Antitank Company 254th Infantry regiment 63rd Infantry Division
Back to the 254th Infantry Regiment
Adams, Alvaro J. | Pfc. | 32148917 | |
Adams, Charles E. | Pvt. | 33701096 | |
Adams, Howard B. | Pvt. | 34848379 | |
Adkison, Hubert D. | Pfc. | 34945745 | |
Allen, Albert L. | Pfc. | 33851344 | |
Allenbaugh, Leonard G. | Cpl. | 33066900 | |
Alley, Hammad S. | Pfc. | 36876873 | |
Allhands, Quentin C. | Sgt. | 16118151 | |
Amariello, Joseph J. | T/5 | 33051098 | |
Anderson, Jack R. | Pfc. | 36950647 | |
Anderson, Oakley | Pfc. | 34882495 | |
Ankiel, Charles S. | S/Sgt. | 36874895 | |
Arana, Adam S. | Pfc. | 42120522 | |
Arches, Joseph | 1/Lt. | O1326353 | |
Arnholt, Walter H. | Pfc. | 35161029 | |
Arrasmith, Jessie H. (Jesse) | Pfc. | 37728301 | |
Ash, Lee A. | Pfc. | 37640121 | |
Austell, Eugene C. | Pfc. | 14004334 | |
Baiel, Edward N. | S/Sgt. | 36737080 | |
Bain, Edward C. | Sgt. | 20641767 | |
Baker, Marvin F. | T/5 | 37073851 | |
Balcerak, Andrew E. | T/4 | 33261084 | |
Baldi, Charles C. | 2/Lt. | O1185530 | |
Ball, James E. (D.) | Pfc. | 35835816 | |
Barnes, John E. | Pvt. | 39410637 | |
Barrella, Ralph L. | Pfc. | 33796937 | |
Bashara, Phillip C. | Cpl. | 31350277 | |
Batton, Wayne R. | T/5 | 39338760 | |
Baux, Gerald J. | Pvt. | 38227600(35.) | |
Bay, Eldred B. | T/3 | 37142534 | |
Beane, Joseph W. | Pvt. | 35708303 | |
Beard, Lawson R. | 1/Lt. | O450059 | |
Becker, Jack W. | Pvt. | 39086221 | |
Belasco, Walter | T/3 | 33051354 | |
Bell, Donald E. | Pfc. | 35539006 | |
Bender, Robert | Pvt. | 37488500 | |
Benincasa, Thomas A. | Pfc. | 33796356 | |
Benjamin, Louis A. | T/5 | 36108431 | |
Bennedum, John H. | T/5 | 32531020 | |
Berkheimer, Daniel R. | Pvt. | 18109474 | |
Berthold, Arthur | T/5 | 31063241 | |
Bertneskea, Albert L. | Pvt. | 12163707 | |
Betts, Arnold D. | Pvt. | 374888551 | |
Betts, Leonard J. | Pfc. | 36076358 | |
Biel, Donald E. | 2/Lt. | O1317741 | |
Bliss, Roderick T., Jr. | Pvt. | 33943377 | |
Bloss, Phillip A. | Pvt. | 33610602 | |
Bogen, Joseph P. | Pfc. | 32217208 | |
Bonocora, Samuel R. | Pfc. | 42114211 | |
Borresen, Roy W. | Pvt. | 36684743 | |
Bortko, John | Pvt. | 36760240 | |
Bostwick, Edward L. | Pvt. | 13018190 | |
Boucher, Leon | Pfc. | 31410533 | |
Bowdle, Eugene N. | Pfc. | 35885972 | |
Bowdler, James A. | Pvt. | 33796860 | |
Bowen, Hobert G. | Pvt. | 33657948 | |
Bower, Robert E. | T/5 | 32730126 | |
Bowerman, Eugene W. | Pfc. | 39147258 | |
Boyd, Robert E., Jr. | Pvt. | 39338854 | |
Brady, Clinton J. | Pfc. | 33663881 | |
Brainard, Raymond F., Jr. | 1/Lt. | O1059374 | |
Brandenberg, Clarence H. | 1/Lt. | O1291404 ? | |
Brendal, Ralph W. | Pvt. | 37310547 | |
Breuning, Marvin L. | Pfc. | 35818824 | |
Bridges, Erskine E. | Pfc. | 38458837 | |
Britt, Ertle K. | Pvt. | 34898979 | |
Britt, Spillman E. | T/4 | 36685895 | |
Brock, Alvin C. | Pvt. | 33747203 | |
Brooks, Roland J. | Pfc. | 36875860 | |
Brouette, Louis A. | T/4 | 39177749 | |
Brown, Carl L. | T/5 | 15090385 | |
Brown, Jay T. | S/Sgt. | 6271869 | |
Brown, Paul L. | Pfc. | 34862418 | |
Browning, Oris A. | Pfc. | 34948575 | |
Bruen, William T. | Pfc. | 32695468 | |
Bryant, George W. | S/Sgt. | 6298115 | |
Bryant, Wilber L. | Pfc. | 35699170 | |
Buckley, Louis L. | Pvt. | 32956118 | |
Budes, John E. ? | Pvt. | 36978095 | |
Buescher, Linus J. | T/5 | 36236451 | |
Buis, Burnice C. | Pfc. | 35096830 | |
Bulik, John S. | T/3 | 33017266 | |
Bunch, Manuel R. | Pfc. | 44033277 | |
Burbridge, Kenneth H. | T/4 | 36765797 | |
Burgess, Edward E. | Pvt. | 34848446 | |
Burkhart, Fred M. | Pfc. | 39338593 | |
Burri, Charles E. | T/5 | 35214651 | |
Burrows, Douglas J. | 1/Lt. | O1296480 | |
Bury, Joseph J. | T/5 | 32214721 | |
Bushnell, John S. | Sgt. | 6976601 | |
Cabe, Howard | Pvt. | 39338565(.3) | |
Cadala, Michael | Pfc. | 31063412 | |
Camp, Emmett L. | T/4 | 36439209 | |
Campbell, Charles W. | Cpl. | 35604998 | |
Campbell, Ronald | Cpl. | 36592151 | |
Campbell, Theolphus O. | Pvt. | 44033147 | |
