B Company 255th Infantry regiment 63rd Infantry Division

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Abramowitz, Abe J. Pvt. 42031083
Adams, Clyde F. T/4 38098160
Adams, Dumah R. Pvt. 34832673(.37)
Ahlvers, Wilbur E. Pfc. 37476757
Aikman, Burton C. Pvt. 33703278
Albright, William E. Pvt. 35227257
KIA Alexander, Barney K. Pfc. 34966578
Allen, Willis R. Pfc. 34854536
Alton, Milton D. Pfc.  6278272
Amadori, Aldo Cpl. 32202562
Anderson, Eugene R. Pfc. 35070232
Anderson, George E. Pfc. 36185191
Anderson, John A. Pfc. 39378703
Anderson, John E. Pfc. 35838995
Anderson, Robert B. Pfc. 31459293 +
Andrake, John Sgt. 42006176
Andrews, Leon L. Pfc. 31287448
KIA Annan, Joseph G. Pfc. 31459172
Apple, Carl Pvt.
Apter, Yale L. Pvt. 42009662
Aque, Victor S. Capt. O1306048
Arbaugh, Arvil S. T/4 38098038
Archer, Dewey R. Pfc. 17071443
Armatore, Dominic J. Pfc. 36319231
Armstrong, Donald E. Sgt. 36221278
Arnold, George V. 1/Sgt. 20229983
Arquette, George L. Pfc. 36354490
Arrowsmith, Kenneth J. Pfc. 36685936
Atwell, Melvin G. Pvt. 34395003
Baer, Robert E. Pfc. 33877597
Bahls, Henry E. T/Sgt. 36831251
Bailey, Edgar Pfc. 20952469
Baker, Walter C. Pvt. 33667570
Balch, Samuel W. Pfc. 35227862
Ballard, Glen R. Sgt. 38223135
Balok, John J. Pfc. 42010430
Baranik, Albert Pfc. 33102205
Barbery, Robert C. Pfc. 34966507 +
Barr, Warren S/Sgt.  6849651
Bartlemes, William T. Pvt. 32673096
Bartman, Ralph G. Pfc. 31118171
Bearman, Eugene J. 1/Lt.  O447579
Beck, Carl R. Pvt. 37726754
Becker, William E. Pfc. 42188891
Beckley, Orville E. Sgt. 35666314
Beers, Edwin D. (S/Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2011530
Bell, Alfred E. Pvt. 42010054
Benedetto, Anthony Dominick Pvt. 42139449
Bennett, John M. S/Sgt. 35203438
Berberich, Raymond W. Pvt. 36258347
Berchick, Henry A. Pvt. 33795145
Berg, Eldon Pvt. 39242538
Berg, Jerome Pvt. 42069965
Bergman, Denzil W. 1/Lt.  O516077
Bergman, Luke D. Pvt. 33832084
Bernady, Walter J. Pfc. 37125187
Bernockie, Frederick P. T/5 32192013
Berutko, Theodore T. Pvt. 36873766
Bettis, Robert A. Pfc. 35242734
Biggers, Ruell V. Pvt. 34966623
Bilinski, Peter P. Pfc. 32072613
Binder, Jacob Pvt. 31428201
Bisbey, Ray M. (N.) Pfc. 39585202(.3202)
Black, Oran L. S/Sgt. 38037511
Blackwell, Glenn D. Pvt. 33831699
Blackwood, Ratchford, Sr. Pfc. 34966777
Blamey, John A. T/Sgt. 37243109
Bland, Charles K. Sgt. 35749534
Blesien, Frank Pvt. 36684387
Blevins, Fred Pvt. 38276564
Blevins, Luther W. T/Sgt. 34168717
Bloom, Harold Cpl. 32999485
Bochner, John M. 1/Lt. O1321282
Boies, Orlow M. 2/Lt. O1317264
Bokano, Bill Pvt. 36875865
Boles, Ambrose W. 2/Lt. O1180428
Bonsall, Joseph S. Pvt. 13175156
KIA Botticelli, George Pvt. 32846203
Bovey, Robert W. 1/Lt. O1312486
Bowen, Kermit P. T/5 35210624
Bowers, William G. Pfc. 39863398
Boyak, Joseph E. Pfc. 35280510
Boyer, Murray W. Pfc. 33250963
Bradley, Harold J. Pfc. 36685531
Bragg, Floyd T. Pfc. 31450126
Branchillo, Louis Pvt. 32146087
Brandenburg, James D. T/5 15064933
Breckenridge, Orville E. Pfc. 35068612 +
Breeding, Marvin Offutt 1/Lt.  O529811 *
Brelsford, Arthur B. Pvt. 35789272
Brickley, Robert G. Pfc. 35243890
Brine, Milton Paul Pvt. 35243177
Brockel, Donald E. 1/Lt.  O549492
Brookman, Nathan Pvt. 33794830
Brown, Ervin E. Pfc. 35847983
Brown, Harley B. Pfc. 33831655
Brown, John D. Pfc. 34447174
Bruce, William E. Pfc. 35812955
Buck, Harold D. Pvt. 31381127
Burgess, Clyde E. Pfc. 39338798
Burks, Melvin F. Pfc. 14032889
Burleson, Harry Sgt. 34593638
Burns, Clay L. Pvt. 37742400
Burt, Robert W. Pfc. 35496929
Busey, Merle F. (Murile) Pfc. 35765551
Bustard, Ralph F. Pfc. 33188895 +
Butler, William C. S/Sgt. 12133394
Buty, Francis E. Pfc. 35560582
Byrd, Harold W. Pfc. 36814537
Calabro, Anthony D. Pvt. 33611587
Calderon, Charles S. S/Sgt. 35164463
Caldwell, Donald M. Pvt. 35760774
Campbell, Delbert A. Pfc. 31351957
Campbell, Frank F. T/Sgt. 14007232
Campbell, Johnny W. Pfc. 33654821
Campion, Ronan W. (E.) Capt. O1296482
Canup, Rachel A. Pvt. 34835370
Capua, Alfred A. Pfc. 36950141
Capuano, Mario Pfc. 32724475
KIA Caravella, Sam A. Pfc. 33509624
Carbone, Anthony J. Sgt. 32235945
Carcova, Angelo A. T/5 32192765
KIA Cardinal, Donald E. Pfc. 32934354
Carlton, Robert J. Pvt. 36685953
Carreiro, Altino E. Pvt. 42009466
Cartmill, Joseph H. T/5 17054231
Castardi, Anthony J. Pfc. 32999333
Castro, Alfonso A. 1/Lt. O1313496
Cataldi, Frank V. Pvt. 32999291
Cavalier, Quede J. Pvt. 35242972
Cavanaugh, Curtis P. Pfc. 20753925
Chambers, Charles W. S/Sgt. 35243052
Champlin, Richard B. Pvt. 12168390
Chavez, Trinidad P. Pfc. 38000576
Childress, Ruey Pfc. 33662395
KIA Chittick, Harry Sgt. 33693168
Christie, Arthur F. Pfc. 15060154
Christopher, Mack E. T/5 34142879
Cielieska, John J. Pfc. 33692359
Cintron, Antonio Pfc. 42030035
Ciolfi, Joseph A. Pvt. 31387258
Clodfelter, Fred L. Pvt. 35893308
Clohosey, Harold J. Pfc. 31410626
Coffill, William M., Jr. Pfc. 31466694 +
Cohen, Seymour Pvt. 42023475
Coker, Floyd T. Pfc. 38681208
Coldren, Robert F. T/5 33669186
Cole, Edward C. T/5 32926741
Cole, Sigel E.  (^2/Lt.) Sgt. 35585349
Collier, William L. Pfc. 33471795 ?
