A Company 255th Infantry regiment 63rd Infantry Division
Back to the 255th Infantry Regiment
Abbott, Jesse R. | Pvt. | 36875024 | |
Acosta, Victor R. | Pfc. | 38026623 | |
Adams, George E. | Sgt. | 31450067 | |
Adams, Herbert H. | Pvt. | 34842287 | |
Ainslie, Issac H. | Pfc. | 37692813 | |
Akey, Gerald L. | 2/Lt. | O1321984 | |
Albi, Rudolph F. | Pvt. | 33733573 | |
Albrecht, Marvin E. | Sgt. | 37692876 | |
Albrecht, Victor C. | Sgt. | 32771535 | |
Albright, William P. | Pfc. | 37685352 | |
Alexander, Charles | 1/Lt. | O452315 | |
Alexander, Clarence E. | Pfc. | 35585370 | |
Allen, Carl L. | Pfc. | 34971177 | |
Allen, Charles W. | Pfc. | 37692860 | |
Allen, Joseph L. | Pvt. | 37692805 | |
Allen, Lester G. | Pvt. | 36690554 | |
Allen, Louis B. | Pfc. | 34882819 | |
Allen, Warren R. | Pvt. | 36875630 | |
Alvin, Webb B. | T/4 | 14110798 | |
Ames, Joseph L. | Sgt. | 37626231 | |
Ammell, Walter E. | T/5 | 12097897 | |
Amundson, Gordon D. (A.) | 2/Lt. | O524562 | |
Anders, Carl R. | Pvt. | 37692931 | |
Andersen, Harold J. | S/Sgt. | 11115628 | |
Anderson, Douglas A. | Pvt. | 36872938 | |
Anderson, Leonard H. | Pfc. | 35813928 | |
Anderson, Paul E. | Cpl. | 35374518 | |
Anderson, Raymond | Pfc. | 35599775 | |
Anderson, Samuel A. | Pfc. | 38026631 | |
Andreen, James | Pvt. | 32033619 | |
Aneweer, Lawrence B. (Anne) | Pvt. | 37692858 | |
Apgar, John J. | Pfc. | 32237507 | |
Arellano, Rubin A. | Pfc. | 39019808 | |
Arnold, | Pfc. | 33656897 | |
Arvizu, David | S/Sgt. | 36880612 | |
Ashbaugh, Robert P. | Pfc. | 35070704 | |
Ashley, Lee R. | Pfc. | 7008394 | |
Ault, Earl L. | Pvt. | 34882506 | |
Avant, | Pfc. | 34845121 | |
Avery, John S. | Pvt. | 37692812 | |
Babler, Connie H. | S/Sgt. | 20655614 | |
Bailes, Julian E. | 2/Lt. | O1326231 | |
Baker, Donald E. | Pfc. | 15121794 | |
Bakos, Christopher | Pvt. | 42009707 | |
Baksa, Roland J. | Pfc. | 16157247 | |
Baldwin, Allen A. | Pfc. | 37692822 | |
Banks, Albert B. | Pvt. | 37692819 | |
Bankson, William J. | Pfc. | 37692937 | |
Barnhart, Charles | Pfc. | 33843914 | |
Barr, Robert G. | Pvt. | 31376204 | |
Barrett, Daniel J. | Pfc. | 39838018 | |
Barringer, Harvey N. | Pfc. | 12161238 | |
Barrows, Robert B. | S/Sgt. | 31043994 | |
Baru, Herbert T. | Pvt. | 32839830 | |
Batchelder, Hartley G., Jr. | Pfc. | 31319954 | |
Batey, William F. | Pfc. | 34371939 | |
Baverfeldt, Gustave R. | Pfc. | 16024909 | |
Beard, William D. | 1/Lt. | O2007196 | |
Beaulieu, Herbert J. | Pfc. | 37307590 | |
Beaumont, Eugene W. | Pfc. | 42021822 | |
Beck, John Edward | Sgt. | 35243948 ** | |
Beckett, George A., Jr. | Sgt. | 37692920 | |
Beemer, Robert J. | S/Sgt. | 32569790 | |
Beer, Martin T. | Pfc. | 37692785 | |
Beireis, James H. | Sgt. | 37692818 | |
Belluscio, Frank J. | S/Sgt. | 32055786 | |
Benante, Michael J. | Pvt. | 32943388 | |
Bennett, Charles H. | Sgt. | 33843290 | |
Bentley, Richard T., Jr. | Pfc. | 33843326 | |
Benton, Russell M. | Pfc. | 35085975 | |
Bergast, Carl E. (Bergset) | Pfc. | 39618678(.68) | |
Berk, Richard B. | 2/Lt. | O546698(.9) | |
Berlin, Bernard S. | Pvt. | 31404992 | |
Bero, Louis J. | Pfc. | 36007477 | |
Berry, Robert H. (Pfc.^) | 2/Lt. | O2007086 | |
Berry, Robert H. (^2/Lt.) | Pfc. | 13130313 | |
Besho, Adolph M. | Sgt. | 32064718 | |
Bethel, Garvan C. | Pfc. | 13130314 | |
Betit, Florian A. | Pfc. | 31101366 | |
Bibb, Harold | Pfc. | 35101257 | |
Biederman, Edmund M. | T/5 | 42060046 | |
Binkley, Donald A. | Pfc. | 35084567 | |
Birdwell, Elmore R., Jr. | Pfc. | 38151449 | |
Bisi, Andrew J. | Pvt. | 31457660 | |
Black, Wade, Jr. | Pfc. | 35320996 | |
Blanchard, Earle J. | Pfc. | 31340578 | |
Blankenship, Glenn | Pfc. | 34981543 | |
Block, William F. | Pfc. | 37692975 | |
Blount, Eugene W. | Pfc. | 37692784 * | |
Blount, Reynolds E. | Pfc. | 20809258 | |
Boardman, Alfred W. | Pfc. | 36901062 | |
Boas, Wilbur L. | Pfc. | 37692961 | |
Boedeker, Martin W., Jr. | Pfc. | 35244106 | |
Boex, Lewis F. | 1/Lt. | O1288353 | |
Bolick, Hugh W. | Sgt. | 34890404 | |
Bondurant, Fred W., Jr. | 1/Lt. | O550346 | |
Boyd, James M. | Major | O24168 + | |
Brackett, Donald F. | Pvt. | 31431027 | |
Bradley, Harry A. | T/4 | 20258789 | |
Branning, Earl W. | T/5 | 33103336 | |
Breeden, Lawrence | Pfc. | 34498193 ? | |
Breinich, James E. | Pfc. | 37692974 | |
Brenneman, Glen E. | Pvt. | 37692788 | |
Brett, Delbert C. (^2/Lt.) | T/Sgt. | 6660807 | |
Brewster, Gene S. | Pfc. | 35798583 | |
Brickley, Robert G. | Pfc. | 35243890 | |
Briley, Donald H. | Pfc. | 37692904 | |
Brink, Edward A. | Pfc. | 37025005 | |
Brinkley, Leon | Pvt. | 39702787 | |
Britt, William NMI | Pvt. | 14035793 | |
Brittain, Dow J. | Pfc. | 37692838 | |
Brockel, Donald E. | 1/Lt. | O549492 | |
Brockman, Arthur K. | Pfc. | 37692977 | |
Broome, Jack E. | Pfc. | 14009244 | |
Brown, Gaius L., Sr. | Pvt. | 35848818 | |
Brown, George A., Jr. | 1/Lt. | O1326234 | |
Brown, James L. | Pfc. | 34352710 | |
Brown, William P. | Pvt. | 33732590 | |
Browning, Hosea L. | T/5 | 38140224 | |
Brownlee, William E. | Pvt. | 38427446 | |
Broxterman, Celestine W. | T/5 | 37193029 | |
Bruce, Daylon T. | Pvt. | 38608476 | |
Brumback, E. L. | Pvt. | 35458485 | |
