Antitank Company 255th Infantry regiment 63rd Infantry Division

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Aarhus, Andrew L. Pfc. 37296896 **
Abel, Norman NMI Pfc. 33596112
Alkire, Maurice J. Pvt. 33705160
Allen, Joseph L. Pvt. 37692805
KIA Anderson, Paul A. Pfc. 33768079
Anderson, Walter G., Jr. Sgt. 34882913
Andrews, Otto W. Pvt. 39919814
Appleton, William S. 2/Lt.  O509452
Aque, Victor S. Capt. O1306048
Arcand, Girard F. Pfc. 31417207
Armatore, Dominic J. Pfc. 36319231
Armel, Daniel Pvt. 33654561
Armstrong, Gordon NMI T/5 36807215
Atchison, James D. Pfc. 20804258
Auld, Ronald C. T/4 36684835
Autunno, John W. Pvt. 31381238
Bagarazzi, Michael J. Pfc. 42129265
Bailey, Paul R. Pfc. 33012864
Baker, Harold E. T/5 39381070
Bakun, John P. Pfc. 31256556
Balot, Arthur E. Pfc. 38616533
Balter, Murray NMI Sgt. 42006344
Barber, Harold L. Pfc. 38672336
Barnes, Kenneth D. Pfc. 36874910
Barrett, Thomas F. Pvt. 31327672
Barton, Kenneth L. S/Sgt. 39904583
Baughman, Emery A. Pvt. 15116071
Beasley, Charlie D. Pfc. 33629092
Beaver, Charles S. Cpl. 33703330
Beckwith, Harold S. Pvt. 36890657
Behm, Raymond P. 2/Lt. O1322303
Berberich, Raymond W. Pvt. 36258347
Berilla, Wilbert J. Pfc. 35054828
Bertels, Alphonse H. Pvt. 36876615
Bittinger, Albert S. Pfc. 33957468
Black, Harold W. Pfc. 31348607 +
Blanchard, Earle J. Pfc. 31340578
Blasetti, Pasquale A. S/Sgt. 33100865
Blazejewski, Allen F. Pvt. 42021907
Blessing, Edwin L. 1/Sgt. 13003911
Boundy, George E. Pfc. 36320561
Bourque, Emile M. Pfc. 31321956
Brady, Leo A. J., Jr. Pfc. 33511916
Breceia, Peter P. Pfc. 33816141
Bresnei, Joseph A. Pvt. 33291209
Broadus, Garland W. Pfc. 38051519
Brooks, LeRoy W. Pfc. 36140385
Brooks, Richard L. Pfc. 36876213
Brown, Pvt. 32997563
Brown, Neal A. Pfc. 39338809
Brummer, Kenneth W. Pvt. 36817343
Buchanan, Albert O. Pvt. 32459529
Buck, Harold D. Cpl. 31381127
Buckles, Don E. Pvt. 33702726
Buda, Alexander T. Pvt. 31460302
Buelow, Paul C. Pvt. 36765237
Bull, Richard T. 1/Lt.  O467677
Bunsa, Joseph J. 1/Lt.  O318872
Burdette, Thomas H. T/Sgt. 35136020
Burkholder, Paul C. Pfc. 35291985
Burroughs, Charles W. Pfc. 32956129
Burrows, Powell E. Pfc. 35236228
Butler, David E. S/Sgt.  6958894
Butler, Herbert H. S/Sgt. 32239388