Canavan, James F. | T/Sgt. | 36236347 | |
Cantrell, Orville J. | Cpl. | 38219451 | |
Capriotti, Anthony S. | T/5 | 31063321 | |
Carlson, John R. | Pfc. | 36685482 | |
Carlson, Vincent E. | Pfc. | 36320045 | |
Carpellotti, | Pvt. | 33699229 | |
Carrara, Leo | Pvt. | 12020922 | |
Casarella, Edmond | Pfc. | 42137799 | |
Casey, Robert E. | Pfc. | 34917500 | |
Cassinelli, John H. | Pfc. | 35869600 | |
Caudera, Charles B. (R.) | Pfc. | 39695299 | |
Cavanaugh, Lawrence W. | S/Sgt. | 15042917 | |
Chaffee, Bernard C. | Pfc. | 35849184 | |
Chapman, Charles R. | Pfc. | ||
Chappell, Edward A. | Pfc. | 32587492 | |
Church, Charles R. | T/4 | 37425839 | |
Clary, Randall R. | T/Sgt. | 6390703 | |
Clay, Otis N. | Pvt. | 36883418 | |
Clayton, Oliver B. | T/5 | 34240112 | |
Clem, Charles A. | Pfc. | 33066633 | |
Cloutier, Joseph T. J. | S/Sgt. | 20121779 | |
Cole, Willis T. | Pvt. | 35227159 | |
Colegrove, Earl V. | Pfc. | 35277457 | |
Colty, William J. | T/4 | 31063780 | |
Combs, Richard H. (M.) | 1/Lt. | O25727 | |
Comer, Allen N. | Pvt. | 35226897 | |
Conklin, Willie R. (Conkling) | Pvt. | 38052664 | |
Conlan, Charles D. | T/5 | 39178583 | |
Conway, Vincent J. | Pfc. | 33795274 | |
Cook, Joseph L. | Pfc. | 35708404 | |
Cook, Robert E. | Pvt. | 35932423 | |
Cook, Roy L. | Pfc. | 34114213 | |
Corsetti, Frank J. | T/5 | 32498628 | |
Cotton, Harold D. | Pfc. | 35311873 | |
Creal, James C. | Capt. | O425937 | |
Crespin, Donaciano A. | T/5 | 38166759 | |
Creswell, Thomas C., Sr. | Pfc. | 39420571 | |
Crouse, Clyde Ellsworth | Pfc. | 35910121 + | |
Crowder, John H., Jr. | Pfc. | 36738314 | |
Crowl, Arthur H. | T/4 | 33495301 | |
Crozier, Bert L. | Pfc. | 36904599 | |
Cunningham, Henry C. | Pvt. | 39467435 | |
Curtis, Bud R. | Pfc. | 39919441 | |
DalPapa, Orfeo | Pfc. | 36876766 | |
Daubert, Warren E., Jr. | T/4 | 33610224 | |
Davis, Arthur | Cpl. | 12151471 + | |
Davis, Earl G. | Pvt. | 34882796 | |
Davis, Jack H. | 1/Sgt. | 38455875 | |
Davis, William J. | Pfc. | 33699746 | |
Deacon, Edmund M., Jr. | Cpl. | 20272929 | |
Deak, Joseph | Pfc. | 32301492 | |
Deighton, Homer J. | Pfc. | 35299694 | |
KIA | Dellivenneri, Nicholas | Pvt. | 42177529 |
Delmont, Jack N., Sr. | Pfc. | 38319938 | |
DeLorenzo, Pompilio P. | Pfc. | 32943424 | |
DeMallie, William W. | Pvt. | 31430976 | |
DePaul, Albert A. | Pfc. | 33700113 | |
DeRose, Anthony L. | Pfc. | 32147660 | |
DeTore, Vincent P. | T/Sgt. | 33795113 | |
DeVaughn, Henry | Pfc. | 35205959 | |
DeVore, Russell H. | T/5 | 35414799 | |
Dickson, Archibald A., Jr. | T/5 | 32335466 | |
DiCristo, Steve P. | Pfc. | 36299393 | |
Didelot, John G. | Pfc. | 31412731 | |
Dietzen, Charles R. | Pfc. | 34920066 | |
Distler, Samuel W. | Pfc. | 35818825 | |
Dixon, William A. | Pfc. | 13037690 | |
Dodson, Roy C. | Pfc. | 33733098 | |
Doherty, William P. | S/Sgt. | 37283633 | |
Domin, Henry | Pvt. | 42022456 | |
Dorn, Leo | Pvt. | 42062460 | |
Doud, Vernon H. | Pvt. | 36685539 | |
Downey, Wellrose H. | Cpl. | 38135412 | |
Draving, Darrell E. | Pvt. | 35892363 | |
Drello, John A., Jr. | Pfc. | 20274910 | |
Drenning, Earl E. | Pvt. | 33732903 | |
Drury, Lloyd B. | Pfc. | 35018795 | |
Duckworth, Manlie O., Jr. | Pfc. | 34545032 | |
Dudek, Charles R. | Pfc. | 36519268 | |
Duncan, Edward | Pfc. | 15047469 | |
Duncan, William | Pvt. | 35818712 | |
Dunlay, Charles E., Jr. | Pfc. | 36971712 | |
Eagle, Burle L. | 1/Lt. | O1822545 | |
Earle, Roger E. | Pvt. | 36876295 | |
Early, Dwight H., Jr. | S/Sgt. | 16081048 + | |
Edwards, Richard M. | Pvt. | 31407534 | |
Elhenny, David J. ? | T/5 | 20301256 | |
Engelman, Patrick V. | Pfc. | 37594411 | |
Eudes, John E. | Pvt. | 36978095 | |
Evans, Frank D. | T/4 | 32039294 | |
Evanson, Robert | S/Sgt. | 36236491 | |
Faby, Eugene A. | S/Sgt. | 36236122 | |
Fairchild, Burton H. | Cpl. | 16175174 | |
Faklis, Anthony E. | S/Sgt. | 16128546 + | |
Farmer, Theodore C. | Sgt. | 36685951 | |
Faulkner, Wayne W. | Pfc. | 42093840 | |
Felice, Victor J. | Cpl. | 19097004 | |