Conard, John T., Jr. Sgt. 34961243 +
Condren, Raymond A. Pvt. 42009325
Conradson, Eugene O. Pvt. 34798854
Cook, William H. Pfc. 34187269
Cooper, Alvin M. Pfc. 37692832
Cooper, Staten M. Pfc. 33139427
Cooperrider, Don K. Pfc. 35031496
Copes, John B. Pfc. 32066082
Corbett, Walter Pfc. 32825429
Corcoran, Edmund J. Pvt. 31381303
Corey, Marion L. Pvt. 15344415
Corich, Peter R. Pvt. 36777233
Corsi, David J. Pvt. 42009324
Cosgrove, Robert F. Pfc. 36622729
Cousins, Clifford R. Pvt. 42009967
Cowser, Grady Pfc. 38627552
KIA Cox, Marion B. S/Sgt. 34883567
Cox, Ruben R. Pvt. 38060665
Coyne, Thomas J., Jr. 1/Sgt. 32013922
Crandell, Kenneth R. S/Sgt. 20632491 ?
Crane, Arnold H. Pvt. 36876509
Crawford, Emry Donivan Pfc. 39592596 +
Creasey, Hubert H. Pfc. 33534377
Crider, Abraham E. T/4 37204870
Crislip, James A. S/Sgt.  6989218
Crockett, James S. Pfc. 34200124
Croonquist, Henry T. Pfc. 34823939
Cruz, Julio A. Pvt. 32996860
Culp, George E. Cpl. 35536807
Cumbia, Clifton W. Pfc. 33843398
Cummisky, Robert Leo Pfc. 31409986
Curry, Rondal L. T/5 37573073
Cusumano, Anthony S. Pvt. 42052854
Cybulski, Walter A. Pfc. 36163071
DaBundo, Vincent A. J. T/5 33079126
Damico, Nickolas Sgt. 33032070
Daneau, Edgar A. Pfc. 31460097
Darby, William R. Pvt. 34334146 ?
Daukas, John E. Pvt. 36689563
Davis, Chalmers J. S/Sgt. 34161554
Davis, Ezra A. Pfc. 33176882
Davis, Floyd, Jr. (T/Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2016268
Davis, Howard P. S/Sgt. 37625646
Davis, James E. T/Sgt. 34572017
Davis, Norman R. 1/Lt. O1548399(.1)
Davis, Randall B. T/Sgt. 31154309
Day, William C. Pfc. 32019151
Deasey, John J., Jr. Pvt. 33793814
Deba, John S. Sgt. 15127538
Decowski, Aloysius S. Sgt. 37590020
Dehaut, Frederick J. Pfc. 33610221
Deitch, Joseph Pvt. 36876687
DeLay, DeVert H. Pvt. 19104774
DeLetto, James Pvt. 36670722
DelGuercio, John P. Pvt. 42008500
DeLuca, Frank Pvt. 42009852
DeRobertis, Julius L. Pfc. 32804790
DeSando, Patrick A. Pfc. 36831377
DeStefano, Vincent A. Pvt. 36839625
Devore, William L. Pfc. 36922264(.3)
Devoter, Vernon T/Sgt. 14023524
Dickerson, Hayward P. T/4 34510302
DiGuisto, Wary Anthony T/4 36766008
Dinkins, Arthur J. Pfc. 35244099
Dinsmore, Herbert L., Jr. Pfc. 32072547
Dirkman, Roland F. T/5 36830811
Dorn, Charles R. Sgt. 20952343
Dorris, Lester E. Pfc. 37602218
Dorsey, Robert R. S/Sgt. 31381133
Doszten, Lewis Pfc. 32372626
Downey, John F., Jr. T/5 11032799
Drach, Albert G. T/5 36685647
Driver, Paul R. T/5 35330099
Driving Hawk, Ben Pvt. 37468836
Dubeau, Edward A. Pfc. 36765361
Duncan, Marion S. Pvt. 14134039
Duncan, William O. T/4 34806621
Dunham, Allen H. Pfc. 31434491
Dunham, Harold L., Jr. Pvt. 31428272
Durham, Calvin M. Sgt. 34931879
Dusman, Harry S. Pfc. 33508497
Dwyre, Daniel H. Pfc. 42023044
D’Agnessa, Peter M., Jr Pvt. 42071564
Eaker, Leo (S/Sgt^) 2/Lt. O2007160
Ebel, Bernard F.? Pvt. 36685980
Eden, Chester J. Pfc. 35699115
Eichentopf, Edward W. Pvt. 42042949
Ekstrand, Robert H. Pvt. 32999583
Ellis, James R. Pvt. 15042883
Elmore, Gideon J. Pfc. 20641272 +
Emanuel, Benjamin C. Pvt. 32996865
Emery, Raiford F. “Fred” Sgt. 34024769
Engle, Samuel B. Pfc. 33920800
Ennis, Ira V. Pvt. 12211825
Enriquez, Gunesindo I.(Gum/Y.) T/5 39528635
Ernstes, Gilbert J. Pfc. 35795505
Erzinger, Clair E. Pfc. 37692960
Esch, Walter P. Pfc. 42075257
Escobar, Ralph Pvt. 42061924
Estrada, Robert Pvt. 36694539
Ette, Joseph W. (Ettie) Pvt. 37692811
Euvrard, David G. Pfc. 36897923
Evans, Charles W. Pfc. 12010531
Evans, Lonnie E. Pfc. 20827376
Everitt, Henry F. Pfc. 32145966
Ewrico, Andrew Pvt.