Byers, Herbert B. Pfc. 38065626
Caissie, Joseph M. Pfc.  6149992
Campbell, Charles (Carliss) Pvt. 15040817
Campbell, Francis A. T/4 31371882
Caputo, Joseph Pfc. 42062893
Carey, Albert R. (A.) Pfc. 31460056
Carey, Thomas J. T/5 33827843
Carl, Orval R. Pvt. 36685435
Carson, Joseph C. Pfc. 36875396
Carter, Howard J. Pfc. 36953508
Chase, Lester E. T/5 39310616
Cheever, Harry L. Pfc. 37235323
Ciampi, Samuel S. Pvt. 32999355
Clark, Joseph E. Pfc. 34985088
Clegg, Earl F. Pvt. 35847458
Clubb, Roy D., Jr. Sgt.  6576716
Cocchiara, John P. Pfc. 38500958
Codd, Raymond J. (E.) Pvt. 36875763
Colman, Willard K. Pfc. 36588086
Comstock, Charles A. Jr. Pfc. 31387291
Condict, Joseph A. Pvt. 12153794
Connell, Jesse A., Sr. Pvt. 34819467
Conrad, Fred C. Pvt. 39049975
Cooper, Eli A. Pvt. 32943396
Cooper, Roy W. Pvt. 37413307
Corcoran, Edmund J. Pvt. 31381303
Cornacchia, Anthony J. Pvt. 33808702
Corsi, David J. Pvt. 42009324
Costan, Robert G. Pvt. 33683265
Cothran, Billie S. Pfc. 34966517
Cowart, Frederick Sgt. 32293254
Cowie, Robert L. 1/Lt. O1043303
Cox, John P. Pvt. 15087116
Crocker, James R. Pfc. 37625657
Cronin, Daniel J. Pvt. 32710017
Cronin, Philip J. Pfc. 32996265
Croom, Aubrey E. Pvt. 34882019
Crowe, Joseph E. Pvt. 35922423
Cunningham, Donald Pvt.
Cunningham, James NMI Pvt. 36876635
Custodero, Bernard F. Pfc. 33896721
Czanlicki, Joseph Pvt. 37176412
Dalvesco, Rudy B. Pfc. 33701089
Dapprich, Carl H. T/5 33692277
Darr, Randle E. Pfc. 36075652
Daukas, John E. Pvt. 36689563
Davidson, Harry A. Pfc. 36443602
Davison, Edward Sgt.  6644995
DeAustin, Erwin A. T/5 37278809
DeFord, Nolan L. Sgt. 38038502
Delaney, Richard J. Pfc. 12216641
Derderian, George Pfc. 42055889
DeSoto, Edward C. Pvt. 36605014
Dick, Elvis L. Pfc. 34884185
Diens, Harold W. Pvt. 36685938
Dixon, Russell H. Pfc. 39703385
Dockery, Kederick Pfc. 33888514
Dodson, Wilmer B. Cpl. 33842710
Donofrio, John A. Pfc. 31381112
Donohoe, Francis J. Pvt. 42031187
Drum, Howard H. Pfc. 39251997
Dudley, Raymond S. Pfc. 12058301
Durvin, Benjamin F., Jr. Pfc. 33540539
Dye, Glen Pvt. 35203067
Eakins, Rufus B Pvt. 38681878
Eberhardt, William D. Pfc. 32790893
Elliott, Ivan A., Jr. 1/Lt. O1062354 +
Emminger, Carl E. Pfc. 35049609
Erickson, Kenneth W. Pvt. 37751500 +/rel.
