Cannon Company 253rd Infantry regiment 63rd Infantry Division
Back to the 253rd Infantry Regiment
Abieniste, Bennett J. | Pfc. | 42009577 | |
Akins, Everett V. | Pvt. | 37728285 | |
Albert, Eugene W. | Pvt. | 12132652 | |
Alspach, Donald E. | Pfc. | 36875537 | |
Alther, Robert | Pfc. | 33442858 | |
Ambirg, Francis A. | S/Sgt. | 6753732 | |
Amoe, Robert J. | T/5 | 17001585 | |
Anderson, Fred L. | Cpl. | 7007441 | |
Andrews, Arleigh B. | S/Sgt. | 14014263 | |
Angus, Melvin R. | Sgt. | 33764216 | |
Arky, Alfred A. | Pvt. | 42009653 | |
Armentrout, Glen C. | T/5 | 35385506 | |
Arsenault, William A. | T/Sgt. | 31023786 | |
Assalone, Michael | Pfc. | 33270688 | |
Atchley, Chester K. | S/Sgt. | 37138468 | |
Baer, John S. | 2/Lt. | O1306532 | |
Baidas, John J. | Pvt. | 33459530 | |
Baker, Alvish A. | Pfc. | 36874565 | |
Balzarini, Louis NMI | T/4 | 31224357 | |
Banks, Herbert K. | Pfc. | 32832161 | |
Barnes, Edwin W. | T/5 | 33193509 | |
Barnett, Russell F. | 1/Lt. | O1321280 | |
Barton, Bernol V. | Pvt. | 37728514 | |
Bates, J. D. | Pfc. | 34984763 | |
Beaulieu, Henry L. | Sgt. | 31367864 | |
Benyan, Edgar J. (Henyan) | T/5 | 38036314 | |
Bernardini, George A. | T/4 | 33159713 | |
Berns, Edward J. | Pvt. | 36762191 | |
Betts, Calvin P. | 1/Lt. | O1291219 | |
Bielen, Stanley P. | Pvt. | 42010231 | |
Bierchen, Robert P. | Pvt. | 36686100 | |
Binder, Dietrich J. H. | Sgt. | 6980157 | |
Biondo, Vito | Pfc. | 36874919 | |
Birch, Basil A. | Pvt. | 36875866 | |
Bishop, William E. | T/5 | 15048405 | |
Blanchard, George E. | Pvt. | 32852968 | |
Blessing, Leroy W. | 1/Lt. | O1291398 | |
Blissert, Frederic M. | Pvt. | 12156448 | |
Boan, Clarence E. | Pvt. | 37726872 | |
Bohnankamp, Peter | T/5 | 37285879 | |
Bohne, Robert F. | Pvt. | 36685118 | |
Bohonek, Michael | Pvt. | 33700037 | |
Boldizar, Michael J. | T/5 | 32057972 | |
Borner, Phillip N. | Pvt. | 32800314 | |
Bowen, James R. | Pfc. | 20451494 | |
Boyles, Alden M. | Pvt. | 37728423 | |
Bozman, Dewey E. | Pfc. | 33204740 | |
Brady, Joseph W. | 2/Lt. | O1322675 | |
Brady, Thomas M. | Pfc. | 33429227 | |
Brantley, Luman H. | S/Sgt. | 37179059 | |
Brodeur, Wilfred A. | Cpl. | 20121811(.6953) | |
Brooks, Albert C. | Pfc. | 35242995 | |
Brown, Bobby | Pfc. | 35774945 | |
Bruce, Homer L. | T/4 | 35267851 | |
Bruns, William B. | T/Sgt. | 36076073(.8) | |
Brzycki, Alexander J. | T/5 | 36356577 | |
Buckner, Seymour D. | Cpl. | 32993726 | |
Bupp, Francis H. | Pvt. | 33515418 | |
Burdick, George L. | T/4 | 31010356 | |
Burgholzer, John N. | Pfc. | 42030655 | |
Burkhardt, Raymond L. | T/5 | 32842609 | |