Ferguson, Guy W. | T/Sgt. | 35290932 | |
Ferguson, Harry D. | Pvt. | 34871549 | |
Ferguson, Richard H. | Pfc. | 33842677 | |
Ferns, Hugh C. | T/Sgt. | 36119576 | |
Ferrara, Dominick J., Jr. | Pfc. | 12163369 | |
Ferraro, John J. | Pfc. | 33351811 | |
Fink, Ralph E. | Pfc. | 37692873 | |
Fischer, Carl W. | Sgt. | 37664095 | |
Fischer, LaVerne G. | Pfc. | 37692995 | |
Fisher, Caleb J., Jr. | Pfc. | 35818836 | |
Fisher, Clifford W. | Pfc. | 33814116 | |
Fitzgerald, Jay S. | 2/Lt. | O541165 | |
Flanagan, Joseph A. | Cpl. | 33021040 | |
Fletcher, William E. | Pfc. | 36592163 | |
Fogel, Albert F. | T/Sgt. | 20313083 | |
Foley, David L. | Pfc. | 34985085 | |
Folkerts, Leroy J. | Pvt. | 37582457 | |
Folsom, Frank S. | Pvt. | 42052373 | |
Ford, Boyd B. | Pfc. | 6964374 | |
Forgione, Anthony W. | S/Sgt. | 32098133 | |
Fossum, Richard A. | Pfc. | 37582680 | |
Foster, Graham C. | Pfc. | 38661413 | |
Fox, Hugh O’Neill | T/5 | 35886113 + | |
Fox, Ralph G., Jr. | Sgt. | 35144887 | |
Fraley, John, Jr. | Pfc. | 35818686 | |
Franklin, Bernard S. | Pvt. | 39860256 | |
Freed, Joseph | T/5 | 38686927 + | |
Friedenthal, Louis | T/Sgt. | 32018743 | |
Friedman, Howard J. | Pfc. | 12218252 | |
Frieman, Joseph | T/5 | 42009207 | |
Fuhrman, Rupert G. | Pfc. | 39413108 | |
Fuller, Warren E. | S/Sgt. | 6973077 | |
Fulton, Harry E. | Sgt. | 35323535 | |
Gabbard, Aubrey C. | S/Sgt. | 38661426 | |
Galinowski, Walter J. | Sgt. | 36236186 | |
Gallagher, John F. | Pvt. | 33700183 | |
Ganun, Leroy M. | Pvt. | 32012528 | |
Garbowski, Frank S.(Garboski) | T/5 | 32998150 | |
Garbus, Bernard B. | T/5 | 32085600 | |
Gardebrecht, Emil F. | Pfc. | 36236398 | |
Garner, James D. | Pfc. | 34253734 | |
Garner, Roy T. | T/5 | 38212108 | |
Gaston, Clifford E. | T/Sgt. | 38464825 | |
Gearheart, Dale | Pfc. | 35818793 | |
Geffert, Frank J. | Pfc. | 35070774 | |
Gehring, Robert J. | Pfc. | 37586553 | |
Geibel, Morgan C. | Cpl. | 33034589 | |
Geiger, John S. | Pfc. | 20303037 | |
Gelston, David M. | Pfc. | 36468370 | |
Gertsch, Ted E. | Pvt. | 37488634 | |
Getchell, Theodore A. | Pfc. | 36236304 | |
Ghormley, Thomas C. | Pvt. | 38327827 | |
Gilbert, Lawrence M. | Pvt. | 34890617 | |
Gilmore, Wallace M. | Pfc. | 33658332 | |
Gingerich, Oran L. | Cpl. | 35515409 | |
Given, William H. | Pfc. | 33842689 | |
Gluck, Albert R. | Pfc. | 42030125 | |
Gnatt, Walter J., Jr. | Pvt. | 33609972 | |
Goins, Dewey | T/Sgt. | 15046911 | |
Goldberg, Harry | Pvt. | 42009143 | |
Goldschmidt, William G. | T/5 | 33797885 | |
Goodman, Harold K. | Pfc. | 39339077 | |
Gordon, Elzie T. | Cpl. | 34603371 | |
Gottlieb, David | Pvt. | 32999416 | |
Goulet, Medee J. | T/5 | 31372867 | |
Goyen, Wilfred L. | T/4 | 33064509 | |
Graham, Carl, Jr. | Cpl. | 35139616 | |
Grass, Robert F. | Pfc. | 37728047 | |
Grass, William ? (Gass?) | Pvt. | ||
Graves, Joseph M. | S/Sgt. | 36236447 | |
Graves, York E. | S/Sgt. | 6583098 | |
Gray, Frederick L. | 1/Lt. | O1325291 | |
Green, James T. | Pfc. | 34882662 | |
Greenstreet, Wallace M. | Pfc. | 33859226 | |
Grega, Cyril P. | T/5 | 31063429 | |
Griffith, Carvel W. | Pfc. | 33155385 | |
Groves, Thomas A. | Pfc. | 35784810 | |
Gunning, Joseph Donald | Pfc. | 35818693 | |
Gunson, Robert A. | 1/Lt. | O417310 | |
Hafer, Robert A. | Pfc. | 15359825 | |
Haga, Frank M. | S/Sgt. | 6882998 | |
Hagen, Bertrand G. | Pfc. | 36236399 | |
Hahn, Elmer L. | T/5 | 35927991 | |
Hall, Garnett | Pfc. | 35818786 | |
Hall, John S. | Pvt. | 39922015 | |
Hammond, James R. | Pfc. | 34946009 | |
Hancock, Howell C. | Pfc. | 7041457 | |
Hancock, Jack M. | Pfc. | 19004066 + | |
Handeland, Lloyd V. | Pvt. | 37579646 | |
Haney, Alvin A. | Pfc. | 34883797 | |
Hanley, Leonard J. | Pvt. | 12099624(.824) | |
Hanson, Richard W. | Pvt. | 17001499 | |
Hao, Chao Ping | Pfc. | 33644884 | |
Hardy, Merle J. | Pfc. | 31120160 | |
Hargens, Glenn L. | Pfc. | 35910045 | |
Harmon, Frederick W. | Pvt. | 32999322 | |
Harper, Rufus L. | S/Sgt. | 14099586 | |