Esko, Marvin 37751500 +
Ewert, Edward A. Pfc. 42009817
Fagan, Thomas R. Pvt. 33702716
Farha, Sam G. Pvt. 35775398
Farmer, Jack D. Pfc. 36776799
Fereno, Joseph E. Pfc. 36875470
Ferguson, Edward T. Cpl. 36684809
Ferguson, Stuart R. S/Sgt. 36320252
Filipek, Frank S/Sgt. 36685507
Finney, Art C. Pfc. 37205298(.7)
Fisher, James O. Pfc. 34890101
Flowers, John T., Jr. Pfc. 37471288 +
Folgierski, Adam J. Pfc. 42030063
Ford, James E. T/Sgt. 36690806
Formenti, Lawrence D. Pfc. 36807199
Forshee, Kenneth M. Sgt. 39919321
Free, Howard M. Pfc. 35893560
Freed, Donald A. Pvt. 37683937
French, Seaward R. Cpl. 33680795
Frost, Herman O. Pfc. 34687659
Gagne, Antonio A. Pfc. 31351904
Gamble, Harry B. Pfc. 33733606
Garcia, Wilfred E. Pfc. 39703349
Gasdritza, Carl J. Pfc. 36875574 +
Gates, Paul E. Pfc. 31429959
Gearing, Clifford A. Pvt. 31338716
Gelfond, John J. (B.) 2/Lt. O1319380
Gerardi, Daniel V. Pfc.  6564997
Gibbs, Robert P. Pvt. 31371233
Ginsburg, Morris Pfc. 35079753
Gochee, Clarence A. Pvt. 31381346
Goodman, Edward NMI T/Sgt. 33794826
Goodwin, Archie L. T/Sgt. 18135698
Gordon, James M. Pfc. 14022288
Gordon, Thomas E. S/Sgt. 34403563
Gotham, Russell C. Pfc. 36145105(.8105)
Graham, Lee N. Pvt. 42041293
Greeson, Howard Ralph Pfc. 34679177
Grippo, Vito L. Pvt. 33776724
Gronning, William H. 1/Lt. O1283416
Gutzman, Henry L. Pvt. 36830950
Habermehl, Lloyd G. Cpl. 36876496
Halbgewachs, William F. Pvt. 33796565
Halligan, Francis T. Pfc. 31387140
Hallstrom, Carl E. T/5 37290833
Hamburg, Harold Pfc. 39331672 +
Hammel, Raymond G. Pfc. 42041061 +
Hankins, Milton W. S/Sgt. 14080218
Hanna, Nelson H. 2/Lt. O1311250
Hanson, Charles A. Pfc. 33875101
Harman, Eric Pfc. 42129605
Harper, Guy J. Pvt. 34883646
Harrington, Marion F. Pvt. 39338658
Harris, George L., Jr. 2/Lt.  O512969
Harty, Maynard J. Pfc. 37692804
Haygood, Floyd T/4 34583110
Hearn, Jackson B. 2/Lt. O2011705
Heaton, Russell W. 1/Lt. O1824798
Hedrick, Everett O. Pvt. 34596232
Heft, Arthur S. Pfc. 20913270
Heineman, Paul E. 2/Lt. O1312677
Henderson, William G. Pfc. 36875699
Hendrick, Everett O. Pfc. 34596232
Hendrickson, Maurice E. Pvt. 37751495
Herman, Harvey E. Pvt. 36685541
Hershman, Sam 1/Lt. O1317528
Hess, Howard A. Pvt. 33513740
Hill, Darrell N. Pvt. 37751489
Hoffman, Robert J. Pvt. 33831574
Holder, Donald R. Pfc. 19144110
Holecheck, Emil C. Cpl. 36684773
Hopkins, Frederick J. 2/Lt. O1312081
Horch, William M. 2/Lt. O1320533
Horton, Velmar H. Pvt. 36677231
House, John B. (S.) Pfc. 36664710(38.)
Housley, George A. Pvt. 33708629
Howard, David N. Pvt. 42026204
Howell, Robert
Huggins, Robert T/5  7006149
Hummel, Ralph E. Pvt. 36672745
Hutchins, J. Berkley, Jr. Pfc. 31350362
Inman, Norris E. Pvt. 33614470
Ion, Harold W. Pfc. 33272808
Iskovitz, Marvin A. Pvt. 36876686
Jarchow, Wilbur B. S/Sgt. 36000537
Jedrowicz, Joseph J. Pfc. 33724946
Jenkins, Pfc. 34077287
Jenkins, Willie H., Jr. Pfc. 34835449
Jennings, Alvin J. Pvt. 39338705
Jennings, William B. 1/Lt.  O532689
Jessing, Joseph F. Pfc. 35034781
Jimenez, Israel D. T. Pfc. 38078891
Johnson, Everett L. Pfc. 33655496