Facher, Seymour Pfc. 42009947
Fann, Omer L. Pvt. 36684729
Farby, Steve M. Pvt. 32113234 ?
Farmer, James H. Sgt. 33004878
Fehmer, Hugo J. Pvt. 18102724
KIA Feinglas, Marshall W. Pfc. 33796209
Feldman, Max Sgt. 36036400
Feret, Joseph R. Pvt. 36905620(.820)
Fields, Emmett A., Jr. 2/Lt.  O520884
Fields, Henry N. Sgt. 33704086
Fink, Ralph E. Pfc. 37692873
Fink, Ray H. Sgt. 37692879
Finzel, Charles D. 1/Lt. O1043076
Fischer, LaVerne G. Pfc. 37692995
Fish, Harold L. Pfc. 37692849
Fishbaugh, Walter I.(^2/Lt.) Sgt. 32834968
Fisher, Charles Sgt. 31410117
Fitzgerald, Edward J. Pvt. 32754076
Flowe, Robert L. Pfc. 34899329
Foglesong, James H. Pvt. 37692955
Forsythe, Doyle M. Cpl. 37692957
Foss, Lloyd E. Pfc. 42101279
Foster, Irvin B. Pfc. 37692888
Fountain, Edwin V. Pvt. 42136249
Fox, Lawrence P. Cpl. 35126872
Fox, Manuel D. T/4 34170283
Fox, Orville E. Pfc. 37692856
Fox, Ralph A. Pfc. 37692903
Franklin, Fred O. Pfc. 34044352
Franks, John H. Sgt. 33753811
Franks, Morris Pvt. 32955595
Frazelle, Roscoe D. Sgt. 34679292
French, Donald E. Sgt. 38341538
French, Lane H. Pfc. 34142991
Frerichs, Grant L. T/4 16090032
Frisz, Joe J. Pfc. 35708375
Fugate, Raymond R. Sgt. 34365317
Fugate, Slamp C. Pvt. 36876152
Gabrial, Francis A. Sgt. 32180493
Gaeta, Albert J. Pfc. 31460204
Gagnon, Arthur P. Pfc. 31387313
Galipp, Otto E. Pfc. 38113365
Gallagher, Charles G. S/Sgt. 32535646
Gallerani, Peter R. Sgt. 31460081
Gangi, Joseph S/Sgt. 33797274
Ganske, Russell L. T/4 37692839
Garguilo, Anthony W. Pfc. 32791541
Garlinsky, Michael Pvt. 42013957
Garner, Richard Pfc. 38581378
Garrison, Joseph D., Jr. T/4 35213143
Gates, Jessie J. T/5 34142882
Gaylord, Otis A. T/Sgt. 38130939
Gearing, Clifford A. Pvt. 31338716
Geary, John J. Pfc. 12238901
Geary, Lawrence W. Pfc. 12238903
Gee, Hurshal H. Pvt. 38668767
George, LeRoy Pvt. 33694547
George, Paul A. Pfc. 33472928
KIA Germany, Joseph R. Pfc. 34990173
Gerrish, Charles Pvt. 36948718
Gettings, Paul W. S/Sgt. 35227153
Gibbs, L. T. Pfc. 38524650
Gibson, Robert A. T/5 31025103
Gilbert, Lascoe Pfc. 39467670
Gilfedder, Hugh S/Sgt.  6714033
Gillespie, Charlie A. T/5 20952476
KIA Gilliam, Crayton D., Sr. Pvt. 34966476
KIA Gillispie, Sam Pvt. 20825787
Ginsburg, Frank I. Pfc. 33794230
Glass, Roy M. 2/Lt. O2006893
Gleason, William A. T/5 39601821
Glenn, George M. Pvt. 34918426
Glessner, Armin J. Pfc. 36475279
Glukosky, John T/5 32072560
Golden, Guy F. Pvt. 35760743
Goldstein, Harold L. Pvt. 32993546
Gonzales, Ramon A. Pfc. 38578441
KIA Gonzalez, Louis J. Pfc. 32724898
Gooding, Chester G. Pvt. 36767092
Goodlett, John C., Jr. Pfc. 35689700
Goodwin, George W., Jr. Pfc. 31453753
Gorman, William J. S/Sgt. 20221847
Goss, Robert D. S/Sgt. 36587621
Gotebiowski, John J. Cpl. 32192039
Gould, Wilbur K. Pvt. 37692783
Gray, Frank H. 2/Lt. O1297188
Greco, Mario Pvt. 42070026
Green, Edward Pfc. 32193159
Greenberg, Leonard Pvt. 32999103
Greene, Alfred H., Jr. Pvt. 34883181
Greene, Donald K. Pfc. 11056374
Gretter, Frank D. T/Sgt. 17061287
Grib, Michael S/Sgt. 42009302
Griffin, Erwin C. Sgt. 31460112
Griffith, Martin D. Pfc. 38138092
Griffith, William I. Pvt. 19164715
Grissom, James T. Pfc. 37388469
Grundman, Abe M. Pvt. 37692980
Grunow, Walter C. Pvt. 33796986
Grupe, Harry B., Jr. Pfc. 37639963
Gryss, Thadeas A. Sgt. 31460130
Guinn, Merlen M. Pfc. 37692956
Guma, Pasquale J. Cpl. 32182130
Hale, Leroy Pvt. 38326111
Halferty, Floyd D., Jr. Pfc. 20918610
Halfmann, Walter J. T/Sgt. 16006902
Hall, Ansel W., Sr. Pvt. 14082635
Hall, Boyd F. Pvt. 39919824(.8513)
KIA Halliwell, David B. (E.) Pfc. 42179179
Haltmier, Robert F.(Haltimer) Pvt. 42071315
Hamilton, Russell R. T/4 36514279
Hammond, Thomas Pfc. 36875956
Hammons, Doy T/5 38179647
Hampton, Kenneth D. Pfc. 37692897
Haney, Floyd Cpl. 34172071
Hanks, Clinton V. Sgt. 65691609
Hansen, Einer P. Pfc. 37692845
Hansen, Jack M. Pfc. 37692899
Hansen, Peter R. (R. Peter) Pfc. 37693145
Hanshman, Russell      ? Pfc. 35143029 ?