Harris, Robert G. | T/4 | 31119222 | |
Harrsch, Reid R. | Pvt. | 37481135 | |
Hastings, Paul | T/5 | 33206341 | |
Hawk, Clinton L. | M/Sgt. | 33055375 | |
Hawn, Eldon H. | T/5 | 33016886 | |
Head, Gordon L | Pfc. | 33271138 | |
Helenhouse, Harold A. | Pfc. | 36685837 | |
Henderson, Windell E. | Pfc. | 34963061 | |
Henry, Francis J. | Pfc. | 33483692 | |
Hergesheimer, Gilbert A. | Sgt. | 6558910 | |
Herman, Lewis C. | Sgt. | 39144309 | |
Hernitche, Theodore L., Sr. | Pfc. | 42057462 | |
Herson, Irving T. | Pvt. | 42051298 | |
Hilgart, Conrad C. | Pfc. | 36236448 | |
Hillard, Vaughn D. | Pfc. | 35227422 | |
Hillenbrand, Russell C. | Pfc. | 36916016 | |
Hindman, James H.? | Pfc. | 14120014 | |
Hines, Shelt L. | Pfc. | 34882669 | |
Hodak, John H. | Pvt. | 36876566 | |
Hodges, Clifford H. | S/Sgt. | 34055877 | |
Hoffman, Charles P. | T/5 | 33268851 | |
Hoffman, Richard W. | Sgt. | 33015045 | |
Hoffman, W. | Sgt. | 33015045 | |
Hoiseth, Adolph | Pfc. | 39467828 | |
Holcomb, Samuel R. | Pvt. | 36685494 | |
Holding, Arthur J., Jr. | Pfc. | 36972220(.8220) | |
Hood, Bernard W. | Pfc. | 36830762 | |
Hooker, Robert R. | Pvt. | 39338649 | |
Hope, Walter E. | Pfc. | 20301670 | |
Hopfer, John | T/Sgt. | 32272070 | |
Hopkins, Gerald M. | Pvt. | 37728501 | |
Hopkins, John M., Jr. | 1/Sgt. | 6269428 | |
Horsic, Peter W. | Pvt. | 36876116 | |
Horton, Ellis N. | Cpl. | 33701080 | |
Hoskie, Stephen | Pvt. | 33610606 | |
Houck, William H. | Pfc. | 33353082 | |
Howell, Orville H. | T/Sgt. | 37142737 | |
Hubbs, Charles O. | Pfc. | 35760786 | |
Hunt, Fred | T/5 | 34269906 | |
Hunt, Jiles L. | Pfc. | 38292781 | |
Hunt, Lee T. | Pfc. | 39389391 | |
Husack, Charles | Cpl. | 33490875 | |
Huss, Matthew M. | Cpl. | 32803556 | |
Hutchinson, Eugene W. | Pfc. | 36983203 | |
Hutchinson, Roy W. (M.) | S/Sgt. | 20526779 /VA | |
Imber, Charles A. | S/Sgt. | 35336946 | |
Irzyk, Thaddeus A. | Pfc. | 13132822 | |
Jablonski, Casimir D. | Pvt. | 42030066 | |
Jablonski, Edward J. | Pfc. | 36105606 | |
Jackson, William J. | Pfc. | 36592154 | |
Jakubowski, John J., Jr. | T/5 | 33034319 | |
Jenkins, Charles W. | T/5 | 36306474 | |
Jensen, Eric A. | Pfc. | 31381315 | |
Johnson, John W. | Pvt. | 34842850 | |
Johnson, Kerry P. | T/4 | 34141812 | |
Johnson, Warren R. | Pfc. | 37326552 | |
Johnston, Earl | Pfc. | 33699926 | |
Jones, Bertrand J. | Pvt. | 42030988 | |
Jones, James | Pvt. | ||
Jones, Thompson | Cpl. | 37083796 | |
Jordan, Clarence E. | Pfc. | 34142349 | |
Joseph William G. | Pvt. | 38557059 | |
Junge, Leland F. | Cpl. | 37422186 | |
Kahn, Harry D. | Pfc. | 14183331 + | |
Kamperschroer, Henry F. | Cpl. | 36216530 | |
Kane, William | Pvt. | 12186201 | |
Kangas, Melvin | Sgt. | 37023524 | |
Kanton, John | Pvt. | 32272180 | |
Kaolin, Albert E. | T/3 | 37049201 | |
Kartz, Earl E. ? | T/5 | 33568231 | |
Kay, Norman G. | Cpl. | 36354901 | |
Kellams, Thomas F. E. | Pvt. | 35899915 | |
Kelleher, John C. | T/5 | 33029810 | |
Kendall, Virgil R. | Pfc. | 35665468 | |
Kersavage, August P. | Pfc. | 20302229 | |
Kessler, Bernard C. | Cpl. | 12157179 | |
Kickels, Louis J. | Pvt. | 36886618 | |
Kieburg, George A., Jr. | T/5 | 31381854 | |
Kieselstein, Sidney | Pvt. | 42031178 | |
Kilewski, Chester B. | T/5 | 32591598 | |
Kimball, Stafford J. | Pfc. | 38187990 | |
King, George W. | T/4 | 33156186 | |
King, Lester A. | Pfc. | 31450160 | |
Kirsch, Paul | Pvt. | 39467696 | |
Klein, William F. | Sgt. | 33682823 | |
Klotz, John | T/3 | 33034883 | |
Knapp, Eugene A. | Cpl. | 35204028 | |
Kness, John M. | Pfc. | 42130585 | |
Knox, Gilbert C. (O.) | Cpl. | 12009771 | |
Kofsky, Henry C. | S/Sgt. | 36831637 | |
Kossow, Harry C. | Pfc. | 36973163 | |
Kraus, Jerry (Krauss) | Pvt. | 32720842 | |
Kruk, John T. | Pvt. | 36869041 | |
LaCamera, Pete | Cpl. | 36028885 | |
Lackey, William F. | Pvt. | 39339355 | |
Langston, Samuel E. | T/5 | 34164759 | |
Larco, Michael A. | T/4 | 36876747 | |
Larson, Gordon G. | Pvt. | 31371533 | |
Laux, Gerald J. | Pfc. | 35227600 | |