Johnson, Gerald C. Pvt. 39585275 +
Johnson, Perry J. Pfc. 39004191
Jones, Pfc.  6996693
Jones, Clodise H. Pfc. 38490886
Jones, Leonard W. Pfc. 33733135
Jorda, John M. Pfc. 33608377
Kafoure, Richard Pfc. 35910196
Kalavitinos, Harry Pfc. 20382262
Karsnik, George J. Pvt. 33329916
Kearns, William B. S/Sgt. 20525767
Keegan, James J. Pvt. 42129597
Kelley, Ernest L. Pvt. 39919812
Kelly, James F. Pvt. 32997563
Kestler, William P. Pfc. 13073997
Ketzin, Harry NMI (Kotzin) Pvt. 31423957
Kilareski, Walter P. Pvt. 33835690
King, Joseph W., Sr. Pfc. 33957518
Kipp, Earl W. S/Sgt. 36875590 +
Kline, Alvin J. Pvt. 33766326
Klinkman, Wilbert R. Pfc. 35570273
Knapp, Joseph J. Pvt. 36875189
Knapp, Kenneth L. Pfc. 39338629
Kobas, Frank J. T/5 32943228
Kostecke, Vincent P. Pfc. 32531694
Kreeger, Merlin A. Pvt.  6931632
Krueger, Walter J. Sgt. 36874467
Kuchewich, John NMI Pfc. 35708233
Kutzer, Paul Pfc. 33608233
Kvalheim, Norman H. Pfc. 36848374
Landingham, George E. Pvt. 39339508
Langham, Howard H., Jr. Pfc. 19211688
Lannigan, Richard M. Pfc. 12198142
Lehman, Pvt. 35769619
Leja, John J. T/4 36689570
Lenkowski, Henry H. Pfc. 36875414
Leon, James Pvt. 33808298
Lerchen, John R. Cpl. 36875598
Lescovich, Henry J. Pvt. 33692388
Levine, Jacob Pvt. 42030179
Levine, Martin I. Pfc. 33794825
Levinsky, Stanley M. Pfc. 13125947
Lewis, Robert M. Pfc. 16051305
Lieb, Sidney NMI Pfc. 33796063
Liptak, Louis F. Pvt. 36831268
Little, William A. S/Sgt. 16016808
Loguidice, Joseph A. Pfc. 32303543
Long, Theodore Pfc. 36778471
Loudermilk, Robert NMI Pfc. 35727703
Loveland, Ernest L. Pvt. 39418358
Lowenstein, Max NMI Pvt. 32995488
Lucas, William J. Pfc. 33925520
Lux, Turner S., Jr. 2/Lt.  O557728
Maas, Benjamin G. Pfc. 39403466 +
MacNeil, Neil F. Sgt. 39115445
Maira, Christopher L. Pvt. 42023455
Majors, Patrick H. S/Sgt. 34504111
Malin, James T. Pvt. 39862482
Martin, Ed Sgt.
Martin, Frank Pfc. 36876654
Martin, Frederick A.(S/Sgt.^) 1/Lt. O2007079
Martin, Frederick A.(^2/Lt.) S/Sgt. 32943413
Martinaitis, Peter J. Pfc. 36686046
Maslowsky, Joseph B. Pfc. 36684887 +
Mathews, Fred C. Pfc. 35227300
McCamish, Dave T. T/5 34883217
McCulloch, Marcus C. (A.) Sgt. 33682955
McCutcheon, John J. 1/Lt. O2055066
McFarland, John E. Pfc. 33364851
McGann, Robert J. Pfc. 13203434
McHale, William F. Pvt. 33795251
McInerney, Daniel R. Pfc. 12026459
McQuestion, Leo C. Pfc. 35227681
McQuillan, John F. S/Sgt. 31372005
Medlen Clyde R. 1/Lt. O2010888
Meinerth, Benjamin G. Pfc. 31460068
Mercurio, Peter Pfc. 42051253
Merrigan, Francis J. 2/Lt. O1308844
Merrill, Marlin L. Pfc. 42023324
Messer, Lewis C. Pvt. 32364490
Metz, Earl E. (F.) Cpl. 39404164
Meyer, Clarence F., Jr. Pfc. 37508570
Michaels, Marvin P. Pvt. 34882960″
Miller, Harold H. T/Sgt. 35290123
Miller, Raymond T. Pfc. 37388407
Miller, Vaughn W., Jr. Pvt. 39420738
Millward, Marden R. 2/Lt. O1823469
Milsop, Ernest NMI Pfc. 33795277
Mindock, William E. Cpl. 36675863
Mintzer, Harry Pvt. 42129341
Mitchell, Herbert H. (T.) Pfc. 33661971
Mitchell, Shelley (Shelly) S/Sgt.  6923016(.416)
Mitchell, Thomas J. Pvt. 37016964
Moffatt, Alvah Pvt.