Bryant, David L. | Pvt. | 35708344 | |
Buchanan, Paul C. | 2/Lt. | O2018282 | |
Buchholz, Elmer E. | Pfc. | 37692842 | |
Buck, Everett D. | Pvt. | 37692841 | |
Buckley, Eugene J. | T/5 | 35455859 | |
Bullis, Francis J. | Pfc. | 12034861 | |
Buniecki, Bernard J. | Pfc. | 36645676 | |
Burbank, Donald C. | Pfc. | 31345012 | |
Burkett, Orville G. | Pfc. | 33764700 | |
Burkhardt, Charles H. | Pvt. | 42031245 | |
Burnett, Marvin F. | Pvt. | 39919585 | |
Burrows, Powell E. | Pfc. | 35236228 | |
Burton, Roy L. | T/4 | 15197185 | |
Burton, William E. | Pfc. | 37693006 | |
Buryk, John | Pfc. | 42009029 | |
Buss, Alfred H. | Pfc. | 37692881 | |
Butler, Jesse L. | Pvt. | 37692968 | |
Butler, Sean D. | 1/Lt. | O1315137 | |
Byars, Frank G. | Pvt. | 34883429 | |
Byrd, Avery R. | Pvt. | 33662369 | |
Byrd, Jerry T. | Pfc. | 13137605 | |
Byrne, John F. | S/Sgt. | 31136825 | |
Cabana, Louis R. | T/4 | 31370905 | |
Cagle, Clyde O. | Sgt. | 34282822 | |
Calce, Peter | Pfc. | 42009974 | |
Calmes, Shelby G. | Pfc. | 15335365 | |
Cammon, William E. (Ga.,H.) | S/Sgt. | 35814324 | |
Campbell, Robert M | Pfc. | 37692988 | |
Campbell, Wayne A. | Pfc. | 37692923 | |
Cannata, Salvatore J. | Pfc. | 32236417 | |
Cannon, Stanley B., Sr. | Pfc. | 37738541 | |
Capilli, Stephen | Pvt. | 33794090 | |
Cardwell, William H. | Pvt. | 33797991 | |
Carney, Joseph F. | Pfc. | 33273266 | |
Carr, Edward J. | T/5 | 37692919 | |
Carrick, Ray | Pfc. | 37259038 | |
Carroll, Paul E. | T/5 | 33405746 | |
Carty, Robert E. | S/Sgt. | 33532865 | |
Carver, Henry H. | Pvt. | 34882296 | |
Cary, John R. | Pfc. | 37693011 | |
Casale, Christopher J. | Pfc. | 32881207 | |
Case, Homer F. | Pfc. | 15015497 | |
Castrichini, Alexander C. | T/5 | 31077786 | |
Cathey, Woodrow W. | Pfc. | 20429406 | |
Caton, Eugene R. | Sgt. | 37692900 | |
Causer, Eugene | Pvt. | 33248175 | |
Certo, Pasquale A. | Pfc. | 32538925 | |
Chadwick, James A. | Sgt. | 34538827 | |
Chaffee, Edward E. | Pfc. | 31339666 | |
Chamberlain, Marion L. | Sgt. | 37692852 | |
Chambers, William G.(S/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2007078 | |
Chambers, William G.(^2/Lt.) | S/Sgt. | 11086132 | |
Chapman, Edgar W. | Pfc. | 33661789 | |
Chavez, Johnnie B. | Pvt. | 38580234 | |
Chikey, Raymond P. | Pfc. | 33021830 ? | |
Christensen, Elmer M. | Pfc. | 39301272 | |
Christy, Donald E. | S/Sgt. | 37692934 | |
Chung, Wah O. | S/Sgt. | 39116738 | |
Church, William R. | Cpl. | 36577810 | |
Ciccotti, Louis M. | S/Sgt. | 32370376 | |
Cinaglia, Anthony | Pvt. | 32955761 | |
Cincinelli, James J. | Pvt. | 36831315(.6) | |
Clark, James Francis | Capt. | O1312663 + | |
Clark, Jeremiah H. | Pvt. | 39919219 | |
Clark, Vance W. ? | T/5 | 39826808 | |
Clayton, LeRoy W. | T/5 | 35343918 | |
Cleave, Walter H. | Sgt. | 36320235 | |
Coggin, John B. | Pfc. | 34771233 | |
Coleman, Francis J. | Pfc. | 36685534 | |
Coltin, Daniel I. | 1/Lt. | O1317075 | |
Colton, Robert E. | Pfc. | 37550818 | |
Colvin, William S. | Pvt. | 36863099 | |
Commerford, Ernest V. | Pfc. | 39838076 | |
Conners, John M. | T/5 | 31128792 | |
Connolly, Arthur F. | T/5 | 32829053 | |
Connor, Frederick G., Jr. | Cpl. | 11083335 | |
Conolly, Richard W. | Pvt. | 7024185 | |
Conrad, Leslie E. | Pvt. | 36777802 | |
Consul, Louis (Counsal?) | |||
Cook, Lester V. | Pfc. | 42084864 | |
Coon, Norman F. | S/Sgt. | 31458413 | |
Cooper, Alvin M. | Pfc. | 37692832 | |
Corcoran, Edward J. | Sgt. | 36112418 | |
Corkwell, Harold L. | Pvt. | 35415396 | |
Cornell, William E. | Pfc. | 20643055 | |
Cornett, Jules V. | S/Sgt. | 6277157 | |
Corr, Bernard | Pfc. | 33341273 | |
Cortesi, Secondo | Pfc. | 31370956 | |
Coulter, Kenneth J. | 2/Lt. | O2011526 | |
Couniham, Richard L. (.han) | Pfc. | 36686388(.2) | |
Cowie, Robert L. | 1/Lt. | O1043303 | |
Cozart, Clarence A. | Pfc. | 34679233 | |
Crabb, Raymond L. | Pfc. | 39467482(32.) | |
Craft, Edward L. | Sgt. | 33756719 | |
Cramer, Robert M. | Pfc. | 36845300 | |
Cremer, Francis A. | T/5 | 37692720 | |
KIA | Crittenden, Clyde W. | Pfc. | 36522793 |
Crocker, George A. | T/Sgt. | 13074263 | |
Croom, Aubrey E. | Pvt. | 34882019 | |
Crowder, Thurman E. | Pvt. | 34829596 | |
Cummings, Leon C. | Pfc. | 12028335(.4) | |
Cvitonavich, Steve M. | Pfc. | 37692907 | |
Cwalinski, Chester J. | Pfc. | 35314593 | |
Cybulski, Walter A. | Pfc. | 36163071 | |
Dabney, Otis L. | Pvt. | 37692948 | |
Dagen, Paul P. | Pvt. | 42030094(.940) | |
Dahlka, Edward A. | Pfc. | 36145053 | |
Dalton, Andrew L. | Pfc. | 32218607 | |
Danielson, John F. W., Jr. | Pvt. | 37692967 | |
Danielson, Robert L. | Sgt. | 37693005 | |
Darling, William D. | Pfc. | 33562273 | |
Davies, John E. | Pfc. | 37692985 | |
Davis, Lewis E. | Pvt. | 34882670 | |
Davis, Richard H. | Pvt. | 32733212 | |
DeBerg, Ben | Pfc. | 37692865 | |
DeFrancisci, Christopher L. | Pvt. | 33908050(.4) | |
DeGuiseppe, Nicholas P. | Pvt. | 32913100 | |
Delessio, William E. | Pfc. | 33702795 | |
Delorenzo, Salvatore | T/5 | 32326857 | |
Demma, John | T/4 | 32980575 | |
Denekas, John A., Jr, | S/Sgt. | 37693013 | |
DePersenaire, James E. | Sgt. | 6976083 | |
DePoldo, Anthony R. | Pvt. | 36690838 | |
Derr, David | T/4 | 33787031 | |
