Private First Class Bernard P. Perez

Private First Class Bernard P. Perez US Army. Born 17 September 1912 in San Luis, Mexico. Attended schools in Wiley, Colorado, and was engaged in farming prior to entering service on 23 February 1942 at the age of 29. Trained at Camp Robinson, Arkansas, and served with Company D, 27th Infantry Regiment, 26th Division. In action four times from Guadalcanal through Northern Solomons, and then took part in the invasion of Luzon, P.I. Holds the Good Conduct Medal, Combat Infantry Badge (CIB), (PTO) Ribbon with 3 Battle Stars, and Victory Medal. Honorably discharged on 5 October 1945. He is the son of Mrs. Luz Perez of Lamar, Colorado.



1- THE FIGHTING MEN OF Colorado – Asiatic-Pacific Theater World War Two – 1948