Hardin, Steve C., Jr. Pfc. 14027982
Harrenstein, Maurice K. Pfc. 37692843
Harrington, Rodger V. M/Sgt. 16132948
Harris, Ellery M. Pfc. 37692939
Harris, Orval E. Pvt. 37692885
Harris, William R. Pvt. 35757511
Harty, Maynard J. Pfc. 37692804
Hatfield, Sherman Pvt. 34735449
Haughee, Walter Cpl. 35092025(.3)
Hayes, Clyde V. T/Sgt. 17061292
Hazel, Robert R. Pfc. 34966413
Hazeltine, Robert
Hazelwood, William L. T/5 33046180
Hearn, Lester L. Pfc. 37692868
Heath, Richard E. Pvt. 33527853(.8)
Heckart, Paul D. Pfc. 37692942
Heidelberg, Dan H. T/5 34871452
Heiman, William T/4 11033134
Heinen, Delms Pvt. 38576378
Heller, Harold J. Cpl. 36453638
Henderson, James A. T/5 19121336
Hennessey, James F. Pvt. 31410494
Hergenrother, Philip 1/Lt. O1323428
Hess, Harold A. Pvt. 35708439
Hickey, Hershel Pvt. 17044212
Hickson, James C. Pfc. 34871347
Higgins, Owen W. T/Sgt.  6278340
Hill, Marvin D. S/Sgt. 37692905
Hill, William A. Pvt. 37692901
Hinckley, Durward J. Pvt. 37692979
Hingle, Murphy F. S/Sgt. 34150654
Hinshaw, David C. Pvt.  6955001
Hisel, Mark J. Pvt. 37692913
Hoch, John  (Hock) Pfc. 33838962
Hodges, James E. Pfc. 36880929
Hodgkins, Harold C. 2/Lt. O1313096
Holdaas, Melvin T/5 17051384
Holder, Paul C. Pvt. 34871530
Hollingsworth, Auldridge V. Pvt. 34883382
Horton, Donald J. Pvt. 37693010
House, Robert B. Pfc. 33132159
Hubbard, Jack L. (S/Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2011531
Hubbard, Jack L. (^2/Lt.) S/Sgt. 36516457
Huckaby, Willie B. Cpl. 38051381
Hudock, John Pvt. 33609984
Hukle, Alan O. Pfc. 17067271
Hulen, Robert R. Pfc. 37692958
Hultman, Lawrence P. Pfc. 36831062
Hunt, Fred M. Pfc. 42007496
Hunt, Verdell Pfc. 34456637
Hurt, Maurice Pvt. 35708290
Hussing, Jack C. Pvt. 33465627
Hutchinson, John M., Jr. Pvt. 37723302
Immings, Ralph Lambert Pfc. 37692861
Ireland, Robert J. T/5 36688319
Irvin, James R. 2/Lt. O1059820
Irvine, Edward Pvt. 39139810
Jackson, Abner Sgt. 38012738
Jackson, Woodrow W. Sgt. 34049193
Jacoby, Alexander C. Pvt. 35227692
James, Donald E. Pfc. 37692970
James, Herman E. Pfc.
Jandl, George M. T/5 37692925
Jasilli, John A. Pfc. 32999849
Jeffries, James L., Sr. Pvt. 35087376
KIA Jensen, Lowell C. S/Sgt. 36250677
Jewel, Kenneth A. Pvt. 42030427
Joao, Arthur M. Pfc. 30111010
Jobe, Edgar G. Pfc. 39470789
Jobe, Horace L. Pfc. 34897995
John, James A. Pfc. 39933764
Johnson, Allston E. Pfc. 34120104
Johnson, Clifford E. Pvt. 33701721
Johnson, Denzil W., Jr. Pvt. 34881769
Johnson, Earl Sgt. 37692863
Johnson, James H. Pfc. 37692815
Johnson, Robert A. Sgt. 12162833
Johnston, William T., Jr. Pvt. 35311041
Jones, Allen W. Pfc. 32192118
Jones, Chester F. 1/Sgt.  6573346
Jones, Harvey A. Pfc. 37692912
Jones, Marion J., Jr. Pvt.  7002875
Jones, Robert C. Pfc. 38468846
Jordan, Patrick J. Pvt. 42071402
Kachmarski, Walter Pfc. 32020101
Kaiser, Vernon H. T/5 33740609
Kaminski, Sigmund Pvt. 33794975
Katcher, Paul M. Pfc. 37692869
Kauffman, Glenn O. Pfc. 33511901 +
Kauzlarich, Tony W. Pfc. 37692909
Kearney, Lawrence E. S/Sgt. 31015301
Keener, Thomas A. Pfc. 33702835
Keeney, James B. Sgt. 37524668 **
Kellum, Louis, Jr. Pfc. 32756620
Kelly, Paul L. Pfc. 33713481
Kelly, Robert G. Pfc. 37692976
Kelly, Woodrow E. T/5 34118197
Kendall, William D. Pfc. 37693007
Kendrick, Frank L. Pvt. 13143832
Keserich, Rudolph P. T/Sgt. 35302692
Kimbrell, Sylvester J. Pvt. 34890780
Kincaid, J. V. Pfc. 34492396 ?