DeYulis, Mario A. | Pfc. | 33149492 | |
Dickey, Joseph E. | Pvt. | 32302484 | |
Diehl, George F. | Cpl. | 33795930 | |
DiGiovanni, Phillip W. | Pvt. | 36684666 | |
DiSabatino, Anthony J. | Pvt. | 42007802 | |
Dismer, Charles, Jr. | T/5 | 37692993 + | |
Dixon, Ray S. | Pfc. | 14129011 | |
Dixon, Richard V. | Sgt. | 37692828 | |
Dixon, Vernon | 1/Sgt. | 6912182 | |
Dodd, Joe C. | Pfc. | 37692853 | |
Dodson, Kenneth M. | Pfc. | 33515396 | |
KIA | Dolan, Charles J. | Pfc. | 42119169 |
Dollar, Hiram B. | Pfc. | 14036667 | |
KIA | Donat, Gale M. | Pfc. | 37683586 |
Donnelly, James N. | T/5 | 33795282 | |
Donovan, William H. | S/Sgt. | 32042292 | |
Doran, Vernon F. | T/5 | 16126265 | |
Douglas, Clyde A. | Pfc. | 34882665 | |
Douglas, Darrell V. | 1/Lt. | O1298041 | |
KIA | Downing, Ben R. | Pfc. | 37692952 |
Drabick, Joseph | Sgt. | 32851589 | |
Drennan, Charles E. | Pvt. | 34779972 | |
Druda, Dante V. | Pfc. | 42008745 | |
Drzewiecki, Raymond | Pvt. | 35227518 | |
DuBois, John W. | Pfc. | 36876307 | |
DuBose, Clarence Ray | S/Sgt. | 34931927 | |
Dudley, Russell E. | Pfc. | 37692906 + | |
Dunlavy, Bert B. | Pfc. | 37692936 | |
Dunsmore, Wallace E. | S/Sgt. | 32956448 | |
Duran, Enrique G. | Pvt. | 32960482 | |
D’Aprix, Warren D. | Pfc. | 32493599 | |
Eaker, Leo (^2/Lt.) | S/Sgt. | 32774565 | |
Ebeling, Marvin H. | Sgt. | 35162787 | |
Edmonds, Julius T. | Pfc. | 34833289 | |
Edwards, Anthony J. | S/Sgt. | 36000080 | |
Eggleton, Harvey D. | Pfc. | 34779619 | |
Eichentopf, Edward W. | Pvt. | 42042949 | |
Eksouzian, Simon | Pfc. | 42036064 | |
Elliott, Clarence L., Sr. | Pvt. | 38502997 | |
Ellis, Edward S. | Pfc. | 14110442 | |
Elmore, Robert C. | S/Sgt. | 7007976 | |
Enderes, Ivan A. | Pfc. | 37692927 | |
Erb, George F. | Pvt. | 37692895 | |
Erickson, Earl A. | Pfc. | 37692884 | |
Erquiaga, Fernando | Pfc. | 39016010 | |
Erstad, Walter F. | Pfc. | 37699313 | |
Erzinger, Edward J. | Pfc. | 16035748 | |
Eskow, Orion T., Jr. (Eskew) | Pvt. | 35708704 | |
Esposito, Alphonse | T/5 | 32652819 | |
Ette, Joseph W. (Ettie) | Pvt. | 37692811 | |
Euresti, Jessie F., Jr. | Pvt. | 35227197 | |
Evans, Harry O. | Pfc. | 33702777 | |
Famigletti, Eugene M. | Pvt. | 42178375 | |
Favero, Joseph L. | S/Sgt. | 42008107 + | |
Feakes, Richard A. | Pfc. | 39346462 | |
Feig, David | Pvt. | 42031205 | |
Feldbauer, Michael G. | Pfc. | 33434180 | |
Ferguson, Burton L. | 1/Sgt. | 36013062 | |
Ferguson, Curtis S. | T/4 | 20807625 | |
Ferguson, Raymond M. | Pfc. | 20823682 | |
Ferrell, Leslie E. | Sgt. | 14122329 | |
Ferriero, Anthony M. | S/Sgt. | 42009173 | |
Fialkov, Herman | Pfc. | 12144153 * | |
Fiedler, Richard G. | Pfc. | 37594220 | |
Fishman, Frank F. | Pvt. | 7024472 | |
Flowers, Robert M. | S/Sgt. | 37326193 | |
Foanio, James A. | Pvt. | 33772968 | |
Fokes, Joel W. | Pfc. | 14102402 | |
Folgierski, Adam J. | Pfc. | 42030063 | |
Ford, Everett E. | Pvt. | 42008650 | |
Forestieri, John J. | Pfc. | 42077471 | |
Foss, Charles G. | Pfc. | 36626014 | |
Foster, Roy | Pvt. | 34282976 | |
KIA | Franco, Antonio M. | Pfc. | 38394098 |
DOW | Franey, Richard J. | Pfc. | 31308594 |
Franke, Hyron W. | Pfc. | 7032239 | |
Fredricksen, Dale J. | Pfc. | 6859675 | |
KIA | Freil, James W. | S/Sgt. | 34971180 |
Friddle, Harold E. | Capt. | O311301 | |
Frields, James A. | T/5 | 20532850 | |
Fries, John H. | Pvt. | 16106295(.6) | |
Frostad, Arthur E. | Pvt. | 39467413 | |
Frugoli, Ernie F. | Pfc. | 39827398 | |
Fryman, Lawrence R. | Pfc. | 33683023 | |
DOW | Fujarczuk, Theodore | Pfc. | 42100014 |
Fullbright, Harold A. (M.) | Pfc. | 38698327 | |
Fuller, Delford | Pvt. | 37350653 | |
Gage, Onnie H. | S/Sgt. | 38037459 | |
Gagne, Antonio A. | Pfc. | 31351904 | |
Gammon, William H. | Pfc. | 35814324 | |
Gann, Joseph H. | Pfc. | 37745421 | |
Garrett, James | Pfc. | 35883138 | |
Gary, Glynn | Pfc. | 34981125(3596.) | |
Gasser, Alphonse E. | Pfc. | 35227588 | |
Gaughan, Jan | |||
Gebhardt, John F., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O1320519 | |
Geiger, Lawrence A. | T/Sgt. | 32943341 | |
Gergol, James | Pfc. | 36318726 | |
Giberson, James J. | Pfc. | 36784681 | |
Gibson, James B. | Pfc. | 33702501 | |
Giuli, Harry | Pvt. | 39035714 | |
Glendon, Thomas V. | T/5 | 17080853 | |
Glover, Paul R. | Pfc. | 36416627 | |
Goad, William H. | Pvt. | 34679071 | |
Goldschmidt, Harry C. | Pvt. | 33734633 | |
Gonzales, Clifford L. | Pvt. | 19083452 | |
Goodwin, Archie L. | T/Sgt. | 18135698 | |
Goossens, Thomas W. | Pfc. | 36483782 | |
Gordon, James M. | Pfc. | 14022288 | |
Goulet, Raymond F. | Cpl. | 39605339 | |
KIA | Goulet, Rene E. | Pfc. | 31235584 |
Grandfield, Richard | Pfc. | 33589812 | |
Grassmick, Victor H. | M/Sgt. | 36108703 | |
Green, Clyde J. | S/Sgt. | 34657814 | |
Grundman, Abe M. | Pvt. | 37692980 | |
Guire, Dominick R. | Pfc. | 32430842 | |
Guman, Emil J. | Pvt. | 33700066 | |
Hager, Winfred L. | Pfc. | 35200853 | |
Hall, Clarence J. | Pfc. | 33692466 | |
Hall, Raymond J. | Cpl. | 20733362 | |
Hall, Wesley T. | 2/Lt. | O1322332 | |
Hallett, Webster D. | Pvt. | 38592725 | |
Hammett, Maurice C. | Sgt. | 34449063 | |
Hammill, William G. | Pvt. | 42007939 | |