Montano, Anthony N. Pfc. 31325300
Moore, Raymond Pfc. 32235212
Morgan, John J. Pfc. 36589228
Morin, Lionel A. Pvt. 31061667
Morris, Glenford W. Pfc. 35583689
Mosca, Armand P. Sgt. 33463423
Mosesso, Joseph A. Pfc. 33699720
Moya, Fernando P. Pfc. 38578260
Mucciolo, John J. Cpl. 32534599
Mulkern, Edward J. Pvt. 33796808
Mulkey, Oren A., Sr. Pfc. 14118885
Mulvaney, Harry J. Pvt. 36756602
Munson, Herbert T. Pfc. 32939265
Murchie, William S. Pvt. 42022137
Murphy, Vincent P. Pvt. 42010119
Myers, Robert L. Pfc. 33062454
Neidigh, Earl E. Pfc. 39338595 +
Newman, William D. Sgt. 20624398
Nicholas, Vender P. Pfc. 37174010
Nichols, David A.(now Pardoe) Pfc. 12168895 **
Niebuhr, Charles S. Pvt. 37139462
Nieland, Richard A. Pfc. 37109008
Nielsen, Jay R. Pfc. 19011195
Nunnally, T/4 34003995
Olesz, William H. Pfc. 36875619
Oliver, Ange Pfc. 38261004
Olk, Clarence Pfc. 37174169
Omer, Harold F. Pfc. 37692887
Ostrofsky, Aaron Pfc. 33888454
O’Brien, Eugene C., Jr. Pvt. 34849006
Pannesco, Peter C. S/Sgt. 31350360
Paraska, George Pvt. 36875532
Parris, Joel S. Pfc. 36588714
Patterson, Emmett (Emmet) T/5 38244162
Paulina, Arthur F. 1/Lt. O1316082
Peak, Everett E. Pfc. 35851719
Pearce, Earett W. Pfc. 37399149
Pecoraro, Nicholas, Jr. NMI Pvt. 42022229
Penrod, John T. Pvt. 35898981
Perry, Irvin Pfc.  6986456
Pichetto, Frank A. Pvt. 42008658
Pickett, Glenn F. Pvt. 37692966
Pickowitz, Stanley (T/Sgt.^) 1/Lt. O2014893
Pickowitz, Stanley (^2/Lt.) T/Sgt. 32532681
Pierce, Maxwell A. Pfc. 36875645
Pittman, Kenneth D. Pvt. 35901761
Pletcher, James H. Pvt. 33692479
Podolak, Clem J. Pfc. 36876090
Porter, Joseph R., Jr. T/5 33316073
Poythress, Carl H., Jr. Cpl. 34871238
Pulliam, William H. S/Sgt. 36029313
Purdy, Arthur P. T/Sgt. 15304058
Quinn, Paul R. Pvt. 33699748
Raftery, William J. Pfc. 12163949
Ransom, John T. Pfc. 31369330
Ray, Bernard A. Pfc. 31314991
Ream, Harry C., Jr. T/Sgt. 35226543
Reese, Edward J. Pvt. 36685455
Remig, Frank, Jr. Pvt. 35924415
Rentfrow, Cecil C. Pvt. 38606536
Ricciardelli, Joseph V., Jr. Pfc. 32518939
Rice, Daniel A. S/Sgt. 39912058
Rickard, Richard H., Jr. Pfc. 36524508
Riley, Charles, II Pvt. 33478937
Roach, Martin R. Pfc. 35851789
Robb, Bennie J. Pfc. 36921760
Robinson, Amasa H. Pvt. 14012978
Rock, Chester J. Pfc. 33058417
Rodgers, Howard M. S/Sgt. 35014097
Rogers, Alfred R., Jr. Pfc. 33129500
Rogers, Maynard L. Pfc. 44006620
Romestan, Elmer J. Pfc. 33701035
Romig, Frank, Jr. Pvt. 35924415