Lawrance, William B. | Capt. | O306213 | |
Lawson, Grober E. | Pfc. | 34392084 | |
Lawson, Kenneth P. | Pfc. | 42030075 | |
Laymon, George W. | Pvt. | 35226094 | |
Layne, John A. | Cpl. | 32999550 | |
Lee, John W. | T/5 | 14024508 | |
Lefler, Thomas | Pvt. | ||
LeMay, Harold M. | Pfc. | 36236403 | |
Leonard, Thomas E. | Pfc. | 33655839 | |
Liberto, Dominick | T/5 | 32510502 | |
Lineberger, Earl R. | Pfc. | 6922966 | |
Link, Dean J. | Pfc. | 33698108 | |
Lischka, Walter W. | T/Sgt. | 16000800 | |
Little, Austin J. | Pfc. | 37742719 | |
Little, Ralph H. | 2/Lt. | O1314155 | |
Littlefield, Art S. | Pvt. | 38567322 | |
Littman, Jerome | Pfc. | 42050978 | |
Lloyd, Arthur J. | T/5 | 31132911 | |
Lo Celso, Joseph A. | Pvt. | 36911678 | |
Lockard, Stanley | Pvt. | 35876102 | |
KIA | Lollis, Lawrence F. | Pfc. | 34965622 |
Ludion, Willard T. | Pfc. | 37129224 | |
Ludwig, Theodore T. | Pvt. | 38502357 | |
Lundberg, William D. | 1/Lt. | O550936 | |
Luttrell, Joseph T. | T/5 | 37340194 | |
Lynch, Patrick V. | T/3 | 31087296 | |
Maass, Albert C. | S/Sgt. | 37556318 | |
Mabon, Archibald C. | Pfc. | 42120765 | |
MacDonald, James E. | Pvt. | 31372040 | |
Malachins, Frank A. | Pfc. | 33034648 | |
Malencek, Anthony | Sgt. | 32493979 | |
Malkin, Irving | Pvt. | 12183422 | |
Malone, David C. | Pfc. | 33762381 | |
Manfra, Joseph A. | Pvt. | 42102964 | |
Mansfield, Maurice L. | Pfc. | 34509152 | |
Marchewka, Edward J. | Pfc. | 36768112 | |
Marin, Ruben | Pvt. | 42030082 | |
Marshowsky, Michael | Pfc. | 37616501 | |
Martin, Robert E. | Pvt. | 39467646 | |
Martin, Robert O. | 1/Lt. | O551442 + | |
Mason, Maurick B. | T/3 | 31044500 | |
Matthews, Walter T. | Pfc. | 31410030 | |
Mattingly, Thomas J. | T/4 | 35106650 | |
Mattix, Joe M. | Pfc. | 36236479 | |
Matus, Anthony I. | Pfc. | 31412566 | |
Mauser, Harold | S/Sgt. | 33346002 | |
Mayhew, John R. (1/Sgt.^) | 1/Lt. | O1312476 | |
Maynard, Ernest J. | T/5 | 36320392 | |
McCall, Delbert E. | T/5 | 37692488 | |
McClennen, Robert | T/5 | ||
McClyne, Thomas F. | Pfc. | 33700132 | |
McCrery, William L. | Pfc. | 39467616 | |
McDaniel, John E. | T/5 | 36616412 | |
McDermott, Bernard J. | Pfc. | 36876069 | |
McDonell, Miles A. | Pfc. | 36236392 | |
McElfresh, Edward L. | Pvt. | 35893281 | |
McFarland, Clyde E. | Pfc. | 33842642 | |
McGuire, John A. | Cpl. | 32996696 | |
McHatton, Jack E. | S/Sgt. | 6931631 | |
McInturff, Burkett C. | Sgt. | 34882262 | |
McKenzie, Hershel R. | S/Sgt. | 6662902 | |
McLain, Elmer J. | T/5 | 15075905 | |
McMarlin, Hugh W. | Cpl. | 33438318 | |
McNeil, William E. | Sgt. | 31015156 | |
McPherson, Orin E. | Pfc. | 36986878 + | |
McQuay, Charles G. | T/Sgt. | 20340764 | |
McQuillen, Robert E. | S/Sgt. | 37589589 | |
Melcher, Ernest A. | Pfc. | 36073160 | |
Meo, Carmine T. | Pfc. | 42177666 | |
Messina, John | Sgt. | 36684462 | |
Metlicka, Albert J. | Cpl. | 35283569 | |
Micas, Hilliard W. | Pvt. | 36684894 | |
Michael, Carlton A. | 2/Lt. | O463447 | |
Midkiff, Jack E. | S/Sgt. | 35037809 | |
Miller, Earl E. | Pvt. | 33788285 | |
Miller, Gerhard A. | Cpl. | 36236357 | |
Miller, James H. | Pvt. | 35893457 | |
Miller, Robert W. | T/4 | 35171301 | |
Misiaszek, John J. | Pvt. | 31415941 | |
Miskunas, Anthony T. | Sgt. | 35038456 | |
Mitchell, A. E. | Pfc. | 34049302 | |
Monroe, Robert E. | T/5 | 32085736 | |
Montoya, Anastacio | Pfc. | 38026372 | |
Moore, Donald T. | Pfc. | 35089968 + | |
Moore, Walter J. | Pfc. | 36887472 | |
Morelli, Oliver J. | Pfc. | 33938672 | |
Morris, Dan T. | Pfc. | 39935720 | |
Morris, Harold | T/5 | 35893423 | |
Morris, Robert W. | Pfc. | 36876118 | |
Morrison, Howard R. | T/Sgt. | 35044732 | |
Morrison, James S. | Pvt. | 39467675 | |
Mort, James R. | Pfc. | 15323758 | |
Morton, William D. | T/5 | 34051118 | |
Mosier, James W. | Cpl. | 34149539 | |
Munari, Arthur J. | 1/Lt. | O1181048 | |
Munger, James E. | Pvt. | 35227213 | |
Munley, Edward T. | T/3 | 20361352 | |
Munsen, Alban E., Jr. | 1/Lt. | O1301862 | |
