CEM Chilton Ayres

CEM Chilton Ayres US Navy. He entered Navy, 1943, trained in Davisville, R.I., N.Y., Ma, and California Served on Guam. Awarded APO and Victory Ribbons. Discharged in 1945.

Maybe same man as 

AEM 2/c Chilton Ayres,

AEM 2/c Chilton Ayres, US Navy. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chilton Ayres of Sweetwater husband of Dorothy Burgess, attended Graham High School. He entered the Navy, 1943, trained at Great Lakes, Ill., Iowa Fla. and Fa, he served in USA. Awarded ATO and Victory ribbons. Discharged in 1945.



1- Men and women in the Armed Forces from Young County Texas