Pvt. Edwin J. Dumdei 37581574, US Army KIA

Pvt. Edwin J. Dumdei 37581574, US Army KIA. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dumbei of Bowdle of Edmunds County South Dakota. He entered the service in Florida on December 1, 1943. Following training in the Infantry at Camp Blanding, Florida, he shipped overseas on June 9, 1944. Serving as a Squad Leader with Company L, 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division he was killed in action in Alsace-Lorraine on September 11, 1944. He was burred at Lorraine American Cemetery St Avold, France. He was Awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, the Bronze Star Medalthe Purple Heart MedalThe American Theater of operationsthe European Theater of Operations Medal ETO with 2 battle star, and the World War Two Victory Medal.

Edmunds County in World War Two