King, Clarence C. Pvt. 36684991
King, Glenn A. T/4 36528994
King, Leonard D., Sr. Pvt. 38500472
Kirkland, Milford Pfc. 34971305
Kiser, John L., Jr. Pvt. 34961001(.11)
Klees, Fernand C. Pfc. 37312240
Klein, Emory G. Pfc. 37692789
Kline, Adolph R. Pfc. 36044800
Knapp, Gerald H. Pfc. 36876071
Kodweis, Walter Pvt.  6718590
Kohler, George F., Jr. Pvt. 33764213
Koleno, Steven F. T/4 36320273
Korsey, Robert
Kozlowski, Henry J. Pfc. 37639703
KIA Krajnikowski, Thomas J. Pvt. 42179981
Kramer, Treno O. Pfc. 37692872
Krepp, Robert L. Pvt. 33699800
Krise, Charles E. Sgt. 35204623
Krivitsky, Harry Pfc. 36831649
Kroeger, Robert G. Pfc. 37692989
Kromer, John F. Pvt. 37692850
Krunic, George M. S/Sgt. 16067769
Kumpan, Rudolph E. T/4 32579167
Kunze, Eldon C. 1/Lt.  O549418 +
Kwoka, Adam F. Pvt. 42190177
Ladwig, Ora A. Pfc. 20952410
LaFeave, Eugene D. Pvt. 36685342
Lahey, John R. Pfc. 33348645
Lambert, Llewellyn E. Pvt. 33831644
Lash, Eugene F. S/Sgt. 13099079
Latch, Carroll Pfc. 37692803
Lauf, Andrew J. Pvt. 31460231
Lawson, William C. Pfc. 31437190
Lee, Anthony S. S/Sgt. 32080304
Lee, Francis M. Pvt. 42075381
Lee, Oral K. Pvt. 37496806
LeGath, Ernest A. Pvt. 33345049
Leggett, Denzel W. Sgt. 35233189
Lema, Frank
Lengle, Roy M., Jr. Pvt. 33511196
Lescovich, Henry J. Pvt. 33692388
Lesiczka, Stephen A. Pfc. 31118007
LeSourd, Ervin W. Pvt. 36685748
Levine, Jacob Pvt. 42030179
Levy, Marvin J. Pvt. 42071255
Lewis, Carl H. Pvt. 34966594
Lewis, Duane Eldon Pfc. 37692918
Lewis, Richard J. T/5 33598528
Linchner, David A. Cpl. 39120312
Lipman, David A. Pvt. 31381257
Livingston, James H. Pvt. 37692953
Lo Guidice, Emanuel A. S/Sgt. 42008858
Loftus, James A. Pfc. 33597382
Long, Paul Z. 1/Sgt.  6998407
Long, William B. Pfc. 37693003
Long, Willie J. Pvt. 34871021
Losh, Armond D. T/5 37692817
Lowden, Wayne F. Pfc. 37692987 +
Lucca, Anthony J. Pvt. 42030889
Lucero, Gilbert D. Pvt. 38580372
Lupkes, George W. Sgt. 37692875
Lusardi, Emil E., Jr. Pvt. 42008904
Lutz, John R.? Pfc. 36686312
Lykins, James L. Pfc. 39260975
Lyman, Kay P.  (Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2007085
Maass, John B. S/Sgt. 16025271
Mabee, Richard H. Pvt. 42120515
MacDonald, Donald L. Cpl. 16024672
MacNeal, Melvin J. Pfc. 33384801
KIA Madore, Harvey J. Pfc. 31460256
Magathan, David Hall, Sr. 2/Lt.  O555902
Magovney, Herbert G. S/Sgt. 42030592
Mahatcek, Charles S., Jr. Pfc. 32994773
Makas, Chris Sgt. 36875587 *
Malek, Donald F. Pvt. 36883736
Maley, Oscar
Malligo, John E. Pfc. 33608644
Maloy, Hugh T. Pfc. 44035958
Mancini, John T. Pfc. 31427255
Maness, Herman B. Pfc. 34178046
Manike, Charles E. T/5 39177676(.56)
Manion, Edward G. Cpl. 32072551
Marcus, Henry Pvt. 34779700
Marko, John Pvt. 33834035
Marquez, Nicholas M. Pvt. 36690829
Marsico, Raymond J. Pvt. 33701453
Martin, Byron L. Cpl. 33764435
Martin, Daniel V. (B.) Pfc. 42178370
Martin, Francis J. Pvt. 33795394
Martin, Gus   (S/Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2014864 +
Martin, Gus   (^2/Lt.) S/Sgt. 39418366
Maslowsky, Joseph B. Pfc. 36684887 +
Mason, James R. Pfc. 35650012
Mattaliano, Jack C. Pfc. 42190051
Maxon, Albert T. Pfc. 36921261
McCalla, Albert E., III Pfc. 20321573
McCarroll, Robert V. Cpl. 32192332
McCarthy, James V. Pvt. 33586451
McCarthy, Richard F. S/Sgt. 13100704
McCloskey, William C., Jr. T/5 33593747
McConiga, Eugene W. T/4 36684532
McCormick, Philip E. T/Sgt. 16090269
McCune, Earl H. Pfc. 37267703
McDaniel, Clyde C. Pfc. 34454698
McDavit, John W., Jr. Pvt. 42018105
McDonald, William J., Jr. Pfc. 31176543
McGee, Willie Eldridge Cpl. 34890331
McGill, Robert B. Pvt. 33763269
McKenna, Robert E. Pfc. 33597485
McKibben, Paul O. T/Sgt. 20532694
McKinney, Ronald O. Pfc. 39466884
McNew, Roy M. Pfc. 35163667
Meisser, Edward Sgt. 12054704
KIA Mello, Leonel P. Pvt. 31361703
KIA Menconi, Carl H. Pvt. 33411457
Mendoza, Simon P. Pfc. 39263611
Mercurio, Frank J. Pvt. 42056734
Merriman, Bert E. T/5 36053421
Meskus, Fred J. S/Sgt. 32109149
Messley, Wilbert E. T/Sgt. 20755612 +
Michael, Raymond E. Pfc. 16090487
KIA Michelini, Louis J. Pvt. 42177265
Midyette, Floyd NMI S/Sgt. 34455853
Miller, Pvt. 33871739
Miller, Jack S/Sgt. 13011522
Mills, Hugh E., Jr. Pvt. 34663433
Mince, Raymond R. T/5 38353065
Mindzikiewicz, Edward J. Pfc. 33696400
Minner, William H., Jr. Pfc. 32956494
Minor, Charles M. Pfc. 34394147
Miserendino, Remus Joseph Pfc. 42178831 **
KIA Mitchell, Paul V. Pvt. 36473523
Mitchell, Wayne C. Pfc. 36686092
Mitchum, Lee W. Pvt. 34779993
Mizell, Moses P. Sgt. 38523127
Montgomery, Harvey J. Pvt. 36684718
Moran, James G. Pfc. 20639699
Morgan, Burlington H. Pfc. 33832093
Morini, Felix J. Pvt. 33796938
Morris, Harry A., Jr. Capt. O1285090
Morris, James C. Pvt. 34679162
Morton, Jonah D. Pfc. 34679281
Motyka, Joseph Pvt. 36689929
Mowery, Hugh S. Pfc. 15045140
Moyer, Vincent J. S/Sgt.  6860841 ?
Mueller, Frederick E. T/5 36251568
Mueller, Henry W. Pfc. 42008700
Mulcahy, John M. Pfc. 42092622
Mullally, Michael B. Pvt. 42007732
Mullins, Clayton Pfc. 35881993
Mulvaney, Harry J. Pvt. 36756602
Munday, Clyde W. Pfc. 20528834
Musolf, Richard N. Sgt. 42010502
Myers, Joseph B. Pvt. 33746660
Myers, Robert 2/Lt.  O549657
Myers, Willie E. Pfc. 34876985 +
Nabolowas, Solomon K., Jr. Pfc. 30110945
Nale, William H. Pfc. 38328667
Neff, Donald D., Jr. Pfc. 20528835
Neihouse, Edward J. Pfc. 38602965 +
KIA Nelson, Arden T/3 36273765
Nelson, Carl A. T/Sgt. 36259677 ?