Burlingame, Laurence A. | Sgt. | 32028505 | |
Burton, Charles F. | Pvt. | 35435846 | |
Butkus, William A. | Pvt. | 36385075(366.) | |
Cacciatore, Leonard J. | Pfc. | 32512152 | |
Campbell, Archie B. | Pvt. | 33642488 | |
Cantalamessa, Robert L. | Pfc. | 13037705 | |
Cardinale, Vincent I. | Pvt. | 32644718 | |
Carlin, Leo J. | T/5 | 39606183 | |
Carrazco, Canuto | Pfc. | 32941652(392.) | |
Carroll, Frank E. | Pfc. | 31040513 | |
Carroll, Patrick J. | Pvt. | 32995198 | |
Caruso, Dante L. | Pfc. | 32332378 | |
Carver, Alonzo, Jr. | Cpl. | 32958748 | |
Cary, Max E. | 1/Lt. | O1313495 | |
Cary, Orville H. | Cpl. | 39338591 | |
Case, Walter G. | Pfc. | 15099961 | |
Cave, Cecil D. | Pfc. | 37726532 | |
Celinski, Alexander F. | T/5 | 12026953 | |
Cerasaro, Albert J. | Pfc. | 32025096 | |
Christensen, Torvel T. | Pfc. | 37728177 | |
Clark, Donald L. | 2/Lt. | O1307508 | |
Clark, Grant | T/5 | 36312999 | |
Claybrook, Frederick W., Jr. | Sgt. | 33555001 | |
Clemmons, John W. | T/4 | 34193843 | |
Clevenger, William K. | Pfc. | 34882859 | |
Cobb, Virgil J. | Pfc. | 37726900 | |
Cohen, Norman | Capt. | O347142 | |
Colwell, Charles V. | Pfc. | 31076200 | |
Combs, Chester G. | Cpl. | 15043800 | |
Conrad, Gilbert W. | Pfc. | 33487513 | |
Conway, Jarvis R. | S/Sgt. | 35371520 | |
Conzales, Jose B., Jr. ? | T/5 | 38143931 | |
Copas, Vivian Paul | Pvt. | 37536805 | |
Cowan, Preston M. | Pfc. | 34983173 | |
Cranstoun, John D. | Pvt. | 32956110 | |
Crooks, Oliver C. | T/4 | 36396000 | |
Curlett, Cecil C. | Sgt. | 33587904 | |
Czekaj, Edward C. | Pvt. | 42010220 | |
Daigler, James F. | T/5 | 32843141 | |
Dauerback, Anthony M. | Pvt. | 33794905 | |
Davis, Calvin H. | T/5 | 38342665 | |
Davis, Paul A. | T/4 | 36358156 | |
Deacon, Martin J. | Pvt. | 32411378 | |
Debevec, Joseph J. | Cpl. | 36830842 | |
DeCarlo, Joseph V. | Pvt. | 31404935 | |
DeCarolis, Michael A. | Pvt. | 42042242 | |
Degelder, Archie J. | T/4 | 37285900 | |
DeLaGarza, Rogelio | Pfc. | 38031550 | |
DeLuna, Emilio | Pvt. | 39703370 | |
Dennis, Glenn A. | S/Sgt. | 20843585 | |
DePhillips, Anthony | Pvt. | 36831139 | |
Desrosiers, Hector A. | Pfc. | 31464276 | |
DiCarolis, Charles C. | Pfc. | 32238876 | |
Dick, Jacob H. | Pvt. | 37728306 | |
Diekmann, Daniel J. | 1/Sgt. | 32004037 | |
DiLuca, Charles H. | T/Sgt. | 33378067 | |
Dolph, William R. | Sgt. | 18105823 | |
Doolittle, Floyd E. | T/4 | 37284160 | |
Dortch, Harold J. | Cpl. | 15063376 | |
Dost, Charles G. | Pfc. | 42101736 | |
Dougherty, Thomas B. | Pvt. | 33683014 | |
Dover, James N. | Pfc. | 34776471 | |
Draffen, Charles T. | T/5 | 36685708 | |