Hampton, Kenneth D. | Pfc. | 37692897 | |
Haney, Joseph R., Jr. | Pvt. | 33702515 | |
Hanson, Ole B. | 2/Lt. | O2018339 | |
Hardy, Brent L. | Pvt. | 42143583 | |
Hardy, Harold D. | S/Sgt. | 37011006 | |
Hardy, Hilbert D. | Pfc. | 36690432 | |
Harms, J. J. | Pfc. | 37267907 | |
Harris, | Pvt. | 39203379 | |
Harris, Cleburn E. | Pfc. | 44031461 | |
Harris, George L., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O512969 | |
Harris, Louis H. | Pvt. | 20703377(39.) | |
Hartman, Charles H. | Pfc. | 31389862 | |
Harwell, Daniel W. | Pfc. | 38156406 | |
Harwood, Albert G. | Pfc. | 34961009 | |
Hasche, Lowell C. ? | T/5 | 17108191 | |
Hasselbring, Reinhart | Capt. | O1291815 | |
Hatchett, Edward V. | Pfc. | 14005318 | |
Haviland, Francis C. | Pfc. | 42179153 | |
Hawkins, J. W. | T/5 | 34592474 | |
Hawley, Oren C. | Cpl. | 35651570 | |
Hayes, Emory Coyle | Pfc. | 34685536 | |
Hearn, Edward D. | T/4 | 19104904 | |
Heeley, Paul E. | Pfc. | 35932196 | |
Heit, Lorence | T/Sgt. | 42030106 | |
Helane, | 2/Lt. | O1312965 | |
Henry, Lewis | Pvt. | 39334585 | |
Hensley, Douglas G. | Pvt. | 33645722 | |
Hepner, Franklin T. | T/5 | 33638218 + | |
Hess, Donald G. | Pfc. | 39719222 | |
Heu, Nicholas | Pfc. | 42011054 | |
Hill, Odell W. (T/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2007065 | |
Hill, Odell W. (^2/Lt.) | T/Sgt. | 34434020 | |
Hinckley, Rennie | 1/Lt. | O1326327 | |
Hoiseth, Bernard | Pvt. | 39467356 | |
Holt, Frank B. | T/Sgt. | 14128219 | |
Holzer, Edward F. | Pfc. | 32926622 | |
Honeycutt, John C. | Pvt. | 34670374 | |
Hoover, Homer H. | 2/Lt. | O2017853 | |
Horvath, John | T/4 | 20750930 | |
Hough, George F. | T/5 | 35288155 | |
Houghton, Donald J. | S/Sgt. | 35357854 | |
Howarth, David, III | Pfc. | 42100094 | |
Howell, Walter L. | S/Sgt. | 35290592 | |
Hubert, Lawrence A. | Sgt. | 35726687 | |
Huff, William C. | T/5 | 34348887 | |
Humphrey, George F. | Sgt. | 32242068 ? | |
Hungerford, Simon R., III | Pfc. | 34981151(.61) | |
Hunt, Nelson | T/5 | 32070946 | |
Iannarone, John A. | Pvt. | 42008090 | |
Ikemire, Elmer Owen | Cpl. | 33685470 | |
Indictor, Charles | Pvt. | 33795206 | |
Ingordino, Adolph | Pfc. | 32773742 | |
Ingudino, James “Dodo” | Pvt. | ||
Iskovitz, Marvin A. | Pvt. | 36876686 | |
Jeanes, Dewey A. | T/5 | 37102573 | |
Jeffords, Alvin L. | Pvt. | 34871503 | |
Jeffrey, James C., Jr. | Pfc. | 18232601 | |
Jences, John F. | Pfc. | 6154075 | |
Jeneau, Paul, Jr. | S/Sgt. | 6926202 | |
Jenkins, Benjamin H., Jr. | Pvt. | 36695541 | |
Jessee, Samuel R. | Pfc. | 35444855 | |
Johndro, Edwin C. | Pfc. | 31376361 | |
Johnson, | Pvt. | 34871503 | |
Johnson, Alfred G. | Pvt. | 37594385 | |
Johnson, Eugene W. | Cpl. | 17041071 | |
Johnson, E. R. | Pfc. | 31420095 | |
Johnson, Harley E. | T/5 | 37437316 | |
Johnson, Harry B. | Pfc. | 34910730 | |
Johnson, John R. R. | Pvt. | 33798178 | |
Johnson, Melvin M. | Pfc. | 36230830 | |
Johnston, John M. | 2/Lt. | O548456 + | |
Jones, Harry C., Jr. | Sgt. | 34968423 | |
Jones, Kenneth C. | Cpl. | 39605274 | |
Jones, Robert H. W. | S/Sgt. | 39838049 | |
Jones, Robert M. | Pfc. | 15046513 | |
Jordan, Harry J. | Pvt. | 38661910 | |
Joyce, Russell A. | Cpl. | 33656095 | |
Judah, Bob J. | S/Sgt. | 34394838 | |
Juenger, Edward D. | Pvt. | 35224688(.6) | |
Juhass, Andrew R. | Pvt. | 42091284 | |
Juneau, Paul, Jr. | T/Sgt. | 6926202 | |
Kadushin, Alfred D. | Pfc. | 32995253 | |
Kaker, Leo | Pfc. | 32774565 ? | |
Karhi, Louis | Pfc. | 39605301 | |
Kaselonis, Joseph S. | T/5 | 42031647 ** | |
Kassakert, Albert H. | Pvt. | 33790536 | |
Keaton, Earl R. | 1/Lt. | O410054 | |
Keeley, Paul E. | Pfc. | 36932196 | |
Keener, Harold H. | T/4 | 34882419 | |
Kelley, Max C.? | S/Sgt. | 13178011 | |
Kellogg, Kenneth | Pfc. | 39288641 ** | |
Kendall, William D. | Pfc. | 37693007 | |
Kennemur, James R. | T/5 | 15361547 | |
Kent, James B. | Pfc. | 34351567 | |
Kepferberrg, Bernard | Pvt. | 42031080 | |
Kerrigan, Charles P. | Pfc. | 32162297 | |
Kersey, Melvin J. | S/Sgt. | 33062944 | |
Kershenbaum, Leo M. | Pfc. | 37009618 | |
Kertis, Joseph R. | Pvt. | 42010205 | |
Kilian, Franklin O. | Pfc. | 31195637 | |
Kimble, Melvin H. | Pvt. | 35760775 | |
Kirkendall, James H. | S/Sgt. | 32943295 | |
Kiser, Frederick E. | 1/Lt. | O347297 | |
Kistner, Wendell J. | Pfc. | 16020212 | |
Kleckner, James D. | T/4 | 37121851 | |
Klees, Fernand C. | Pfc. | 37312240 | |
Klemann, Howard W. | Pfc. | 32999196 | |
Klingler, Clarence W. | Pfc. | 33515146 | |
Kniss, Edgar B. | Pfc. | 36973436(.8) | |
Koinzin, Herman L. (Koizim) | Pvt. | 42008231 | |
Koncsol, Louis | Sgt. | 42010920 | |
Koons, (Sierbling?) | Pfc. | 32955779 | |
Kossina, Alouis J. | Pvt. | 36765869 | |
Kotar, Emory F. | Pfc. | 33698709 | |
Kovach, Jack W. | Pvt. | 33424885 | |
Kovacs, Julius J. | Pfc. | 32956226(3294.) | |
Kraemer, Billie C. | Pfc. | 37747263 | |
Krainik, Edward | Pfc. | 36876407 | |
Kramer, Eli | Pvt. | 6714188 | |
Krauter, William H. | Pfc. | 32826073 | |
Krenek, Victor R. | Pfc. | 38051562 | |
Kreul, LaVerne H. | T/Sgt. | 36804184 | |
Krolak, Leo J. | Pfc. | 12199713 | |
Krumey, John E. | Pvt. | 12157455 | |
Kruszewski, Sigmund P. | Pfc. | 32236260 | |