Neroni, Dino A. S/Sgt. 33584651
Nettles, Grady L. Cpl. 38382608
Newberry, Donald E. 1/Lt.  O403633
Newett, Edward J. Pfc. 33320225
Newman, Hiram C. T/5 34131281
Neyland, William S. T/5 34079108
Niemi, Aarto A.? T/5 39093343
Nietsche, Hans L. Capt. O1290113
Nieves, Miguel R. S/Sgt. 32081222
Nixdorf, Richard W. Pfc. 32357635
Noonan, Lester M. Pfc. 39467579
Norris, James E. T/5 34079057
Norris, Lawrence A. S/Sgt. 12024905
Noseff, Cristo S., Jr. Pvt. 38088629
Novatkoski, Edward P. T/4 32072553
Nowack, Paul A. Pfc. 13189078
Obal, Paul S/Sgt. 42009231 +
Odenwald, Charles H. Pvt. 39389010
Ogletree, Clyde M. Pfc.  6268634
Olejniczak, Matthew C. Pvt. 39724334
Ormsby, Kenneth W. Pvt. 32489097
Ortiz, Jose O. Pfc. 39035861
Osborne, Clyde H. Pfc. 34931191
Ouellette, Albert T/4 31180652
Overly, Paul R. Pvt. 35927397
O’Bryan, Ernest M., Jr. S/Sgt. 34842797
KIA O’Byrne, Theodore R. T/5 32835128
O’Connor, Harold P. Pvt. 31460326
O’Shea, Francis P. S/Sgt. 33700031
Pachnett, Charlie F. T/4 39041448
Padgett, James E. Cpl. 38036678
Paige, Walter H., Jr. Pfc. 31390160
Palmer, Bennett J. T/Sgt. 32840498
Palmer, James O. T/5 20952430
Pantella, Paul Pvt. 32955021
Parker, Frank L. Pfc. 38600769
Parsons, James E. Cpl. 32146009
Patia, Frank Cpl. 36058296
Patten, Charles O. T/5 35124726
Patterson, Charles G. Pfc. 34883139
Patterson, J. T. Pvt. 38668576
Patterson, William H. Sgt. 35606507
Paur, Vernon L. S/Sgt. 37025447
Pavone, Joseph
Pawlicki, Bernard M. Sgt. 36684874
Pearce, John E. Pvt. 36876443
Peck, Wilmer L. Pfc. 33876412
Pence, Edward L. Pfc. 35440103
Pent, William S. Pfc. 34796607
Peralez, Marcio W. Pvt. 38559519
Perkins, Jobe, Jr. Pfc.  6921388
Perna, Joseph J. Sgt. 32536390
Perrin, Kenneth L. Pvt. 42026283
Perry, John S. 2/Lt. O1057207
Peters, Eugene E. T/5 35510488 **
Peters, Steven F. Pvt. 32956239
Petit, Franklin R. Pfc. 32955940
Petito, Ralph W. S/Sgt. 32068324
Pettigrew, Maurice J. Pfc. 31414430
Petty, Dwight H. T/5 42023401
Pharr, Royce Pfc. 39052926
Philippe, Paul T. Cpl. 37660526
Phillips, Philip E. Cpl. 38346649
Phipps, Walter C. Pvt. 34871468
Pickering, Charles C. Pfc. 37527403
KIA Piperni, Samuel A. T/5 32835659
Plaski, Donald F. Sgt. 36809766
Plocharczyk, Henry E. Pfc. 31414604
Polasek, Louis A. S/Sgt. 20823079
Pope, Edgar M. Pfc. 44018867
Porter, Charles W. Pfc. 36688292
Porter, Donald D. Pfc. 35327767
Potenza, Rocco J., Jr. Pvt. 32146020 ?
Powell, Robert E. Pvt. 35559818
Pritchard, Donald J. Pfc. 32412548
Probeck, George W. Sgt. 32417877
Prunty, Doy J. Sgt. 35535198
Prysi, Henry F. 1/Lt. O1312223
Pucciarelli, Nicholas G. Sgt. 32560490
Pucher, Walter W. Sgt. 32998744
Punola, Andrew Pfc. 33280033
Rafferty, Daniel J. Pfc. 36738611
KIA Randolph, John C. Pvt. 38658032
KIA Rapp, Winifred T. 2/Lt.  O926233
Ratliff, Golden W. S/Sgt. 37591027
Ratliff, Norvel B. Pfc. 38208749
Reedy, Harry V. Pfc. 33090246
Reeger, Ralph D., Jr. Pfc. 33689854
Reese, Harold J., Sr. Pfc. 33624088
Reeves, John R. Pfc. 33797016
Regn, Elwood G. Pfc. 32959234
Reige, David P. Pfc. 36876165
Reilly, John L. Pvt. 38084037
KIA Reilly, William A. Pfc. 31430944
Renfro, Vernon B. S/Sgt.  6283872
Rhoads, James L. Pfc. 33952435
Rhodes, Billy O. Pfc. 44033131
Rice, Joseph J. Pfc. 39420526
Richter, Leon R. T/Sgt.  7009990
Ricicar, Edwin P. Sgt. 38554787
Ricker, Clifford B.(S/Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2007080
Ricker, Clifford B.(^2/Lt.) S/Sgt. 39338933
Ricker, Swan E. (B.) Pvt. 34893660
Ricketts, Jack E. Pfc. 39928233(.23)
Riggi, Dominic N. Sgt. 33811362
Riggs, Sterling R. 2/Lt. O1318227
Riggs, William W. Pfc. 15346425
Riley, Ones L. Pvt. 38026754
Ring, Frank Sgt. 35874686 +
Rios, Severino Y. Pfc. 42180589
Rios, William Pfc. 33957335
Ritter, Edward A. Sgt. 32339913
Rivenburgh, Albert C. Pfc. 32850760
Rizzo, Michael J.? Pfc. 31408230
Robbins, Richard V. Pfc. 17057314
Roberts, Darrell R. Sgt. 35075870
Roberts, William E. T/5 33321274
Robertson, James M. Pfc. 39479989
Roc, Herman R. T/5 32072584
Roche, William J. Pfc. 16036043
Roddy, James A. Sgt. 32510048
Rodgers, Richard A. Pfc. 33926303
Rodriguez, Miguel A. S/Sgt. 37010250
Rogers, Marshall B. S/Sgt. 35049634
Rogers, Thomas T. Pfc. 39136779
Rolin, Erskine R. Pvt. 44035333
Roll, Henry B. T/5 35730988
Rollins, Edward Pvt. 44018641
Roman, Harry T/Sgt.  6909060
Rome, Raymond J. Pvt. 34832011