Drake, James R. | S/Sgt. | 35317521 | |
Drake, Kenneth F. | Pvt. | 32943262(.2262) | |
Duffy, Edward J. (F.) | Pfc. | 31370204 | |
Duncan, Mathew | Pfc. | 35087625 | |
Dunn, Erland J. | T/5 | 31222342 | |
Durant, Charles F. | Pvt. | 33736302 | |
Dusch, Charles E. | Cpl. | 35831640 | |
Dusoe, Harold J. | T/5 | 31371303 | |
Dutton, Clyde C. | Pfc. | 34098061 | |
Dziengowski, Alexander S. | Pvt. | 31372167 | |
D’Arazzo, Archie ? | Pfc. | 31112113 | |
D’Augustine, Anthony R. | Pvt. | 42010531 | |
Edwards, Michael | Pfc. | 32348028 | |
Elfving, John H. | Pvt. | 39338914 | |
Emigh, Jay C. | Cpl. | 36737400 | |
Emory, Clarence | Pfc. | 34176873 | |
Engwell, La Varn T. | 2/Lt. | O2019303 | |
Erickson, Francis R. | Pfc. | 38049300 | |
Escalante, Frank M. | Pfc. | 39860994 | |
Esmond, Leslie B. | Sgt. | 37054365 | |
Eutsey, Roy V. | Pfc. | 33703615 | |
Faller, Rudolph F. | Pvt. | 32359776 | |
Fanelli, John | Pfc. | 33314622 | |
Feczko, Francis G. | Pfc. | 42010251 | |
Ferreri, Vincent F. | Sgt. | 32191275 | |
Ferry, Jack B. | T/4 | 35257021 | |
Fielding, Byron S. | Pfc. | 39308082 | |
Fluharty, Charles L. | Sgt. | 15090144 | |
Fonash, Edward J. | Pvt. | 33052524 | |
Forgione, Frank J. | Pfc. | 42009904 | |
Foss, Alden Leon | 2/Lt. | O520251 | |
Fradin, Harry H. | T/4 | 33205949 | |
Fricke, Warren A. | Pvt. | 36685603 | |
Fulghum, George W. | S/Sgt. | 34303477 | |
Garland, Bernard | Pvt. | 36831406 | |
Garton, Charles F., Sr. | Pvt. | 32955630 | |
Gates, Charles B. | Cpl. | 14117230 | |
Gatton, Boyce E. | T/Sgt. | 33511954 | |
Gendron, Norman R. | T/4 | 31092801 | |
George, Lee O. | Pfc. | 34977432 | |
Gerlach, Albert W. | Pvt. | 42022269 | |
Gibbons, Aubrey F. | T/Sgt. | 6947219 | |
Gilliam, Fred (Gillian) | Pfc. | 35670718 | |
Ginsberg, Henry M. | Pvt. | 12225552 | |
Giordano, Joseph P. | Cpl. | 39375424 | |
Gladden, William H. | T/5 | 34773584 | |
Glynn, Joseph F. (I.) | Pfc. | 32999294 | |
Goodson, Robert R., Jr. | Pvt. | 34678292 | |
Goplerud, Walter E. | Pvt. | 39339118 | |
Graham, Elmer E. | Pvt. | 34774537 | |
Graham, Erich | Pfc. | 36875652 | |
Grandstaff, Boyd F. | Sgt. | 13000652 | |
Gray, John R. | Pfc. | 35361236 | |
Grieves, Christopher W. | Cpl. | 36049810 | |
Griffith, Louis A. | Pvt. | 39342957(392.) | |
Griffith, William C. | T/4 | 15091138 ? | |
Grim, Luther J. (L.) | Pfc. | 33873520 | |
Grogan, Martin J. | T/3 | 32357438 | |
Grovum, Palmer J. | Sgt. | 37170680 | |
Guerin, George P. | T/5 | 12090693 | |
Guinard, Poincare D. | Pfc. | 39605461 | |
Gurovich, Charles M. | Pfc. | 6976064 | |
