | 31392052 | |
Pinchbeck, Thomas A. | Pfc. | 42184761 | |
Pinson, Clinton | Pfc. | 35442728 | |
Pirowsky, Victor H. (M.) | 1/Lt. | O1319229 | |
Pirrera, Anthony J. | T/4 | 36033363 | |
Pitts, Glenn E. | Sgt. | 34834273 | |
Plattner, John Walter | Sgt. | 36978104 ** | |
Polaski, Louis | Pfc. | 11027092 | |
Pomerleau, Walter R. | Pfc. | 31318636 | |
Poulson, James E. | Pfc. | 35903698 | |
Poviliatis, Albert | Pvt. | 33021445 | |
Powell, Rex O. | Pvt. | 34398805 | |
Powell, Walter G. | Pfc. | 33268304 | |
Powers, Robert F. | Pfc. | 12187155 | |
Preiser, Joseph NMI | Pvt. | 32999231 | |
Preston, Walter A. | Pfc. | 31412489 | |
Priest, Robert K. | Pfc. | 42007327 | |
Puetz, John F. | S/Sgt. | 35148239 | |
Querfeld, Arthur L. | Pfc. | 36894931 | |
Quick, Melvin W. | Pvt. | 34923635 | |
Quintana, Angelo | Pfc. | 42074531 | |
Radzikowski, Raymond R. | Pfc. | 42099803 + | |
Raffensperger, Bruce W. | Capt. | O555071 | |
Randolph, Glenn E. | Cpl. | 37267781 | |
Rasmusen, James E. | 2/Lt. | O926232 | |
Rawson, Remson H. | Cpl. | 32996750 | |
Reach, Ottis J. (Roach?) | Pfc. | 34105303 | |
Redman, Richard C. | Pvt. | 42023325 | |
Redmond, Charles J. | Pvt. | 42060736 | |
Reibel, Chester A. | Pfc. | 35708402 | |
Reich, Phillip NMI | Pvt. | 32988192 | |
Reichard, David A., Jr. | Pfc. | 37354697 | |
Replansky, Samuel NMI | Sgt. | 42031081 | |
Revis, Millard D. | Pvt. | 34890664 | |
NBD | Ricciardelli, Ralph R. | Pfc. | 42185324 |
Riesenberger, Alkus I. | Sgt. | 42030214 | |
Riley, John V. | Pfc. | 36876312 | |
Rippey, Irwin W. | Pfc. | 36812158 | |
Rizza, Frank P. | Pfc. | 33033500 | |
Roach, Richard | Pvt. | 31427850 | |
Roatenbery, Ira K. (.berry) | Pfc. | 20363429 | |
Robertson, Kingsley | T/4 | 31307309 | |
Robertson, Richard C. | Pfc. | 34871716 | |
Robinson, Robert A. | Pvt. | 36876552 | |
Rodeheaver, Ralph E. | Pfc. | 33550269 | |
Roettger, Elmer C. | Pfc. | 35708403 | |
Roll, Joseph F., Jr. | Pvt. | 32131422 | |
Romano, Frank S. | Pvt. | 32996549 | |
Rosenbrock, Richard A. | Pvt. | 36875733 | |
Rossetti, James M. | Pvt. | 33701452 | |
Rothenberg, Alfred | Pvt. | 36781563 | |
Rowan, Alfred M. | Pfc. | 20430121 | |
Russell, Billy D. | Pfc. | 34679037 | |
Rys, Stanley W. | Pfc. | 31389976 | |
Sassone, Patrick J. | Pfc. | 32223000 | |
Satin, Louis B. | Cpl. | 11045278 | |
Savino, Dominic J. | Pvt. | 42060714 | |
Schenk, Carl E. | Pfc. | 36684958 | |
Scherr, Alex | Pvt. | 42059035 | |
Schifino, Pasquale A. | Sgt. | 31182718 | |
Schneider, Benno R. | Pfc. | 20803588 | |
Schneider, Oscar | Pvt. | 42009905 | |
Schopp, Martin R. | S/Sgt. | 36684314 | |
Seals, Clifford P. | T/5 | 38420957 | |
Seffens, James M. | Cpl. | 37588286 | |
Selton, Robert W. | 1/Lt. | O26678 | |
Serfozo, John S. | Pfc. | 33271131 | |
Servillo, Pasquale L. | Pfc. | 42184701 | |
Shaeffer, George E. (Shea.) | Pfc. | 33921200 | |