Rooks, Lloyd J. T/5 17057566
Rooney, Charles G. Pfc. 42181961
Rose, Arthur J. T/5 31458320
Rose, James O. Pfc. 36639475
Rosen, William Sgt. 17051170
Rosetti, Armand Pfc. 31404364
KIA Ross, John D. Pfc. 38572238
Rudd, William H. Pfc. 38582781
KIA Rumas, George Pvt. 35842811
Russell, Forrest C. Pfc. 18103158
Ryan, Alva, Jr. Pvt. 36876418
Ryan, Michael J. T/4 33074639
Rypel, Frank A. Pvt. 36831463
Sabatino, Joseph Pvt. 36831593(.8)
Sage, Jack L. Pfc. 35226573
Sagrilla, Donald B. S/Sgt. 35023567
Salach, Emil J. Sgt. 38562365
Sallwasser, Thomas L. (D.) Cpl. 35146076
Salsbury, John D. Pvt. 37742190
Saltsman, Archie C. Pfc. 35899871
Sample, Clarence A. Sgt. 35144002
Samuelson, Stanley E. Cpl. 17197270
Sandel, Gustave L. Pfc. 42008777
Santiago, Julio A. Sgt. 42183020
Sapp, Carter, Jr. Pfc. 34391200
Sarvis, Joseph L. Pfc. 44025215
Saunders, Kenneth S. Cpl. 39083468
Saylor, William F., Jr. Pfc. 33577656
Schaefer, Julian E. T/5 32072567
Schankman, Nathan 1/Lt. O1289818
Schlichting, Raymond E. S/Sgt. 38026598
Schmich, Raymond W. Pfc. 37641346
Schmidke, Raymond A. T/Sgt. 36041325
Schmidt, Donald F. Pvt. 36875034
Schmidt, Earl D. Pfc. 12004034
Schott, Gilbert E. Pvt. 37744851
Schreiner, Walter R. T/Sgt. 38026585
Schrock, Raymond Pfc. 35563718
Schubert, Paul H. Pvt. 36891776
Schultz, Max F. Pfc. 36922428
Schultz, Merlin R. S/Sgt. 35176135
Schutt, Walter W. T/5 17051418
Schwartz, Martin Pvt. 35914185
Scobie, James W. Pfc. 39687828
Scott, Franklin J. Pfc. 37751053
Scott, Lloyd H. Pvt. 33851626
Scott, Paul A. S/Sgt. 20915971
Sears, William Henry Pvt. 42147152(.32)
Seckman, Carl C. Pfc. 15400955
Sellman, Robert F.  (H.) Sgt. 35239061
Sells, Paul R. Pfc. 36922379
Sergeena, George H. Pfc. 36907690
Serio, Melvin H. Pfc. 35851275
Shahan, Roger J. Pvt. 36685828
KIA Shankman, Nathan 1/Lt. O1289818
KIA Sharkey, Edward R. Pvt. 33923121
Shaw, Frank T/4 36215641
Shearin, Harry J. Pfc. 37129082
Shelton, Charles W. Pvt. 34883206
Sheppard, Maynard W. Pfc. 34313731
Shively, Grover C., Jr. Pvt. 32265915
Shockley, James A., Jr. Pfc. 33566183
Shook, Dale A. Pfc. 38636125
Shubert, William J. Pvt. 36686370
Shuhda, Sam Pfc. 42139268
Sica, Vincent F. Pfc. 33957499
Siegrist, Ward F. Pvt. 35236246
Sieler, Dayton L. Pfc. 37761071
Simenavitch, Edward L. S/Sgt. 13007227
Simmons, Ewell L. Pfc. 44020642
Simmons, Harrison O. Pfc. 34156108
Simon, Morris M. Cpl. 32956329
Simpson, Lester Harold Pfc. 33560629
Simpson, Roy R. Sgt. 39566523
Singer, Howard C. T/5 31006415
Sipp, Jake V. Pvt. 37637158
Skotthy, Louis Cpl. 32807961
Slater, Elmer D. Pvt. 35236130
Slipiec, Joseph (NMI) Pfc. 33797052
Sloane, Austin Pfc. 35427637
Slopey, Melvin Pfc. 42191346
Small, James R. Pfc. 33692495
Smith, Alton H. Pfc. 44039796
Smith, Earl F. T/5 35114050
Smith, Joseph W., Jr. Pvt. 35342080
Smith, LeRoy V. Pfc. 33836634
Smith, Nathan E. Pfc. 32941422
Smith, Robert G. Sgt. 31410601 +
Smith, Virgil Pfc. 35040174
Snell, Earl C. Pfc. 35886706
Snider, Norman W. S/Sgt. 19105299
Solmonti, Thomas C. Pfc. 31437323
Sorchini, Armando B. Pfc. 38578420
Souweine, William (NMI) Pvt. 42009741
Sparacino, Toney Cpl. 35770628
Sparks, Clarence G., Jr. Pfc. 35911134
Spasaro, Benjamin C. Sgt. 33854588
Speer, William H. Pfc. 31474525
Spencer, Wilburn Pfc. 34890432
DOW Spiegel, Daniel Pfc. 42071279
Spiegel, Melvin Pfc. 12229692
KIA Staller, Bernard Pfc. 12227029
Stallings, Carl E. T/5 34775728
Standley, Donald G. S/Sgt. 39304589
Stanfield, John L. Pfc. 34899523
Starmer, James E. T/4 34173603
Stay, Ralph T. Pfc. 37588835
Stegen, Raymond E. Cpl. 37052620
Steinmetz, Robert L. Sgt. 36741507
Stella, Custode N. Pfc. 31078087
Sterling, Paul M. Pfc. 37735285
Stern, Jacob Pvt. 42031573
Sterner, Joseph P. Pfc. 39213204
Stewart, Charles Sgt. 35842969
Stewart, Herman A. Pvt. 35079824
Stineman, Thomas R. Pfc. 12209212
Stokes, Edward
Stokes, Walter Arthur Pfc. 37240086
Stone, Fulton, Sr. M/Sgt. 33902991
Stowe, Cothran H. S/Sgt. 14030267
Straky, Peter H., Jr. Pfc. 35927859 +
Strausbaugh, Ray W. Sgt.  6565808
Strauss, Meyer Pvt. 42067788
Stringfellow, Sam Pfc. 39294249
Struble, Galen E. Pfc. 35227063
Strunk, Jacob H. Pvt. 33831643
Stypulkowski, Francis J. Pfc. 42104800
Sump, Clarence W. Pvt. 35558729
Sweazy, Lee K. T/4 17057436
Swick, Harry (NMI) Pvt. 42030177
Swigert, Elmo E. Pfc. 37641637
Taffet, Israel M. Pfc. 12230634