Gutknecht, Leroy E. | Pvt. | 37726583 | |
Hackman, Don C. | S/Sgt. | 6291244 | |
Haines, Clyde L. | Pfc. | 11042819 | |
Hajcherski, Edward P. | Pvt. | 36684889 ? | |
Halasa, John | Pvt. | 33794855 | |
Halinski, Ben J. | Pfc. | 33173797 | |
Halkas, John H. | Pvt. | 39719920 | |
Hamilton, LaFave N. | 1/Lt. | O547654 | |
Hammond, Harold H. | Pvt. | 42007749 | |
Haney, Charlie | Pfc. | 35215307 | |
Hanks, Charles B. | Pfc. | 37340454 | |
Harder, Clarence H. | T/4 | 38014525 | |
Harkins, Charles B., Jr. | Pfc. | 33330028 | |
Harris, John R. | Cpl. | 31371482(.982) | |
Haskins, Lyndon L. | Pvt. | 36685986 | |
Haughie, Edward P. | Pvt. | 20263566 | |
Haynes, Ralph E. ? | T/4 | 12073174 | |
Heady, Loren | Pvt. | 36684731 | |
Heath, Carlos W., Jr. | Capt. | O1299335 | |
Hebert, Paul J. | T/5 | 34234800 | |
Heist, Robert R., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O1058266 | |
Helgeson, Lester A.(Helgeron) | Cpl. | 37281807(.4807) | |
Helligas, Louis H. | Pvt. | 19082854 | |
Hendrix, James L. | Pvt. | 37726601 | |
Heniser, Herbert J. | T/4 | 36199904 | |
Herrick, Robert C. | Cpl. | 20747532 | |
Herzog, Nicholas J., Jr. | Pvt. | 33797903 | |
Hetrick, Lee M. (Leo) | Pvt. | 36875452 ** | |
Hickam, Harold H. | Pvt. | 19015806 | |
Hill, Clyde T. | Sgt. | 20756762 | |
Hill, Harold R. | Sgt. | 16108295 | |
Hill, Myron L? | Pfc. | 35542148 | |
Hilligas, Louis H. | Pvt. | 19082854 | |
Hoelek, Walter A. | Pfc. | 31274514 | |
Hofschneider, Richard C. | Pvt. | 36765290 | |
Holmes, Harry C. | Pfc. | 36686054 | |
Hopkins, Lawrence | T/5 | 35453013 | |
Houd, Harvey C. | Pvt. | 36766269 | |
Howard, David F. | Pvt. | 42022256 | |
Hoyt, Robert | Pvt. | 31371945 | |
Hullum, Allen E. | T/3 | 34272677 | |
Huttinga, Alke | Pfc. | 19071509 | |
Iube, Edmund W. ? | M/Sgt. | 38093957 | |
Jackson, Vernon L. | Pvt. | 35070278 | |
James, Alex L. | Cpl. | 34883212(.3) | |
James, David Linwood | Sgt. | 34456003 ** | |
Jenner, Edward M. | Pvt. | 36685044 | |
Jernigan, Herman L. | T/5 | 34283871 | |
Johnson, Lloyd A. | S/Sgt. | 6538221 | |
Johnson, Richard P. | Sgt. | 39453334 | |
Jones, Carlis D. | T/5 | 38035864 | |
Jones, Charles M. | S/Sgt. | 34162453 | |
Jones, Clarence E. | T/5 | 38025491 | |
Jones, William R., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O2017706 | |
Junod, Maurice L. | T/5 | 12150433 | |
Kane, Eugene F. | Pfc. | 33904432 | |
Kanipe, Perry D. (Harry) | T/4 | 32212586 | |
Karlee, Allen E. | Pvt. | 39337624(.124) | |
Kealey, John J. | Pvt. | 33699772 | |
Kent, William A. | T/Sgt. | 34801302 | |
Kepnes, Alfred A. | Sgt. | 11116216 | |