Kugler, | Pfc. | 33805410 | |
Kupferberg, Bernard “Ben” | Pvt. | 42031080 | |
Kuresti, Jessie F., Jr. | Pvt. | 35227197 | |
Kutscher, Robert W. | S/Sgt. | 15127406 * | |
Kyllingstad, Bryce L. | Pfc. | 37774454 | |
Lacovo, Pietro | Pfc. | ||
Lacy, Gerald S. | Pfc. | 33764415 | |
Lajiness, William D. | Pfc. | 36176576 | |
Lakomy, Felix A. | Sgt. | 36176297 | |
Laliberte, Joseph A. | T/5 | 31447941 | |
Lamborn, Reuel E. | Capt. | O416311 | |
Lamont, Raymond H. | Pfc. | 35226957 | |
LaMorte, Willard J. | Major | O394456 | |
Latiolais, Joseph C. | Sgt. | 38490153 ** | |
Law, Wallace M. | Sgt. | 38600520 | |
Lawson, John L., Sr. | Pvt. | 34795844 | |
Lazzara, Frank J. | Pfc. | 32998246 /VA | |
Lee, Eric C. | T/5 | 31377041 + | |
Lehto, William W. | Pfc. | 36830977 | |
Lentz, Daniel C. | Pvt. | 33511942 | |
Lester, John S. | Pvt. | 33702764 | |
Levine, Martin I. | Pfc. | 33794825 | |
Levinson, Arthur J. | Pfc. | 36357221 | |
Lewis, James D. | Pfc. | 35907205 | |
Licato, Charles (Licata) | Sgt. | 32902841 | |
Lindline, Walter J. | Pvt. | 33795287 | |
Lipnickey, Joseph | Cpl. | 33688410 | |
Lippert, Harold A. | T/5 | 36219747 | |
Livingston, Allan K. | Pvt. | 36831473 | |
Lizun, John | Pfc. | 33183558 | |
LoCoco, Sam T. | Pfc. | 39007698 | |
Logsdon, Clifford E. | Pfc. | 35811460 | |
Loomis, George L. | S/Sgt. | 39605330 | |
Loop, Donald W. | Pvt. | 39467573 | |
Looper, Lewis B. | Pvt. | 34965546 | |
Lopez, Alfredo V. | Pvt. | 39423423 | |
Lopez, Estaban H. | Pfc. | 38079017 | |
Loss, Harold E. | T/5 | 13022488 | |
Lowe, Aldon E. | Pvt. | 34367210 | |
Lowther, Oliver H. | Pvt. | 35848760(.30) | |
Luab, Walter C. | T/4 | 20807216 | |
Lucas, Edgar D. | T/4 | 34455867 | |
Lukotch, Daniel | Pfc. | 33699953(.2446) | |
Lukowski, William F. | Pfc. | 32956424 | |
Luria, Walter O. | Pfc. | 32942808 | |
Lusena, Robert J. | Pvt. | 31392330 | |
Lybrand, William M., Jr. | Pfc. | 34864756 | |
Lyson, Lloyd O. | T/5 | 37316983 | |
MacDougall, Douglas | Sgt. | 32971229 | |
MacIver, Farquhar W. | T/5 | 32204313 | |
Magagnotti, Aldo V. | Pvt. | 33687664 | |
Mahon, | T/5 | 11116035 | |
Mainas, Martin A. | Pfc. | 37316694 | |
Maish, Alvern | Pfc. | 37288507 | |
Malan, Thomas E. | Pfc. | 36740046 + | |
Malloy, Charles H. | Pfc. | 33786604 ** | |
Malnaa, Marlin A. | Pfc. | 37316694 | |
Malone, James P. | Pfc. | 33797935 | |
Mamich, Nicholas | T/5 | 33267115 | |
Mandeville, Hubert E. | 1/Lt. | O1314657 | |
KIA | Manzitto, Frank | Pfc. | 37488218 |
Marcellino, Domenic | |||
Marchington, Ray H. | S/Sgt. | 19067990 | |
Marcus, Leonard J. | Pvt. | 16120714 | |
Marinelli, John | Pfc. | 33702802 | |
Market, John J. | Pfc. | 16010504 | |
Markley, Charles F. | Sgt. | 6668444 | |
Marks, Harry W., Jr. | Pfc. | 20125648 | |
Marrinelli, John | Pfc. | 33702802 | |
Marsinetti, Gildo | Pfc. | 33292525 | |
Marszalek, Henry P. | Pvt. | 35893435 | |
Martell, Edward A. | Pfc. | 31446923 | |
Martin, Albert D. | Pfc. | 33907131 | |
Martin, Albert D. | Sgt. | 36670091 ? | |
Martin, Howard C. | Pvt. | 33654674 | |
Martin, Richard F. | Pvt. | 39467827 | |
KIA | Martin, Travis H. | S/Sgt. | 34588390 |
Martinak, Raymond J. | |||
Mater, | Pfc. | 35921669 | |
Matheson, Robert C. | Pfc. | 36875869 | |
Mauk, Francis M. | T/5 | 35019440 | |
Maxin, Carl S., Jr. | Pfc. | 33439621 | |
May, Clyde A. | Pvt. | 33616122 | |
McAnally, James E. | Pfc. | 38517499 | |
McCabe, James P. | Pfc. | 32994421 | |
McCarel, Charles L. | Cpl. | 35893181 | |
McClain, Walter B. | Cpl. | 34509034 ? | |
McCoy, Harvey B. | Pvt. | 34966313 | |
McEntire, Howard B. | Pfc. | 34456013 | |
McGeehan, Austin J. | Pfc. | 33610186 | |
McGonigal, Joseph W. | Sgt. | 36685911 | |
McGough, William M. | 2/Lt. | O2017729 | |
McGrath, Joseph | Pfc. | 32241564 | |
McGuire, Thomas C. | 1/Sgt. | 14000096 | |
McGurgan, James J. | Pvt. | 33700185 | |
McHone, Benton B. | S/Sgt. | 14009922 | |
McNair, Joseph C. | Pfc. | 34276879 | |
McNatt, Franklin T. | Pfc. | 37753756 | |
McNevin, Thomas J. | Pvt. | 42066372 | |
McNutt, Paul L. | Pvt. | 35246655 | |
McQuillin, Stafford T. | S/Sgt. | 32239382 | |
Meeker, Homer R. | Pfc. | 37692943 | |
Meier, John R. | 1/Lt. | O1314524 | |
Melane, Edward C. | 2/Lt. | O1312965 + | |
Mendozzi, Roger P. | Pfc. | 31449754 | |
Menzione, Alexander J. | Cpl. | 32235606 | |
Merolli, Joseph F. | Pvt. | 31422724 | |
Merrill, Marlin | Pfc. | ||
Mersham, Edward K. ? | S/Sgt. | 17043650 | |
Miceli, John J. | Pvt. | 42014177 | |
Miller, Edwin Henry | Pfc. | 20645889 | |
Miller, George W. | Pfc. | 36474745 | |
Miller, Harry M. | Cpl. | 33111775 | |
Miller, Ronald N. | Pvt. | 37486035 | |
Miller, Walter H., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O1177095 | |
Millsaps, Gerald A. | S/Sgt. | 34971134 | |
Mims, Garlon J. | Pvt. | 34819153 | |
Minton, William H. | Pfc. | 6667231 | |
Mitchell, Bobby L. | Pvt. | 39338842 | |
Mitchell, Frank | Pfc. | 36909430 | |
Mitchell, Lawrence J. | Pfc. | 37052460 | |
Mobley, James L. | T/5 | 14128779 | |
Molini, Jack L. | Pvt. | 39412645 | |
Moller, Alfred J. | T/5 | 37461059 | |
Mondor, Ramon K. | S/Sgt. | 39467557 | |
Moncus, James R. | Pfc. | 34971109 | |
Montalbano, Peter J. | Pvt. | 42009993 | |