Tanner, William N. 1/Sgt. 38541491
Taylor, Kenneth L. Pfc. 16092149
Taylor, Paul B., Jr. Sgt. 31241885
Taylor, Raymond L. Pfc. 38150743
Taylor, Ross P. Pfc. 39919844
Terranova, Anthony J. Pfc. 31025768
Testa, Gerard Pfc. 42009582
Teufert, Edward A. Pfc. 36684770
Thatcher, Delbert R., Jr. Pvt. 35227364
Thomas, Mayo M. Pvt. 34882901
Thomas, Milan C. Cpl. 36283928
Thompson, Earl A. Pfc. 42075849
Thomsey, Joseph C. (Tomsey) Pfc. 33674823
Thorp, Carmon C. Pvt. 35227438
KIA Tilley, Harrell G. Pfc. 38562295
Timmerman, John F. S/Sgt. 39386150
Tippit, Grady A., Sr. Pfc. 34931594
Tobac, John Pfc. 42105568
Todd, Joe B. Pvt. 38670729
Tolomeo, Anthony J., Jr. S/Sgt. 33699953
Tomalski, Theodore S. T/5 31195271(.6271)
Tomczyk, Stephen 2/Lt. O1322489
Tomkinson, Charles T. T/5 31026309
Torres, Andrew R. S/Sgt.  3521312
Trabka, Leo Pvt. 36721861
Trebotich, John L. T/Sgt.  7000641
Trent, Harry F. Pvt. 33858226
Trimble, Duane Pvt. 39675434(.5)
Truncellito, Anthony Pfc. 42009722
DOW Trzaska, Leo F. Pvt. 36041714
Trzciuski, Louis E. Pfc. 31456359
Turner, Robert R. T/5 17067139
Turzak, John Pvt. 36875876
Tuttle, Wallace G. Capt. O1310529
Uick, Arcmiel    ?  ? Pvt. 15044764
Umbarger, Robert J., Jr. Pfc. 20952458
Undine, James A., Jr. 1/Lt. O1321389
Urbanek, Joseph W. Pfc. 12228220
Van Laningham, George Pvt. 33701713
Van Tassel, Henry J. Sgt. 32575679
Van Wilgen, Cornelius F. Pvt. 31409929
Vance, Richard E. Pfc. 33665153
Vandivner, John D. Pfc. 33702516
Vassallo, Anthony J. Pfc. 32623487
Verdone, Michael A. Pfc. 36907344 **
Verdugo, Raymond Pfc. 39082977
Veryzer, Joseph C. Pfc. 36685725
Vesette, Sidney T/4 18023887
Vicars, James L. Pfc. 33888537
Viehl, Louis C. 1/Lt. O1326251
Vigeant, Raymond Pfc.  6149806
Villaneda, Manuel Pfc. 39864926
Voight, Milbourne W. Pvt. 36846314(.514)
Vorba, Marvin L. Pvt. 37696582
Wade, Wayne M. Sgt. 35299986
Wagner, Eric
Wagner, Fred W. Pfc. 42031587
Wagstaff, Talmadge W. T/4 38411082
Waitkewicz, John S/Sgt. 11010307
Walczak, Michael M. Pvt. 36875366
Waldo, Clifford E. Pvt. 36876048
Walker, Arthur T. Pvt. 38676498
Walker, John Guss S/Sgt. 34361829
Walker, William E. Pvt. 38244424
Wallace, Donald F. Pfc. 39598523
Wallace, Melvin R. Pfc. 13002591
Wallace, Roy E. Pfc. 38055408
Wallace, William K. Sgt. 13195023
Waller, Eugene F. Pfc. 35907201
Walter, Edward L. Pvt. 39338355
Warner, George W. Pfc. 33255286
Warren, Thomas H. T/5 36851054
Wayne, Wilford K. Cpl. 35430281
Webb, Earl E. Pvt. 36986952
Weber, Walter J. T/5 19105320
Weideman, Robert J. Sgt. 15359850 +
Weik, Raymond F. T/5 37048926
Weinel, Jim E. Pfc. 36077533
Weldon, James C. T/5 34361821
Wentz, Carl C. Sgt. 34115016
Wentzel, Robert L. Pfc. 36876317
Wessels, Albert NMI 1/Sgt. 32616689
Westphal, Albert F. Sgt. 32083303
Wetzel, George E. Cpl. 33201749
Whalen, Arthur J. Cpl. 31067849
Whatley, Roy C. S/Sgt. 34235496
Wheeler, Earl L. Cpl. 36442793
Wheeler, Francis X. Sgt. 20225214
Wheeler, John I. Cpl. 17163307
White, Elmer Pfc. 34047868
White, Othell L. Pfc. 44031899
Whittier, Elmer S. Sgt. 11047134
Wiedmeyer, Paul J. Cpl. 36216669
Wikarski, Charles C. Pvt. 36831449
Wiley, Austin, Jr. Pfc. 17044224
Wilkins, Virgil E. Pfc. 39406355
Wille, Emil C. Pfc. 36311837
Williams, Joseph D. Pfc. 33794820
Williamson, John W. Pvt. 42008274
Willson, William P. T/5 13043696
Wilson, Harry A. 1/Sgt. 16040670
Wilson, Thurman M. Pfc. 34871642
Winkler, Edmund W. T/4 38102243
Wiron, John A. T/5 20952466
Wolf, Toney J. T/4 17051432
Wood, Charles C. Cpl. 32062042
Woodard, Ole C. Sgt. 38582623
Woodbridge, Hardy B., Jr. 1/Lt.  O556849 +
Woolson, Aaron R. T/5 32955902
Wroblewski, Joseph Pfc. 42031000
Wron, Riley O. Pvt. 38622596
Yaeger, Robert O. Pfc. 35252489
Yager, Francis M. S/Sgt. 32578870
Yaney, William Marion Pfc. 34913617
Yelton, John F. 2/Lt. O1315254
Yeomans, Bernard Sgt. 36875830
Yost, Frank Pvt. 32957690
Young, George R. Pvt. 33697040
Young, Harold J. T/4 33355146
Young, Robert H. Pfc. 39725432
Young, Warren E. Sgt. 32311233
Yuhas, Joseph      ? Pfc. 32236393
Zaffino, Frank D. T/Sgt. 36820743
Zajac, Benjamin W. T/Sgt. 32322199
Zakrajsek, Joe J. Pfc. 17091540
Zanghi, Angelo Pfc. 42098193
Zeilmann, Joseph Pvt. 32825501
Zidjunas, Frank E. 2/Lt. O1322503
Zubrzycki, Francis Pvt. 35516455


1- 63rd infantry division association

2- Research and Records from Timothy A. Malone