Kestenbaum, Leon I. | Pfc. | 32902222 | |
Kiger, Roger W. | Pfc. | 34869052 | |
King, John E. | Pfc. | 31434447 | |
Kinsella, Robert A. | Pvt. | 42009039 | |
Kneisl, Jerry A. (Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2011716 | |
Kneisl, Jerry A. (^2/Lt.) | Sgt. | 37414721 | |
Kness, Thomas R. | T/Sgt. | 33260340 | |
Kobylarz, Florian | Pvt. | 36874719 | |
Kopashy, Elmer L. | Pvt. | 33610182 | |
Kopchuk, Mike | Pvt. | 42009047 | |
Kostrzeski, Conrad | Pvt. | 36686070 | |
Krol, Joseph A. | Sgt. | 34404200 | |
Kulper, Karl O. | Pvt. | 32999148 | |
Kupec, Edward G. | S/Sgt. | 31021714 | |
Kusel, Robert L. | Capt. | O1289750 | |
Labry, Robert J. | Pfc. | 38617817(.8) | |
Lagonegro, Dominick R. | Pvt. | 42030781 | |
Lahr, Howard J. | T/5 | 18120234 | |
Lamarand, Harvey E. | Pfc. | 36104239 | |
Lang, Marvin R. | Pvt. | 35544265 | |
Lannon, John L. | T/4 | 31006640 | |
Larson, Thure W. | T/5 | 36334325 | |
Lesky, Edward A. | Cpl. | 13066949 | |
Leventhal, Irving | Pvt. | 32993991 | |
Lewis, Walter A., Jr. | Pfc. | 42008359 | |
Lloyd, Henderson J. | T/5 | 13014379(.2) | |
Long, Charles E. | T/4 | 37375891 | |
Lopez, Domingo L. | Pvt. | 38442974 | |
Lyles, Doyce H. | T/5 | 38035839 | |
MacMurdo, Donald L. | Pvt. | 13133303 | |
MacPherson, Roy A. | Pvt. | 33787028 | |
Majcherski, | Pvt. | 36684889 | |
Markowitz, Ben | T/5 | 36502079 | |
Maroney, Thomas F. | Cpl. | 32308249 | |
Martelli, Bruno J. | Pfc. | 31359389 | |
Marti, Gerhardt J. | Pvt. | 36686147 | |
Martin, Phillip J. | 2/Lt. | O2009697 | |
Martin, Vernon F. | Pfc. | 6937199 | |
Martinez, Alfred G. | Cpl. | 38101668 | |
Martinko, Michael C. | Pfc. | 33613727 | |
Maselli, Vincent M. | T/4 | 31457088 | |
Maser, Robert N. | Pvt. | 33513180 | |
Mason, Ivan V. | T/5 | 35112779 | |
Mathis, Carl B. | Pfc. | 37453916 | |
Mathison, Lester G.? ? | Pfc. | 37197333 | |
Matuszewski, Wladyslaw | T/5 | 32332043 | |
Maxwell, Harry E. | Cpl. | 32943353 | |
Maynard, Robert J. | T/Sgt. | 42009886 | |
Mazza, John L. | Sgt. | 20259943 | |
McAllister, Stanwood | S/Sgt. | 11029067 | |
McBride, Frederick C., Sr. | Pfc. | 37488559 | |
McCann, Otto A. | T/5 | 35417447 | |
McCarren, William J. | Pfc. | 31322426 | |
McCarthy, Edmund F. | Pfc. | 31381099 | |
McClaskey, Freddie G. | T/5 | 39467690 | |
McCleary, James J. | S/Sgt. | 6284041 | |
McGrath, John W. | T/4 | 31075690 | |
McIntyre, John Jr. | S/Sgt. | 6282940 | |
McKeen, Alton B. | 2/Lt. | O1318918 | |
McKenna, Thomas P. | Pvt. | 6707707 | |
McKnight, Douglas J. | T/3 | 36172248 | |
McLaurin, Mack G. | T/5 | 14068478 | |
McNeal, Paul T. | Pfc. | 34803579 | |
