MASTER SERGEANT LEON P. CHAGNON, 11032493 KIA US Army Air Corps. Sergeant Chagnon attended St. Joseph’s School and graduated from Haverhill High School in 1936. He worked at the Capitol Stamping Company at the time he enlisted, December 9, 1941. After being stationed at various camps in this country he flew to Africa via Brazil on December 23, 1943. He served in North Africa and Italy with 739th Bomb. Squadron, 454th Bomb. Group, 15th Air Force, as an aerial gunner. Most of his missions were over Central Europe. While on a flight over Gaaz, Austria, his ship, “Winged Victory,” the lead ship in the formation, badly crippled from enemy ground fire, fought two German fighter planes for fifty-five minutes before going down. The crew managed, however, to drop their load of bombs on Regensburg, their objective. It was during this flight, on February 25, 1944, that Sergeant Chagnon was killed. He leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philias Chagnon, 11 Federal St., a brother, and one sister. He was awarded the Air Medal, Purple Heart Medal, ETO Medal.

1- Haverhill Massachusetts – Haverhill  in World War Two