Pvt. James E. Dansby,

Pvt. James E. Dansby 38179075, US Army. He was born in 1916, the son of the late Mr. J . and Mrs. Lara Dansby, of Prescott, Ark., He entered the Army on June 26, 1942, training at Ft. Dix, N. J. Served in Africa, Italy and Sicily, ETO receiving the Good Conduct Medal and three Battle Stars on the ETO Medal. He was honorably discharged on February 24, 1945.

Pvt. James E. Dansby 38179075, US Army. He was born in 1916, the son of the late Mr. J . and Mrs. Lara Dansby, of Prescott, Ark., He entered the Army on June 26, 1942, training at Ft. Dix, N. J. Served in Africa, Italy and Sicily, ETO receiving the Good Conduct Medal and three Battle Stars on the ETO Medal. He was honorably discharged on February 24, 1945.


1- The Men and Women of Nevada County Arkansas in World War Two

2- https://aad.archives.gov/aad/record-detail.jsp?dt=893&mtch=3&cat=all&tf=F&q=James+Dansby&bc=sl,sd&rpp=10&pg=1&rid=7181054&rlst=6710895,7181054,1547695