McPhail, Thomas M., Jr. | T/3 | 36120423 | |
Mehlman, Samuel ? | Pfc. | 32244089 | |
Meinhardt, Victor J. | Pfc. | 32681738(.635) | |
Meiser, Frank H. | Pfc. | 35592571 | |
Messick, Ben A. | Pvt. | 37728331 | |
Messineo, Frank J. | Cpl. | 32332418 | |
Meyers, | Pvt. | 36858226 | |
Middleswart, Harvey L. | T/5 | 37331555 | |
Miller, John K. | T/5 | 38085635 | |
Miller, Oscar V. | Cpl. | 39337656 | |
Mitchell, George A. | Cpl. | 32730400 | |
Mittman, Paul E. ? | T/4 | 36065801 | |
Montgomery, William E. | Pfc. | 35070301 | |
Montoya, Clemente L. | Pvt. | 37728431 | |
Moore, Edward NMI | Pfc. | 35268060 | |
Moore, Jack | Pfc. | 34049859 | |
Moore, McGhee | Pfc. | 34374124 | |
Moore, Ralph W. | Sgt. | 36684866 | |
Morgan, Stanley Roy | Pvt. | 38274928 | |
Morin, Paul S. ? | Pfc. | 11049284 | |
Morris, Raymond | Pfc. | 35124458 | |
Morrison, Harry R. | T/5 | 6852073 | |
Mountain, Edward R.? ? | Pfc. | 31084420 | |
Moyer, Leonard R. | 1/Lt. | O549628 | |
Mulhaul, Charles J. | Pvt. | 42031194 | |
Mullens, Lloyd (Floyd) | Pvt. | 35658339 | |
Myers, Arthur L. | T/5 | 36858226 | |
Nagel, William G. | Pvt. | 36875018 | |
Napier, Alfred M. | Pfc. | 37062249 | |
Nathan, William A. | Pvt. | 36875038 | |
Newman, John E. | Pvt. | 36875953 | |
Newman, Morris | Sgt. | 31035803 | |
Nichols, John W. | Pvt. | 35830316 | |
Nicol, Alexander A. | Pfc. | 6150155 | |
Nisula, Tauno E. | T/5 | 37170962 | |
Nixon, Russell H. (M.) | Pvt. | 42008614 | |
Noble, William I. | Pvt. | 36685891 | |
Norvell, Ranklin J. | Pvt. | 33729495 | |
Nunley, John D. | T/5 | 34372122 | |
Ohlhausen, Robert D. | T/5 | 19048412 | |
Onufer, Joseph A. | Pfc. | 33812623 | |
Orio, John | Pfc. | 31077592 | |
Owen, Ralph E. (Owens) | Cpl. | 39240115(329.) | |
O’Leary, Michael A. | Capt. | O1291505 | |
O’Leary, Richard F., Jr. | Pfc. | 42126272 | |
Papp, Michael | Sgt. | 42010550 | |
Parton, John B. | Pfc. | 32843606 | |
Patterson, Cecil | 1/Sgt. | 14016050 | |
Peatross, Seth C., III | Capt. | O520898 + | |
Pennington, Theodore R. | Pfc. | 34814530 | |
Perczyk, Jacob | Pfc. | 32510315 | |
Perrin, Thomas E. | Pfc. | 36466393 * | |
Perry, Frank B. | Pvt. | 34811676 | |
Petrisko, George B. | Pfc. | 33610193 | |
Pfizenmaier, John L. | 2/Lt. | O1317562 | |
Phillips, Carroll | T/5 | 20848912 | |
Phillips, James N. | Pvt. | 36861903 | |
Phillips, Willard G. | Pfc. | 38627210 | |
Pietrowski, Walter J. | Pfc. | 42103305 | |
Pile, James E. | T/3 | 33128785 | |
Pitricelli, Dominic | Pvt. | 36875786 | |
Polzer, Joseph | Pfc. | 32163894 | |
Porter, Leo D. | Pfc. | 37692932 | |