Murphy, Harry N. | Pvt. | 42057308 | |
Murphy, John E. | Pfc. | 17148838 | |
Murphy, Robie D. | Pvt. | 31362341 | |
Murray, Claude E. | T/5 | 35385661 | |
Murray, John A. | Pfc. | 12097249 | |
Myers, Francis | Pfc. | 38491066 | |
Nachwostach, Leon | Cpl. | 36507133 | |
Najdek, Alex S., Jr. | Pfc. | 35242787 | |
Napolitano, Daniel J. | Pvt. | 32955958 | |
Navarre, James R. | Pfc. | 16064119 | |
Neal, Wayne W. | Pfc. | 39227780 | |
Nelson, Robert A. | Pfc. | 17140911 | |
Nelson, Robert G. (Richard) | T/5 | 38051039(.8) | |
Neuman, James D. | 1/Lt. | O448139 | |
Nichols, Hubert C. | Pvt. | 34890426 | |
Nielsen, Jay R. | Pfc. | 19011195 | |
Nollan, Robert D. | Pvt. | 35559073 | |
Nowicki, Mieczyslaws J. | T/4 | 36607794 | |
Oakes, Ernest E. | 1/Lt. | O1323165 | |
Oglesby, Edward R. | Cpl. | 32134911 | |
Ordiway, Ervin L. | Pvt. | 36876358 | |
Orr, Wiiliam W. | T/5 | 35236256 | |
Osborn, George G. | 1/Lt. | O1308692 | |
Otto, Clifton L. | Pfc. | 18073025 | |
Owens, Virgil W. | Pfc. | 36690426 | |
O’Brien, Robert Stephen | Pfc. | 13087901 | |
O’Connor, Francis M. | T/4 | 19079876 | |
O’Connor, Lawrence J. | Sgt. | 36831432 | |
Painter, Wilford | Pvt. | 34896428 | |
Panattoni, George M. | Pvt. | 36684157 | |
Pasquale, William P. | Pfc. | 32510176 | |
Patterson, Charles A. | Pvt. | 33694669 | |
Patterson, Clayton D. | Pfc. | 37698424 | |
Patton, Edward P. | Pvt. | 35067649 | |
Patz, Gustoff O. | Pfc. | 35893200 | |
Pederson, Bernard F. (E.) | Pvt. | 37696639 | |
Pende, Nicholas | T/Sgt. | 33037969 | |
Penoff, Peter | Pvt. | 36453183 | |
Penzabene, Joseph A. | Pfc. | 32667445 | |
Perez, Graviel W. | Pfc. | 38253629 | |
Perkins, Rollin A. | T/4 | 36685720 | |
Peterson, Warren J. | Pfc. | 37324344 | |
Pfistorer, Joseph T. | T/5 | 32205279 | |
Phillips, Elmer W. | Pfc. | 33733149 | |
Piccolo, Sylvia S. | Pvt. | 35560132 | |
Pickinpaugh, William H. | Pvt. | 36874796 | |
Pilat, Peter W. | Pfc. | 31063104 | |
Pinczkowski, Edward S. | S/Sgt. | 36290210 | |
Plants, James A. | Pvt. | 37535562 | |
Polit, Stanley V. | T/5 | 31148293 | |
Pondo, Nicholas | T/Sgt. | 33037969 | |
Porter, James W. | T/4 | 35401758 | |
Pucillo, James J. | T/3 | 35500655 | |
Pylinski, Peter | Pvt. | 6974397 | |
Quadt, Ronald H. | Pfc. | 42010534 | |
Quinn, James T. | Pvt. | 35933824 | |
Rachlin, Joseph C. | Pvt. | 35226981 | |
Raether, Charles F., Jr. | Pfc. | 36831246 | |
Raether, Theodore H. | Pfc. | 36831233 | |
Rallison, Robert E. | Pfc. | 39923502 | |
Rebarkchick, Carl F. | T/5 | 33610191 | |
Reeves, O. D. | Sgt. | 38421898 | |
Regine, John P. | Pfc. | 33794839 | |
Reilly, Thomas B. | Pfc. | 33034500 | |
Reilly, Walter T. | Pvt. | 37488549 | |
Remski, Albin P. | S/Sgt. | 13007553 | |
Renwick, George J. | 2/Lt. | O1312718 | |
Reynolds, Edward J. | 2/Lt. | O1317130 | |
Reynolds, John T. | T/4 | 31226377 | |
Richardson, Willard G. | Cpl. | 20641918 | |
Rickard, Fred NMN | Pfc. | 34331342 | |
Ricksecker, Eugene, II | S/Sgt. | 39190833 | |
Rimer, Lorain C. | 2/Lt. | O1320565 | |
Ripka, Edward | Pfc. | 36422942 | |
Robinson, Bryce W. | Pfc. | 39338657 | |
Robinson, Melvin J. | Pfc. | 39338817 | |
Robinson, Robert E. | Pfc. | 39689357 | |
Rodgers, Leon | Pvt. | ||
Rodriguez, Margarito M. | Pvt. | 38051073 | |
Rogers, Harold L. | Pfc. | 36677301 | |
Rogers, John M., Jr. | T/5 | 34779745 | |
Roleson, Woodrow W. | Pvt. | 32924229 | |
Rolls, DeWilton J. | Pfc. | 20301459 | |
Roman, Richard K. | Pfc. | 39346468 | |
Root, Adolphus N. | Pfc. | 31062335 | |
Rosen, Bernard Leon | 1/Lt. | O1080321 ** | |
Rosenberg, Nathan | Pvt. | 42005746 | |
Ross, Charles L. | Pfc. | 38666241 | |
Ross, Robert F. | S/Sgt. | 6834585 | |
Rossi, Bernard | T/5 | 31062664 | |
Roth, Wayne D. | Pvt. | 37468565 | |
Rothrock, Harry E., Jr. | Cpl. | 34776686 | |
Rott, Russell A. | Pfc. | 36371025 | |
Rouleau, Albert F. | Pfc. | 31376062 | |
Rowan, Walter S. | Pfc. | 36875633 | |
Rowe, James W. | T/5 | 33172138 | |
Rowley, Virgil L. | Pfc. | 37728221 | |
