Technician fifth grade Harold M. Sterrett 38008547

Technician fifth grade Harold M. Sterrett 38008547 KIA US Army. Born 14 June 1914 in La Jara, Colorado. Attended La Jara schools and was a chef prior to entering service on 10 July 1941, at the age of 27. Trained in louisiana, California, and Virginia ; and served in the European Theater (ETO) with Company D, 33rd Armored 3rd Armored Division. He Fought in Normandy, Northern France and Rhineland, and was killed in action on 10 September 1944 in Belgium, at the age of 30. Posthumously awarded the Purple Heart (PHM), he also earned the European African Middle Eastern Theater of operations ETO with 3 Stars, American Defense, American Theater, and Good Conduct Medal, World War Two Victory Medal. Brother of Mrs. Hazel I. Keever of Greeley. 



1- THE FIGHTING MEN OF Colorado – Asiatic-Pacific Theater World War Two – 1948

2- US Headstone and Interment records for US Military.