Shaner, Dale E. (Shanor) | Pfc. | 33714730 | |
Sheffield, Robert | Pfc. | 34981636 | |
Shepherd, Richard | Pvt. | 35227615 | |
Shimizu, Masaru NMI (Shimazu) | Cpl. | 39152501 | |
Short, William F. | S/Sgt. | 42009411 | |
Shuman, Gerald E. (F.) | Pfc. | 33490406 | |
Shute, James S., Jr. | S/Sgt. | 33796431 | |
Sidlik, Albert | S/Sgt. | 31268503 | |
Siebert, Ralph J. | Pfc. | 36102498 | |
Siegal, Saul J. | Pfc. | 32999804 | |
Smart, Edward C. | Pvt. | 35812059 | |
Smith, Cornelius A. | Pfc. | 36242562 | |
Smith, Edward K. | Cpl. | 42023567 + | |
Smith, Harold K. (Edward?) | |||
Smith, Herman F. | S/Sgt. | 39338440 | |
Smith, Jack E. | Pvt. | 34871609 | |
Smith, Richard E. | Pfc. | 36413112 | |
Snapp, William NMI | Pvt. | 16121949 | |
Sobo, Daniel H. | Pvt. | 42009622 | |
Sojka, Leonard | Pfc. | 32604878 | |
Spieker, Lloyd J. | Sgt. | 32330980 | |
Spires, Quinn L. | Pfc. | 34330245 | |
Springborn, Bernard C. | Pvt. | 36685198 | |
Sribnick, Irving | Pvt. | 42060161 | |
Staje, John C. (Staye) | T/5 | 33849704 | |
Stankiewicz, Walter J. | Sgt. | 31429430 | |
Stapf, William L. | Pfc. | 33891600 | |
Stauffer, Ernest P. | S/Sgt. | 33364554 | |
Stearns, Harold G. (C.) | Sgt. | 37730605 | |
Steinbach, Wallace E. | T/5 | 37543983 | |
Stemple, William K. | Pvt. | 13194899 | |
Stepanek, Michael S. | Pvt. | 36894993 | |
Stephens, Romeo (Rome O.) | 2/Lt. | O1324797 | |
Stephens, Walter W. | Pfc. | 38172079 | |
Stephens, Wilbur C. | Pvt. | 31408458 | |
Stone, Blaine H. | Pfc. | 37713453 | |
Stowe, Luther E. | Pfc. | 34858181 | |
Stricek, Francis S. | Pfc. | 33764263 | |
Stuart, James NMI | Pvt. | 42022242 | |
Swanson, Donald G. (E.) | Cpl. | 32553397 | |
Sydenstricker, Harless W. | Pfc. | 35204449 | |
Szalda, Joseph R. | Pvt. | 42091065 | |
KIA | Szur, Stanley A. | Sgt. | 32493834 |
Talley, Arvel L. | T/5 | 34282871 | |
Tanchak, Joseph | Pvt. | 12214396 | |
Tanguay, Gerard M. | S/Sgt. | 31007150 | |
Tatz, Sidney | Pfc. | 32509955 + | |
Tavelli, Pete, Jr. | Pfc. | 33033516 | |
Taylor, Basil H. | Pfc. | 31123163 | |
Taylor, Raymond J. | Pfc. | 42185794 | |
Templeton, Kermit E. | Pfc. | 34970466 | |
Teska, Frank | Pfc. | 36210604 | |
Tettemer, Frank J., Jr. | Capt. | O1290157 | |
Thirion, Warren H. | Cpl. | 32956164 | |
Thomas, Louis C. | T/5 | 37188650 | |
Thomas, William H. | T/5 | 33831296 | |
Thompson, Frank K. | S/Sgt. | 15112460 | |
Tolson, Jerome F. | Pvt. | 33851024 | |
Tomasovich, Mike N. | Pvt. | 36831552 | |
Tomeo, Nick S. | Pfc. | 32388893 | |
Tompkins, Gilbert J. | Pfc. | 34350085 | |
Traficante, Alfred | Pfc. | 42074820 | |
Trifeletti, Frank S. | Pfc. | 42074806 | |
Trivitt, Lawrence R. | S/Sgt. | 33526535 | |
Troolines, John | Cpl. | 12156771 | |
Trusler, Reese D. | Pvt. | 36685763 | |
Upchurch, Harvell M. | Cpl. | 34443566 | |
Urick, Henry P. | Pfc. | 35834624 + | |
Ustick, Wilbur F. | Pvt. | 42056177 | |
Van Curen, Herbert E. | Pvt. | 42091198 | |