Royal, Seavy R. | Pvt. | 34466422 | |
Rusinek, Stanley | Pfc. | 33710189 + | |
Sadowski, Ralph J. | T/5 | 36296711 | |
Salaman, Edward J. | Cpl. | 35323392 | |
Salazar, Genaro | Pfc. | 38052073 | |
Salsky, Charles | S/Sgt. | 35043095 | |
Sandora, Nicholas | Pvt. | ||
Saniga, Erwin | Capt. | O1311688 | |
Santa Barbara, Andrew L. | Pfc. | 42120481 | |
Sator, Ferdinand | T/5 | 42010162 | |
Schaal, Alvin F. | Cpl. | 36236395 | |
Schabell, Norman A. | Cpl. | 36236557 | |
Schaeffer, Jerome I. | Pfc. | 12228727 | |
Scheef, Robert A. | Pfc. | 37488578 | |
Schembri, Carmelo C. | Pvt. | 32997356 | |
Schettini, Angelo H. | S/Sgt. | 33569181 | |
Schiano, Daniel | Pvt. | 42008481 | |
Schiefelbein, Edward P. | Pvt. | 12100643 | |
Schirra, Frank N. | S/Sgt. | 33692372 | |
Schmid, James W. | Pfc. | 37692793 | |
Schneider, Nathaniel S. | Pfc. | 12206553 | |
Schneider, Raymond L. | Cpl. | 33034393 | |
Schultz, Norbert A. | Pfc. | 35842438 | |
Schwendinger, John W. | S/Sgt. | 16034190 | |
Schwertfeger, Roland M. | Cpl. | 36236541 | |
Scott, Foy | Pfc. | 34945902 | |
Seargeant, Thomas H. | Pfc. | 33701076 | |
Sedtal, Clarence | Pfc. | 38051176 | |
Selzer, Carl R. | Pvt. | 36877486 | |
Senneville, Arthur J. | Pvt. | 31375489 | |
Serslev, Glen C. | Pfc. | 37728932 | |
Shapiro, Milton N. | Sgt. | 32344219 | |
Shelavage, Michael J., Sr. | Pvt. | 33834983 | |
Shifreen, William L. | Pvt. | 42045168 | |
Shuler, Ralph N. | Pfc. | 33214070 | |
Shulick, Louis J. | Pfc. | 13146550 | |
Sibiskey, Charles J. | Pvt. | 37506629 | |
Siebert, Arthur F. | T/5 | 36624377 | |
Simmons, James H. | Sgt. | 37660874 | |
Sink, Herbert J. | T/5 | 36685106 | |
Siwak, Nickolas, Jr. | Sgt. | 32085004 | |
Skolkin, Marvin A. | Pfc. | 36467093 | |
Slade, Henry E. | 2/Lt. | O557744 | |
Slemp, Herbert E. | Pvt. | 37728289 | |
Smith, Donald H. | Pfc. | 12239511 | |
Smith, James J. | Pfc. | 33888646 | |
Smith, John J. | Pfc. | 37628528 | |
Smith, Paul J. | Pvt. | 35893612 | |
Smith, Vaught | Cpl. | 35653026 | |
Smith, William J. | Pvt. | 2033455_ ? | |
Smith, William R., Jr. | 2/Lt. | O1825647 | |
Smith, William T. | Pfc. | 36686302 | |
Smullyan, Stanley P. | Pvt. | 32989016 | |
Snider, Robert H. | Pvt. | 20268801 | |
Snyder, Russell E. | Pvt. | 33512340 | |
Sofield, George A. | Pvt. | 42008057 | |
Sommerville, Ernest A. | T/4 | 39281923 | |
Sotomayor, Jesus A. | Pfc. | 18045124 | |
Speer, Howard D. | Cpl. | 33034472 | |
Spence, Jack C. | Pfc. | 37728408 | |
Stahr, Curvin E. | Pfc. | 33834870 | |
Stanton, Joseph A. | 1/Lt. | O1306333 | |
Stec, Frank J. | T/Sgt. | 36319165 | |
Stern, Sam | Pvt. | 36773358 | |
Stetz, John J. | Pfc. | 32221405 | |
Stinson, Frank E. | Pvt. | 37582542 | |
Stokes, Allen R. | Pfc. | 37742921 | |
Stokes, Billie C. | Pfc. | 7007501 | |
Stoudemire, Sumter E. | Pfc. | 34966711 | |
Streeter, Virgil J. | Pvt. | 36685215 | |
Stringfellow, Frank J. | Pvt. | 38166723 | |
Struder, Charles | Pvt. | ||
Stuart, Arnold B. | Pfc. | 31460279 | |
Stumpf, John S. | Pfc. | 35763182 | |
Sturni, John F. | Pfc. | 33704686 | |
Sukmanowski, John P. | Pfc. | 42094137 | |
Sumners, Melvin E. | Pfc. | 37494728 | |
Sumrall, Leaverne | T/5 | 38223162 | |
Sutton, Clyde E. | T/4 | 14059135 | |
Svor, Jack L. | Pvt. | 37578574 | |
Sweeney, Edward W. | S/Sgt. | 16054350 | |
Sweet, Merlin R. | 1/Lt. | O1299960 | |
Szalskowski, James P. | Pfc. | 32270081 | |
Talmadge, Max | Pfc. | 12226942 | |
Tastove, Henry J. | Cpl. | 37017156 | |
Terrizzi, Anthony, Jr. | Pfc. | 33321145 | |
Thomas, John R. | Pfc. | 33019443 | |
Thompson, Charlie | Pvt. | 14161976(.9781) | |
Thurn, Gottlieb | Pvt. | 37578895 | |
Tietchen, Adam W. | S/Sgt. | 32066675 | |
Timmons, Charles F. | 1/Lt. | O439238 | |
Toder, Sheldon I. | Cpl. | 12110746 ** | |
Tomastik, Fred M. | T/5 | 15075881 | |
Tomlinson, Alfred D., Jr.(B.) | Pvt. | 33805761 | |
Trama, Mark J. | Pfc. | 42184298 | |
Transue, Wilson H. | Pvt. | 33610569 | |
Trew, Charles G. | Cpl. | 33516447 | |
Trimble, Dorman | Pfc. | 35560296 | |