Mooney, Ernest R. | Pfc. | 37692940 | |
Moore, Lynn E. | Pfc. | 33012972 | |
Morgan, Milton J. | Cpl. | 33699292 + | |
Morgan, Richard C. | Pfc. | 36852530 | |
Morin, Emile | Pvt. | 31379294 | |
Morris, Robert R. | Sgt. | 36962313 | |
Morrison, Robert Warren | Pfc. | 36473542 | |
Morrow, Merle R. | Pfc. | 34890047 | |
Morrows, Albert | Pfc. | 42010137 | |
Mortle, Glenn S. | Pfc. | 33923247 | |
Moseley, Wade O. | Pvt. | 34678968 | |
Mroz, Edward J. | Pfc. | 42106736 | |
Mumy, Nile E. (Nila)(A.) | Pfc. | 36473420 | |
Murphy, Raymond J. | Pvt. | 33699826 | |
Murray, Louis D. | Cpl. | 34132441 | |
Muschiano, Peter A. | T/Sgt. | 31181712 | |
KIA | Myers, Arthur W. | Pfc. | 36473419 |
Myers, John W. | Pfc. | 36184213 ? | |
Myers, Ralph A. (R.) | Pfc. | 35066031 | |
Myers, Theron R. | S/Sgt. | 33515369 | |
Neberman, Roy Arthur | T/5 | 36673909 | |
Nelson, Fred J. | Pfc. | 34971040 | |
Nelson, James E. | Pfc. | 34971081 | |
Nelson, Judson M. | S/Sgt. | 37316979 | |
Newman, Ralph W. | Pfc. | 14012390 | |
Nicholas, Roy W. | T/5 | 35213186 | |
Nichols, Thomas E. | T/5 | 39117681 | |
Nienow, Jesse A. (H.) | Pfc. | 37424210 | |
Nolin, Huey | Pfc. | 34544150 | |
Norris, Charles E. | Pfc. | 6665417 | |
Nota, Ralph T. | Pfc. | 42010516 | |
Noto, Matthew A. | Pfc. | 42031306 | |
Noworyta, Edward J. | Pfc. | 35364707 | |
Nutter, John W. | Pvt. | 35655809 | |
Oakes, Douglas T. | S/Sgt. | 20467199 | |
Occhipinti, Frank | Pvt. | 31459708 | |
KIA | Okal, Joseph T. | T/5 | 33177610 |
Olenick, Daniel | Pfc. | 33615135 | |
Ordway, Melvin L. | Pfc. | 35227415 | |
Ortiz, Frank | Pvt. | 42009382 | |
Osburn, Russell E. | Pfc. | 35381561 | |
Ostrum, Stanley E. | T/5 | 39600586 | |
Overstreet, Thomas R. | 1/Sgt. | 6386184 | |
Overton, Albert N. | Cpl. | 34367150 | |
Overton, Roy A. | Pvt. | 35281543 | |
Owings, Henry B. | Pfc. | 33956790 | |
O’Donnell, James J. | S/Sgt. | 31211939 | |
O’Neil, Orland J. | S/Sgt. | 6918791 | |
Pagnano, James C. | Pvt. | 42009413 | |
Palanzo, Edward J. | Pfc. | 33702971 | |
Pannell, Jack D. | Pfc. | 39179520(38.?) | |
Paolicelli, Nicholas J. | Pfc. | 32719337 | |
Paoliochi, Robert L. | Pfc. | 36644992 | |
Pappas, Steve | Pvt. | 36684802 | |
Paradise, Salvatore | |||
Parker, Hoyt D. | T/4 | 34208407 | |
Parker, Louis | Pvt. | 34230203 | |
Parrish, William J. | T/5 | 34465422 | |
Parry, Donald O. | Pfc. | 37481636 + | |
Patrick, Bower R., Jr. | Pfc. | 33634326 | |
Patterson, James J. | Pvt. | 38603397 | |
Patterson, Ray M. | Pfc. | 39338541 | |
Pavese, Joseph N. | Pvt. | 33610178 | |
Payne, Clyde L. | Pfc. | 18074995 | |
Peeples, Wilson E. | Pfc. | 34099952 | |
Penwell, Lawrence J. | Cpl. | 35455509 | |
Perez, Pete M. | S/Sgt. | 39865078 | |
Perham, Russell B. | 1/Lt. | O1326197 | |
Perry, Edward N. | Pfc. | 36750176 | |
Perry, Robert H. | Pvt. | 13130313 | |
Perry, Wilbur E. | Pfc. | 35227760 | |
Peters, Ralph W. | T/5 | 36165378 | |
Phelps, Donald F. | T/3 | 37089291 | |
Phillips, Charles E. | Capt. | O305856(.36) | |
Pierce, Thomas W. | Pvt. | 38697863 | |
Pietroiacovo, Nicholas | Pfc. | 35063759 | |
Pikey, William A. | Cpl. | 37372416 | |
Piper, Quinton W. | Pfc. | 36350303 | |
Pitz, Henry W. | T/5 | 36152542 | |
Platz, Leonard P. | Pfc. | 15107835 | |
Poe, Deadrick T. | Pvt. | 34883007 | |
Polce, Giuseppe | Pvt. | 31181867 | |
Polito, Louis A. | T/4 | 33118124 | |
Poncho, Calvin C. | Pfc. | 39338893 | |
Popyk, Walter | Pvt. | 42009310 | |
Porter, Arthur L. | Pfc. | 37409554 | |
Prisinzano, John A. | Pvt. | 42129824 | |
Proctor, Ralph R.? | Pfc. | 38131566 | |
Protin, Arthur W. | Pvt. | 42008726 | |
Proud, Charles E. | Pvt. | 35893261 | |
Provence, Herschel P. | Pfc. | 35790941 | |
Prysi, Henry F. | 1/Lt. | O1312223 | |
Pucevich, Michael, Jr. | T/4 | 35283252 | |
Pulec, Charles | Pfc. | 37202852 | |
Purdy, Arthur P. | T/Sgt. | 15304058 | |
Putze, Alfred H. | Pfc. | 36858315 | |
Quinn, Thomas E. | T/Sgt. | 35098944 | |
Rabideau, Alfred J. | Pfc. | 32850998 | |
Rambow, Louis A. | T/5 | 36551933 | |
Ramirez, Jose O. | Pfc. | 38253640 | |
Ramirez, Michael A. | Pvt. | 38541153 | |
Ramos, Raymond C. | Pfc. | 20841496 | |
Rask, Carl | Pfc. | 39138786 | |
Rausin, Wesley L. | T/Sgt. | 6931925 | |
Ray, Walter C. | Cpl. | 36054920 | |
Raymond, Duncan W. | T/5 | 32843160 | |
Read, Albert V. | Sgt. | 38137201 | |
Reaghart, Ralph C. | Pfc. | 33407017 | |
Reed, Robert T. | Sgt. | 31042951 | |
Reilly, Thomas J., Jr. | Pvt. | 32956009 | |
Remington, Arthur P. | Pfc. | 32241571 | |
Rescigno, Vincent A. | Pvt. | 42008892 | |
Restrepo-de Marquez, Geo. J. | Pfc. | 32505922 | |
Rex, Walter T. | Pvt. | 33796332 | |
Riccardi, Benjamin A. | S/Sgt. | 32772885 | |
Rice, Lewis N. (H.) | Sgt. | 33751475 | |
Richardson, Joe B. | Cpl. | 38121665 | |
Riech, Arthur A. | Pvt. | 36685988 | |
Rifice, Carl | Pfc. | 32955744 | |
Ringstead, Kenneth R. | Pfc. | 31458570 | |
Ritchie, Cecil C. | 1/Lt. | O1286362 | |
Ritz, Gustave E., Jr. | Pfc. | 42098672 | |
Roberts, Dennis W. | Cpl. | 36349504 | |
Roberts, George J. | Pvt. | 42075092 | |
Roberts, George J., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O1320920 | |
Roberts, James E. | Pfc. | 33030216 | |