Powell, Edward F. | T/4 | 35719154 | |
Prange, Fred W. | T/5 | 36314565 | |
Preston, Menzo H. (R.) | Pfc. | 42031705 | |
Pyles, Roy R. | Pvt. | 33645856 | |
Rantovich, Stephen A. | S/Sgt. | 6889895 | |
Rapisardi, Joseph S. | 1/Sgt. | 32221920 | |
Rathje, Alfred C. | T/4 | 36364206 | |
Reasoner, Francis Eugene | Pfc. | 35560690 | |
Redican, Edward W. | Pfc. | 32633985 | |
Reiber, Arthur A. | Pfc. | 35080704 | |
Reitzer, Basil J. | Pfc. | 36903630 | |
Reynolds, James T. | Pfc. | 33019780 | |
Rich, Robert J., Jr. | T/4 | 31031213 | |
Ring, Walter T. | T/5 | 11004041 | |
Robinson, Daniel B. (D.) | Pvt. | 35686443 | |
Robinson, William B. | Pfc. | 20953737 | |
Rochelle, James D. | Pvt. | 34883145 | |
Rotman, Frank H. | Cpl. | 37140533 | |
Rouke, William L., Jr. | T/5 | 33798111 | |
Rowe, Andrew C. | T/5 | 39909093 | |
Rubin, Joseph | T/5 | 32199750 | |
Ruiz, Edward J. | Cpl. | 39154480 | |
Russell, Edgar D. | Pfc. | 42008230 | |
Russinko, Joseph | Pvt. | 42008029 | |
Rychwalski, Frank A. | Pfc. | 36117452 | |
Saari, Oscar G. | T/5 | 36211795 | |
Saari, Raymond E. | Pvt. | 16062290 | |
Saline, Norman O. | Pvt. | 36876253 | |
Samson, Lawrence | T/5 | 37291822 | |
Sanchez, Frank G. | Pfc. | 39599517 | |
Sanderbeck, Andrew P., Jr. | Sgt. | 35047548 | |
Saybolt, James W. | Pvt. | 33795060 | |
Scalese, Angelo | Pfc. | 39145061 | |
Scalone, Frank J. | T/5 | 32835307 | |
Schlesinger, Aaron W. | Cpl. | 33796266 | |
Schneider, Edward M. | T/4 | 36328335 | |
Schultz, Arthur V. | Pfc. | 36645523 | |
Schumacher, Charles F. | Pvt. | 42010070 | |
Schwolow, Raymond W. | Pvt. | 32939461 | |
Scott, Richard A. | Cpl. | 12003447 | |
Scott, Roger H. | Pvt. | 42023413 | |
Seavey, Walter F. | Pfc. | 36876201 | |
Serranin, Giacomo | Pvt. | 42010179 | |
Shaul, Verne B. J. | Pvt. | 36824394 | |
Shimizu, Masaru | Cpl. | 39152501 | |
Shoemaker, Woodrow W. | Sgt. | 6261991 | |
Shriver, Leslie J. | Pvt. | 13168288 | |
Shull, Roger A. | T/5 | 35328809 | |
Shumato, Allie S. | T/4 | 35457150 | |
Sibley, Thomas V. | T/5 | 38203919 | |
Sinnott, William J. | Cpl. | 16144717 | |
Sinsley, Grover C. | Pvt. | 39288783 | |
Siragusa, Joseph J. | T/4 | 20624424 | |
Skelly, Carolus G. | Pfc. | 32285176 | |
Slome, Henry W. | Pvt. | 42049376 | |
Smith, Lonnie ? | T/5 | 37188151 | |
Smith, Robert E. | T/5 | 13066849 | |
Snyder, Miles A. | S/Sgt. | 16030756 | |
Solinas, Lorenzo L. | Cpl. | 31251832 | |
Sparks, Roger R. | Sgt. | 36684684 | |
Spratt, James L. | 1/Lt. | O1290151 | |
Spring, Herbert | Pfc. | 32999098 | |
Stalder, Harry A. | Pvt. | 39570940 | |
Starcher, Richard R. | Pfc. | 35428392 | |