Ross, Albin A. Cpl. 32540810
Ross, Earnest J. Pvt. 33430362
Rossi, Carl Pfc. 42026320
Rothmeyer, Ervin P. Pvt. 37575233
Rovegno, Louis E. Pfc. 42060462
Ruhl, Homer L., Jr. Pfc. 33878862
Rullman, Russell C. Pfc. 35910137
Rush, Carol W. S/Sgt. 14116247
Ruzbarsky, Andrew A. T/4 32239076
Ruzicka, Tony J. Pvt. 36695740
Ryder, Harold R. Pvt. 38491107
Saba, Sam Pvt.  6933265
Sabellico, Raymond F. S/Sgt. 32577569
Salatino, Thomas C. Pfc. 20230073
Sanders, Leon L. S/Sgt. 39467357
Sayotovich, Anthony J. T/5 36831073
Scardina, Salvatore M. Pfc. 33904387
Scerbo, Joseph E. Pfc. 42008811
Schauman, Ignatius Pvt. 36685530
Schierberl, Alfred A., Jr. Pvt. 33683271
Schmid, William M. Sgt. 33699989
Schneider, George F. Sgt. 35524988
Schooling, James F., Jr. Pfc. 37517761
Schott, Chalmers H. Pvt. 33798099
Schultz, Herman A. Cpl. 36112628
Schwartz, Martin NMI Pvt. 35914185
Sciortino, Charles Pfc. 36319113
Scobee, Lloyd E. Pfc. 35893306
KIA Sealy, Calvin A. Cpl. 38433432
Seely, David F. Sgt.  6938622
Semit, Oscar T. T/Sgt. 36765828
Serono, Philip R. Pvt. 32924559
Sevits, Wallace H. Pvt. 36768181
Sexton, William A. T/5 42009561
Shane, Stanley P., Jr. Pfc. 42166111
Shank, Lawrence L. Pfc. 36588992
Shapona, George Pvt. 33435172
Shealy, John D. Pvt. 34842956
Sherier, Luther C., Jr. Pfc. 39338545
Sherlock, Patrick NMI Pvt. 34883642
Sherwood, Thomas G. T/5 42008058
Shoulderblade, Tony S. Pfc. 39337661
Sicard, Robert O. T/Sgt. 31185008
Sigal, David Pfc. 31410597
Simmons, Thomas G. Pfc. 38243132
Simons, James W. Pfc. 35760683
Sirola, Carl Edward Pfc. 36830965 **
Skolnik, Philip G. Pvt. 35924288
Smith, Pvt. 34779810
Smith, Everett Pfc. 35827752
Smith, Frank E. Pfc. 34105433
Smith, George E. T/5 32956103
Smith, Jesse P. Pfc. 35927894
Smith, Robert L., Sr. Pvt. 34895103
Smith, William C. Pvt. 34771127
Snow, Gervis W. T/5 39213349
Sole, Edgar NMI S/Sgt. 35290321
Sorrell, Thomas H. Pvt. 31340558
Spann, Howard E. 1/Sgt. 34234994
Spicer, Robert F. Pfc. 35227429
Spratt, James J. Pfc. 32567857
Starr, Herbert A. S/Sgt. 12153795
Stegman, Paul V. Pfc. 33923328
Stein, Louis M. S/Sgt. 37664948
Steinberg, Aaron Pfc. 32238921
Stern, Saul L. T/5 32525989
Stetter, Walter W. Pfc. 33514745
Stolowski, Vincent R. Pvt. 42009020
Stolp, Arvard L. Pfc. 39213324
Stone, Harold T., Jr. Cpl. 31293824
Stone, Richard C. Pvt. 42098718
Strickland, Woodrow NMI Pvt. 22419826
Strunk, Willie NMI Pfc. 34882876
Stuart, Robert C. Capt. O1290153
Sully, Sgt.
