SERGEANT NORMAN K. DANIELS, 31077915 US Army Air Force KIA. Sergeant Daniels graduated from Haverhill High School in 1931 and attended Bordentown Military Academy, N. J., and Bates College. He enlisted in the Air Corps June 5, 1942, and trained at Miami Beach and Lowry Field, Colorado, Gunnery School. He served in the 347th Bomb. Squadron, 99th Bomb Group, Twelfth Air Force. He went overseas as a waist gunner from Camp Kilmer, N. J., to LaSenis, Oran. May 3, 1943, on its tenth mission to Bizerte, his plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire and forced to return but it had to crash-land fifteen miles at sea. The plane sank in fifteen seconds but the crew got out and clung to the life raft. After drifting a mile or two from land, Sergeant Daniels attempted to swim for aid. When last seen he was approximately a mile from shore. He was officially declared dead May 4, 1944. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Elise M. Daniels, and daughter Linda, 21 Fernwood Avenue, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Daniels, 55 Whittier St., and one brother.

SERGEANT NORMAN K. DANIELS, 31077915 US Army Air Force KIA. Sergeant Daniels graduated from Haverhill High School in 1931 and attended Bordentown Military Academy, N. J., and Bates College. He enlisted in the Air Corps June 5, 1942, and trained at Miami Beach and Lowry Field, Colorado, Gunnery School. He served in the 347th Bomb. Squadron, 99th Bomb Group, Twelfth Air Force. He went overseas as a waist gunner from Camp Kilmer, N. J., to LaSenis, Oran. May 3, 1943, on its tenth mission to Bizerte, his plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire and forced to return but it had to crash-land fifteen miles at sea. The plane sank in fifteen seconds but the crew got out and clung to the life raft. After drifting a mile or two from land, Sergeant Daniels attempted to swim for aid. When last seen he was approximately a mile from shore. He was officially declared dead May 4, 1944. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Elise M. Daniels, and daughter Linda, 21 Fernwood Avenue, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Daniels, 55 Whittier St., and one brother.


1- Haverhill Massachusetts – Haverhill  in World War Two