Tucker, Donald E. | S/Sgt. | 39282049 | |
Tucker, James R. P., III | S/Sgt. | 6958148 | |
Tufano, Mario P. | Pfc. | 36953799 | |
Tumulty, Calvin B. | Pvt. | 35805179 | |
Turinske, Arthur R. | Pfc. | 36284002 | |
Turk, Dilmas E. | Pfc. | 14118736 | |
Urbanick, Frank A. | T/4 | 20301379 | |
Valvo, Carl B. | T/3 | 32034216 | |
Velella, Bernier J. | Pfc. | 42008536 | |
Veneziano, Frank M. | Pvt. | 31407964 | |
Verano, Albert C. | Pvt. | 33513552 | |
Villegas, Antonio A. | Pfc. | 38000448 | |
Villines, Dallas M. | Pfc. | 14130993 | |
Vincent, Sherman A. | Pfc. | 39202005 | |
Vineleaf, Roy W. | Pfc. | 36976819 | |
Vitale, Aniello G. | Pvt. | 42010129 | |
Wade, David E. | Pfc. | 12174640 + | |
Wagener, Bernard H. F. | Pvt. | 37692991 | |
Wagner, John F. | Pfc. | 33764350 | |
Walden, Junior L. | Pvt. | 39338552 | |
Walencik, Anthony F. | Sgt. | 32493979 | |
Ward, David | Pfc. | 11096867 | |
Ward, John T., Jr. | Pvt. | 18059601 | |
Ware, Dale C. | Pfc. | 36875904 | |
Warren, Donald T. | 2/Lt. | O1826941(.5941) | |
Warren, John D. | Pvt. | 36027389 | |
Warriner, Ralph R., Jr.(Sr.) | Pfc. | 33613598 | |
Watkins, Ray J. | Pvt. | 33654915 | |
Weaver, Ernest E. | Pvt. | 33610583 | |
Weber, Gustav J. | Pvt. | 32996011 | |
Weber, Louis J. | Pfc. | 32998857 | |
Weick, Victor O. (Wieck) | T/5 | 34078277 | |
Weinischke, William J. | 2/Lt. | O1061910 | |
Welch, Conrad | Pvt. | 32955857 | |
Welsch, Peter G. | T/5 | 33034520 | |
West, Joseph M. | Pfc. | 33839025 | |
Westmoreland, Chester B. | Pfc. | 39051597 | |
Wheeler, Alma B. | Pvt. | 39919354 | |
Wheeler, Clarence E. | Pfc. | 36685288 | |
Whims, Arthur W. | Pfc. | 35277311 | |
White, Charles W., Jr. | T/Sgt. | 6667297 | |
White, Emerald | Pvt. | 42081596 | |
White, Henry A. | S/Sgt. | 34395171 | |
White, Hugh A. | Pfc. | 33842327 | |
White, James H. | Pvt. | 35708376 | |
White, John M., Jr. | Pfc. | 37727191(.79) | |
White, Robert F. | T/5 | 33018495 | |
Whitten, Lawrence | Pfc. | 14031486 | |
Wians, Warren | T/4 | 36001070 | |
Wiggins, Willis P. | Pfc. | 38582770 | |
Wiktor, Matthew | T/4 | 20301818 | |
Wilcox, Cecil A. | T/5 | 20848208 | |
Wildenberg, Arthur A. | T/5 | 36213240 | |
Williams, Fred J., Jr. | Cpl. | 20408403 | |
Williams, Robert A. | T/5 | 35018805 | |
Williams, Webber W. | Pvt. | 7000863 | |
Williams, Wilbert L. | Pfc. | 33034434 | |
Williamson, Samuel R. | Pvt. | 33805615 | |
Willkom, Cletus H. | 2/Lt. | O1312741 | |
Wilson, Charles | Sgt. | 31104395 | |
Wilson, Keith R. | Pfc. | 35343995(.55/.59) | |
Wilson, Leo P. | T/5 | 20756583 | |
Wilson, Virgil L. | Pfc. | 35471530 | |
Wink, Norwood E. | Pfc. | 33764368 | |
Wise, John P. | Pfc. | 34077108 | |
Wojnicki, Edward ? | Pvt. | 32130001 | |
Wood, Walter Richard(S/Sgt.^) | 2/Lt. | O2016314 | |
Woodruff, Paul C. | Pfc. | 35835760 | |
Woods, Charles T. | Pvt. | 37726740 | |
Woolverton, Lester E. (Wol.) | Pfc. | 33909909 | |
Wos, Albert J. | Pvt. | 42008415 | |
Wrana, Adam S. | Pvt. | 42120522 | |
Wright, Harry F., Jr. | Pfc. | 33957456 | |
Wright, John H. | Pvt. | 33654887 | |
Wright, Leo F. | T/Sgt. | 7007465 | |
Wurth, Edward C. | Pvt. | 35708406 | |
Wycomans, Harold | T/5 | 32493577 | |
Wynne, William J. | Pfc. | 33806545 | |
Wynos, Burton G. | T/4 | 36170487 | |
Wyzgala, Henry M. | T/4 | 20624447 | |
Yach, Harry D. | Pvt. | 35897863 | |
Yackel, Louis Michael, Jr. | Cpl. | 32939535 + | |
Yearby, Lloyd C. | Pvt. | 38035896 | |
Yeomans, Harold W. | T/5 | 32493577 | |
Yoder, Albert | Pfc. | 33610600 | |
Zagurski, Stephen J. | Pfc. | 20302243 | |
Zambory, Paul | Pfc. | 33022100 | |
Zarecor, Robert A., Jr. | Pfc. | 34142736 | |
Zeleznock, John, Jr. | Pfc. | 33057793 | |
Zerilli, Frank M. | Pvt. | 32999200 | |
Ziegler, Albin NMI | T/5 | 33702590 | |
Zinn, Loyd J. | Pvt. | 37728330 | |
Zukauskas, Edward | Pfc. | 6150075 | |
Zukowski, Raymond | Pfc. | 32667508 | |
?……, Arthur | Pfc. | 36978920 |
1- 63rd infantry division association
2- Research and Records from Timothy A. Malone