Roberts, Ulysses G. | Pfc. | 33281522 | |
Roberts, Walter N. | Cpl. | 14128819 | |
Robinson, George A., Jr. | Pfc. | 33924196 | |
Robinson, James H. | Pfc. | 42010267(.87/.76) | |
Robinson, Russell | Pfc. | 35650008 | |
Rock, Chester J. | Pfc. | 33058417 | |
Rodgers, Burton L. | Pvt. | 35227208 | |
Roetz, Edward A. | Pfc. | 36503709 | |
Rogers, Russell L. | Pvt. | 38666500 | |
Romano, Warren R. | Pvt. | 36831279 | |
Ronquille, Alvin W. | Pfc. | 38310494 | |
Rosenberg, Samuel | Pvt. | 32999404 | |
Rossi, Albert J. (Ross) | Pvt. | 42120493 | |
Rothman, Robert | Cpl. | 32814830 | |
Rouse, Harry G. | T/5 | 36689413 | |
Rowe, Lyman E. | S/Sgt. | 36168626 | |
Roy, Alfred U. | Pvt. | 31409019 | |
Roy, Norman J. | Pfc. | 31416550 | |
Rubenstein, Maurice | Sgt. | 32545468 | |
Runngren, Norman H. | 1/Sgt. | 16021161 | |
Russell, Cyril C. | Pvt. | 39683403 | |
Rybicki, Joseph J. | Pfc. | 36684954(.854) | |
Sable, Donald C. | Pvt. | 33692411 | |
Sampson, Harry L. | Pfc. | 31398287 | |
Sandberg, Gordon | T/5 | 36126141 | |
Sanders, Carl J. | Pfc. | 20806525 | |
Sanford, Casey R. | Pfc. | 34636573 | |
Santilli, Anthony R. | Pvt. | 33053137 | |
Sauerbrei, Floyd C. | Pfc. | 37692840 | |
Sauers, Harry W. | Pfc. | 13200086 | |
Savalli, Michael R. | Pvt. | 32956624 | |
Schaeffer, Joseph T. | Pvt. | 42046981 | |
Schalow, Elmer R. | Pfc. | 37574124 | |
Schectman, Carl | Pfc. | 33805295 | |
Schellenger, Benjamin E. | Pfc. | 39338828 | |
Schenk, Richard L. (S/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2007067 | |
Schindler, Henry | Cpl. | 35915111 | |
Schlidt, Walter Y. | Pfc. | 38008821 | |
Schneller, Henry J. | T/4 | 32577272(326.) | |
Schools, Joseph | Pvt. | 12211848 | |
Schroeder, Wilfred H. | T/5 | 36244497 | |
Schroepher, Leroy R. | Sgt. | 37414192 | |
Schwartz, Donald J. | Pfc. | 13185191 | |
Schwartz, Sol | Pvt. | 42030102 | |
Scorzelli, Pasquale Philip | Pfc. | 42055467 * | |
Scotko, Edward P. | Pfc. | 33878682 | |
Scott, Gordon W. | T/Sgt. | 34393708(.6) | |
Scott, James C. | Sgt. | 34023493(.5) | |
Seliga, Frank T. | Pfc. | 33702586 | |
Sendel, William H. | Pvt. | 33831012 | |
Seybold, John B. | Pfc. | 36643707 | |
Seykora, Joseph A. | Pfc. | 37574012 + | |
Shafbuch, Girard G. | T/5 | 20624416 | |
Shannon, Corson H. | Pfc. | 32998076 | |
Shaw, Harry O. | 2/Lt. | O2017289 “ | |
Shelsky, John V. | Pvt. | 42059779 | |
Shelters, Richard G. | Pvt. | 36875666 | |
Shifflette, Harry L. | Pfc. | 33210905 | |
Shiflett, | Pfc. | 34817501 | |
Shoemaker, Clyde J. | Pvt. | 36874534 | |
Shults, Donley D. (Donnley) | Pfc. | 18002375 | |
Sicard, Robert O. | T/Sgt. | 31185008 | |
Sieler, Dayton L. | Pfc. | 37751071 | |
Silverman, Barney | T/5 | 32335992 | |
Sinkinson, George K. | S/Sgt. | 42008011 | |
Skuly, Joseph J. | Pfc. | 35065464 | |
Small, Samuel J. | Pvt. | 32952101 | |
Smith, Albert Guy, Jr. | Pfc. | 35903697 ** | |
Smith, George L. | T/4 | 32255127 | |
Smith, Glen B. | Pvt. | 39420537 | |
Smith, John D. | 1/Lt. | O525460 | |
Smith, Meyer H. | T/5 | 32316922 | |
Smith, Robert L. | Sgt. | 34966637 | |
Smith, William J. | Pvt. | 31404998(.6) | |
Smith, Wren L. | Pvt. | 44031678 | |
Smothers, Jessie L. | T/Sgt. | 34806311 | |
Snider, Thomas W. | Pfc. | 38463272 | |
Sokol, Alexander | Pfc. | 42009446 | |
Soodik, Eli | Sgt. | 36831109 | |
Sorbo, Daniel A. | Pfc. | 33699932 | |
Sorensen, Ivan A. | 2/Lt. | O1165793 | |
Sowa, Albert | Pvt. | 6139239 | |
Spain, Paul W. D. | Pfc. | 34578738 | |
Spanach, Nicholas S.(Spann.) | Pfc. | 19204536 | |
Specht, William J. | Pvt. | 42022278 | |
Spero, | Pfc. | 33708887 | |
Stadick, Donald H. (K.) | S/Sgt. | 37316875 | |
Stampiglio, Salvatore J. | S/Sgt. | 42010470 | |
Starr, Andrew J. | Pvt. | 39601098 | |
Steen, Albert | Pfc. | 39377991 | |
Steinberg, Aaron | Pfc. | 32238921 | |
Stephens, Ralph T. | Pfc. | 15064864 | |
Stevens, Benjamin NMI | S/Sgt. | 35606180(.0180) | |
Stewart, Oakes A. (Okes) | Pfc. | 6997110 | |
Sticka, Ben, Jr. | Pfc. | 33450497 | |
Stimao, Peter A. (Stimac) | Pfc. | 36208408 | |
Stineman, Thomas R. | Pfc. | 12209212 | |
Stokes, Wayner C. | Pfc. | 36685807 | |
Stoll, John F. | Pfc. | 32653347 | |
Stoneman, George H. | Pfc. | 18122460 | |
Story, Melvin J. | Cpl. | 19010219 | |
Stowe, Cothran H. | S/Sgt. | 14030267 | |
Strasser, Joseph R. | Pvt. | 36777145 | |
Straw, Howard P. | Pfc. | 19102322 | |
Strawhorn, Autra C. | S/Sgt. | 38042415 | |
DOW | Strawn, Doyle B., Jr. | Pvt. | 35843884 |
Strubel, Neil L. | Cpl. | 34122004 | |
Strugala, Michael J. | Pfc. | 33151461 | |
Stubblefield, Leroy A., Sr. | Pfc. | 44039260 | |
Stubbs, Floyd B. (twin) | Pfc. | 35228047 | |
Stubbs, Lloyd A. (twin) | Pfc. | 35225538 | |
Stumfoll, Robert F. | Pfc. | 36640077 | |
St. Clair, John C. | Pfc. | 14110805 | |
St. Gelais, Ulysse | Pfc. | 31371898 | |
Sulenski, Stanley E. | S/Sgt. | 31348617 + | |
Sullivan, Timothy E. | T/4 | 39837092 | |
Summey, Lee O. | Pfc. | 34599538 | |
Sumpter, James F. | S/Sgt. | 20363609 | |
Suwall, Philip S. | Pfc. | 33957221 | |
Svetlick, Steve, Jr. | Sgt. | 35776522 | |
Swain, Mack S. | Pfc. | 19071423 | |
Swartz, Wilbert H. | Pfc. | 36153789 | |
Sweeney, Howard A. | T/5 | 33371849 | |