Steger, Elmer C. | S/Sgt. | 6861216 | |
Steil, Robert A. | Pfc. | 16189020 | |
Stewart, Edward L. | 1/Lt. | O1326249 | |
Stewart, Virgle | Pfc. | 38665749 | |
Stitz, Albert R. (Alfred) | Sgt. | 33733260 | |
Stobie, John J. (G.) | Pfc. | 33701661 | |
St. Cyr, Scott H. | T/5 | 20149050 | |
Sullivan, James D. | Pvt. | 33699894 | |
Sullivan, John J. | Pvt. | 32642275 | |
Tadd, Verlis W. | T/5 | 36353205 | |
Tapp, Michael | Pvt. | ||
Tatarunis, Alphonse Michael | T/5 | 31459616 ** | |
Taylor, Frederick M., Jr. | T/5 | 31060215 | |
Taylor, Harry S. | T/5 | 32200398 | |
Taylor, Lee H. | Sgt. | 36366561 | |
Templeton, Leonard F. | Pvt. | 36876194 | |
Trela, Stanley A. | Cpl. | 31097560 | |
Troncone, Benjamin A. | Pfc. | 42007968(.0) | |
True, Arva J. | T/5 | 38036104 | |
True, Raymond S. | Pfc. | 34431833 | |
Upshall, George A. (H.) | Pvt. | 31270869 | |
Vail, Frederick W. | Pvt. | 42009268 | |
Van Bumble, Melvin DeWitt | Pfc. | 12067619 | |
Vargas, Joseph G. | T/4 | 39088460 | |
Veenstra, Jacob | Pfc. | 36744279 | |
Venetsky, Zalmon | T/5 | 42009249 | |
Verboyo, John C. ? | S/Sgt. | 33170147 | |
Vinze, Johnnie P. | Pvt. | 39126136 | |
Wachasse, Thomas F.? ? | Pfc. | 39858609 | |
Waddell, Howard B. | 1/Lt. | O1823094 | |
Waidelich, Richard G. | Sgt. | 36456199 | |
Wailes, Augustus Y. | Pfc. | 20843769 | |
Walker, Donald C. | Cpl. | 6579516 | |
Walker, Edgar L. | T/4 | 14001627 | |
Wallett, Wilbert H. ? | Pfc. | 36623477 | |
Warrick, Roy J. | Pfc. | 35612564(36.) | |
Weidner, Clifford R. | Pfc. | 20743957 | |
Weissberger, Al | Pfc. | 32170888 | |
KIA | West, Karl M. | T/5 | 39859256 |
Wheeler, Waldo L. | S/Sgt. | 35360007 | |
White, Sherrill G. | T/Sgt. | 35044346 | |
Wicel, Alexander A. | Pfc. | 6150155 | |
Will, Neal E. | Pfc. | 36802306 | |
Williams, James G. | Capt. | O396132 | |
Williams, West A., Jr. | Capt. | O366364 | |
Wilson, Earl W. | Pvt. | 36862181 | |
Wilson, Harry T., Jr. | Capt. | O1300110 | |
Wilson, Ray M. | 1/Lt. | O1549637 | |
Winkler, Albert F. | T/5 | 39175997 | |
Winner, Nathan | Pfc. | 31118629 | |
Wojno, Frank J. | Pvt. | 35236155 | |
Wojtas, John J. | Pvt. | 42022073 | |
Wood, Tom R. | S/Sgt. | 19050153 | |
Wright, Roy W. | T/5 | 35428770 | |
Wyatt, William T. | 1/Sgt. | 3363416(63.) | |
Yancey, Charles N., Jr. | 1/Lt. | O514027 | |
Yodis, Sylvester F. | T/5 | 33159047 | |
Yohey, William F. | Pfc. | 33610229 | |
Young, Edward J. | Pfc. | 39003390 | |
Zilske, Howard R. | Cpl. | 36322942 | |
Zoglie, Joseph | Pfc. | 31112142 |
1- 63rd infantry division association
2- Research and Records from Timothy A. Malone