Summers, Paul E. Pvt. 37589821
Sumrall, Jessie J. Pfc. 38051664
Swindell, John Pfc. 39147534
Swinney, Lowell A. T/5 20759562
Talbot, Earl H. Pfc. 32832744
Tanana, William B. Pfc. 36106153
Tarzia, Dominic J. T/5 32209383
Taylor, Douglas E. Pfc. 16148645
Teulis, Lewis A.    ? Sgt. 37497136
Thomas, Jacob L. Pvt. 36152072
Thomson, James C. T/5 33794970 +
Todd, Edward H. Pfc. 31074124
Tofanelli, Tony P. Pfc. 36874163
Tomlin, Lewis A. Sgt. 37497136
Toplikar, Carl C. (G.) Pfc. 37740885(.685)
Tourangeau, Eugene J. Pfc. 16020407
Tousley, Clifford J. Cpl. 36100133
Tracy, Lee E. Pfc. 39138832
Trenk, Abraham NMI Pfc. 32999561
Trowbridge, Frank R., Jr. Pfc. 34659421
Tully, Harold T. Sgt. 35732311(.31)
Tweedie, Clifford C. Sgt. 32370053
Van Auken, Ernest H., Jr.(W.) Pfc. 36906715
Vanderpool, Raymond K. (E.) T/5 39566487
Vanscoy, Raymond R. Pfc. 35760670
Varela, Elpidio R. Pfc. 39714724
Ventre, Thomas P. Pfc. 42008801
Vincent, John R. Pvt. 36875718
Voshelle, Walter W. Pvt. 33798142
Wagner, David E. Pvt.  6789273
Waidzulis, Frank J. Pfc. 36319091
Warakomsky, Chester S.(.ski) T/5 42008873
Warner, Paul E. T/4 31024241
Wason, Leo R. Pfc. 32592619
Watkins, K. L. (R. L.) Pfc. 34976096
Weaver, Ralph E. Pfc. 33058080
Webb, Albert A. Pvt. 39338635
Weflen, Archie N. T/4 37098740
Weinman, Benjamin C. Pfc. 32778535
Weist, LeRoy F. Pfc. 35247550
Wells, Lawrence R. Pfc. 37695232
Wenmouth, Norman C. Sgt. 31245329(.6329)
Werntz, John Hobbs S/Sgt. 33667431 +
Wesner, Olen David S/Sgt. 35226938
Wey, Clifton C. Pfc. 35893311
Whalen, Francis T. Pfc. 36831579
Whaley, Albert E. S/Sgt. 38037310
Whalley, William W. Pfc. 31428009
Wheeler, William L. Pvt. 39338594
Whelihan, John H. Pvt. 39138824
White, Donald L. Pfc. 35227487
White, John G., Jr. 2/Lt.  O516681
White, Manetha F. Pfc. 37532547
White, Orville A. Pvt. 36685226
Wickes, Edward L. Pvt. 31459911
Wilke, Eugene J. T/5 32509666
Williams, Grover L. Pvt. 34842718
Williams, James D. Pvt. 36684882
Williams, James R. T/5 32235827
Williamson, Norman L. 2/Lt.  O351554(O55.)
Willmont, Russell E. Pfc. 42031271
Winrow, Sam A. Pfc. 20825131
Withington,, Jr. T/4 11106648
Wolek, William J. Pfc. 36320463
Wooten, James B. Pvt. 36708148
Wyeth, Charles H. T/4 39310617
Wymer, Harold W. (E.) 2/Lt. O1317721
Yalsovac, Paul Pvt. 35924568
Yope, Thomas, Jr. NMI Pvt. 33247931
Zaffino, Salvatore J. Pvt. 42068167
Zaleck, Vincent Pfc. 42102250
Zebly, Thomas, Jr. (Zelby) Pvt. 36589199
Zielinski, Walter E. S/Sgt. 36876563
Zink, Harry Edward, Jr. T/4 13068460 +


1- 63rd infantry division association

2- Research and Records from Timothy A. Malone