Sweet, Richard J. (L.) | Sgt. | 31320490 | |
Swigert, Robert J. | T/Sgt. | 35603735 | |
Switzer, Joseph Benjamin, III | S/Sgt. | 20219182 | |
Taber, Earl E. | Pfc. | 19201496 | |
Tawney, John J. | Pvt. | 33733589 | |
Taylor, Harry A. | 2/Lt. | O1319562 | |
Taylor, Norman W. | 1/Lt. | O454251 | |
Teichman, Alvin W. | S/Sgt. | 18130521 | |
Terry, Robert P. | S/Sgt. | 32002471 | |
Testa, Frank J. | Pfc. | 33797349 | |
Thompson, Jesse | Pfc. | 15340042 | |
Thomson, Donal N. (Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2011535 | |
Thomson, Donal N. (^2/Lt.) | Sgt. | 12201456 | |
Threlkeld, Aubrey S. | Pvt. | 38602921 | |
Tierney, William J. | T/5 | 32334064 | |
Tilley, Strawdy C. | Pvt. | 34898921 | |
Timmons, Joseph T., Jr. | Pvt. | 35227243 | |
Toney, William L. | Pfc. | 7084575 | |
Townsend, Byron M. | Pfc. | 18081733 | |
Travis, Willard H. | Pvt. | 42031153 | |
Tribble, Mercer K.? | S/Sgt. | 14128693 | |
Troutt, John R. | Pfc. | 36685874 | |
Trovato, John W. | Pfc. | 35760624 | |
Tucker, James O. | 1/Lt. | O557145 | |
Turman, Guy C. | Sgt. | 33645659 | |
Undine, James A., Jr. | 1/Lt. | O1321389 | |
Urdang, Harvey J. | Pvt. | 42105545 | |
Urteaga, Roberto V. | Pvt. | 38068788 | |
Vagenas, John A. | Pfc. | 32773690 | |
VanHouton, Edwin W. | S/Sgt. | 14128815 | |
Vanicheck, Gerald A. | Pfc. | 33893805 | |
Varcella, Alfred J. (Ver.) | Pvt. | 36830784 | |
Vaughn, James K. | Pvt. | 37639959 | |
Vaught, Eugene R. | Pvt. | 39919473 | |
Venturella, John J. | Pfc. | 32822857 | |
Vinci, Edward J. | Cpl. | 13112349 | |
Vittore, Peter B. | Pvt. | 42090083 | |
Volpone, Patsy J. | Pfc. | 42085172 | |
Vosgerichian, Peter | Pfc. | 33911998(338.) | |
Walk, Neal (>Clark) | S/Sgt. | 16108350 + | |
Walker, Bill L. | Pvt. | 35708078 | |
Walls, Robert J. | Pvt. | 14020626 | |
Walsh, Charles W. | Pfc. | 11107960 | |
Waltzer, Joel S. | Pvt. | 12228286 | |
Warren, James E. | T/Sgt. | 34455688 | |
Warren, Russell | Cpl. | 31348942 | |
Waters, Tinsley H. | Sgt. | 34966709 | |
Watschinger, Oscar A. | Pvt. | 36684509 | |
Wattengel, Sherwood L. | Pfc. | 38550162 | |
Weathers, Coy T. | Pfc. | 34869153 | |
Webb, Orville, Jr. | Pvt. | 17079119 | |
Weber, Henry W. | T/5 | 33136304 | |
Webster, Leslie H. | Pvt. | 38697621 | |
Wecks, Howard M. | Sgt. | 35033772 | |
Weckstein, Lawrence M. | Pfc. | 42179137 | |
Wehrli, Arthur | Pfc. | 33869902 | |
Weigel, Edward C. | Pvt. | 42061520 | |
Weisenborn, Gerald M. | Pvt. | 35759566 | |
Weiss, Gerard M. | Pfc. | 42137051 | |
Welk, Neal | Pfc. | 16108350 | |
Wells, Gerald E. | Pvt. | 36780468 | |
Wells, Glenwood N. | Cpl. | 37140447 | |
Wendler, Carl L. | Sgt. | 38548312 + | |
Wenmouth, Norman C. | Sgt. | 31246329 | |
Wenz, Ernest C. | Pfc. | 37775575 | |
Wess, Edwin M. | Pfc. | 14153843 | |
West, William R. | Cpl. | 42010316 | |
West, Woodson E. | Pfc. | 35818485 | |
Wheeler, Henry W., Jr. | Pfc. | 33823168 | |
White, Charles N., Jr. | T/5 | 33900485 | |
White, Clyde D. | S/Sgt. | 37725964 | |
White, Donald L. | Pfc. | 35227487 | |
Whited, Charles D. | Pfc. | 33665174 | |
Whitford, William S. | Pvt. | 42122902 | |
Whittemore, William L. | Pfc. | 44042162 | |
Whitten, William A., Jr. | Pfc. | 44032945 | |
Widel, Eldred O. | T/5 | 39845956 | |
Wiener, William J. | S/Sgt. | 35603066 | |
Wierzba, Edmond C. | Pfc. | 42118326 | |
Wilcox, Carlton P. | Pfc. | 42165298(.9) | |
Wilkes, Ralph | Pfc. | 20403416 | |
Wilkins, Alexander J. | Sgt. | 38135512 | |
Wilkins, Glen E. | Pfc. | 15122083 | |
Wilkins, Richard L. | Cpl. | 38194564 | |
Wilkins, Tom | Pfc. | 35259643 | |
Wilkins, Virgil E. | Pfc. | 39406355 | |
Williams, Armon R. | Pfc. | 34465675(.5765) | |
Williams, Charles L., Jr. | Pfc. | 33733538 | |
Williams, Mack E. | Cpl. | 39272402 + | |
Williams, Richard E. | Pfc. | 37771499 | |
NBD | Williams, Robert E. | Sgt. | 17099812 |
Wilson, Gideon W. | 1/Sgt. | 15053988 | |
Wilson, Samuel M. | Pfc. | 42010399 | |
Windley, David F. | T/4 | 34303709 | |
Winkler, Lee B. | Pvt. | 12226631 | |
Wise, Marion B. | Pvt. | 37628791 | |
Wolfe, Abe J. | Pvt. | 36830942 | |
Wolfe, Edward (Wolf) | Pfc. | 42030639 | |
Wood, James D. | M/Sgt. | 16112573 | |
Woodiwiss, Edwin, Jr. | 2/Lt. | O1312096 | |
Wooten, | Pfc. | 35435940 | |
Wright, Donnol L. (Connol) | Sgt. | 37685115 | |
Wright, Glenn Donald | Pfc. | 35513820 | |
Wright, Harold L. | Cpl. | 35254171 | |
Xoons, Sierling B. | Pvt. | 32955779 | |
Yakamavich, Vincent J. | S/Sgt. | 32235679 | |
Yann, Carl C. | Cpl. | 35108388 | |
Yarborough, Henry S. | T/Sgt. | 13121817 | |
Yarbrough, Linton O. | Pfc. | 14036656 | |
Yazner, Richard (Yasner) | Pfc. | 32994090 | |
Yoch, Richard J. | Pfc. | 35915085 | |
Yocham, Ralph A. | Pfc. | 38681008 | |
KIA | Young, Robert S. DSC | Capt. | O1312101 |
Yount, Harry O. | 2/Lt. | O2017289 “ | |
Zappavigna, Dominick D. | T/5 | 32993033(.8239) | |
Zenty, Clarence J. | Pfc. | 33614735(.8) | |
Zifarelli, Thomas A. | Cpl. | 32793097 | |
Zinker, Maurice | Pfc. | 11086180 | |
Zoerner, George W. (.mer) | Pvt. | 42006551 | |
Zurinskas, Edward Anthony | Sgt. | 31067177 * |
1- 63rd infantry division association
2- Research and Records from Timothy A. Malone