Van Horn, Thomas J. | Sgt. | 33903035 | |
Varela, Alexander R. | Pvt. | 42010125 | |
Vattimo, Vincent P. | Pfc. | 33797270 | |
Venable, James H. | Pvt. | 34882949 | |
Venin, Ralph NMI | Sgt. | 42009914 | |
Vettes, Roland F. | Pvt. | 36874718 | |
Viar, John H. | Pvt. | 33654635 | |
Villafana, John R. | 1/Sgt. | 20258366 | |
Visconti, Joseph L., Jr. | |||
Von Achen, Lloyd R. | Sgt. | 37508686 | |
Walker, David G. | Pvt. | 38578365 | |
Walko, Michael J. | Cpl. | 32065761 | |
KIA | Wallace, John J. | Pvt. | 33891833 |
Wallace, Ottis H. | Pvt. | 39703899 | |
Walters, Charles E. | T/Sgt. | 15055450 | |
Walters, Richard T. | Pfc. | 13081382 | |
Ward, Edmond J. | Pvt. | 35810333 | |
Warman, Cecil E. | Pfc. | 32301393 | |
Warren, Robert, Jr. | Pvt. | 34871561 | |
Watford, Hurley D. | T/4 | 13074317 | |
KIA | Wegman, Robert F. | Sgt. | 20219187 |
Weiland, George K. (E.) | Pvt. | 36978325 | |
Weld, John R. | Pvt. | 39721638 | |
Wesson, Robert Randolph | Pfc. | 33860910 | |
West, John L. | Pfc. | 36685250 | |
West, William H. | Pfc. | 36108695 | |
Westberg, Niles R. | Pvt. | 31387578 | |
Wester, Phillip | Pfc. | 16061961 | |
Westling, Raymond A. | Sgt. | 32839356 | |
Whalen, Robert J. (T/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2014866 | |
Whalen, Robert J. (^2/Lt.) | T/Sgt. | 36875838 | |
Wheatley, Robert E. | Pfc. | 31237416 | |
White, David W. | Pfc. | 33860868 | |
White, John Z. | Sgt. | 6661825(.6) | |
Whitney, Harvey A. (L.) | T/4 | 37482662 | |
Widdoes, Elgie P. | Pvt. | 38693957 | |
Wilburn, James L. | Pvt. | 7082677 | |
Wilds, Howard W. | Cpl. | 33033356 | |
Wilkins, Fred S. | Pvt. | 34799286 | |
Williams, Morris L. | Capt. | O1041952 | |
Williams, Robert F. | Pfc. | 35923137(.87) | |
Wilson, Leon B. | T/Sgt. | 6874521 | |
Wise, Francis E. | Pvt. | 14123887 | |
Withrow, Lester B. | Pfc. | 15015763 | |
Wittbrodt, Anthony R. | 1/Lt. | O1180095 | |
Witte, Lawrence E. | SGM | 32610317 | |
Wladyga, Edward A. | Pvt. | 42009076 | |
Wlazlo, Thaddeus A. | Pvt. | 37583760 | |
Wofford, Tom R. | Pvt. | 34921977 | |
Wolfe, Elwood J. | Pfc. | 42122291 | |
Wolfe, Louis L. | Pvt. | 33715748 | |
Woods, Paul | Sgt. | 35035120 | |
Wopperer, Robert F. | Pvt. | 42090974 | |
Wright, William V. | Pfc. | 35082153(.5) | |
Wunder, Robert | Pvt. | ||
Wyckoff, Edward T. | Pvt. | 32933073 | |
Yedoutz, Anthony | Pvt. | 31408914 | |
Yelland, Lewis H. | Sgt. | 39078731 | |
Yesledahl, DonaLd S. | T/5 | 37556637 | |
York, Larry S. | Pfc. | 34970474 | |
York, Virgil E. | S/Sgt. | 6256053 | |
Young, Dwight W. | Pvt. | 37736125 | |
Zawadski, Joseph P. (.dzki) | Pfc. | 32572108 | |
Zedalis, Frank | Pvt. | 35892744 | |
Zich, Harold W. | 2/Lt. | O1323993 | |
Zimmerman, Emil J. | Pvt. | 34986594 | |
Zywicki, Felix A. | Pvt. | 33613783 |
1- 63rd infantry division association
2- Research and Records from Timothy A. Malone