Pvt. GUSTAVO GANDARA, JR. 38579054

Pvt. GUSTAVO GANDARA, JR. 38579054 US Army KIA. He was born on October 11, 1925, in El Paso, Texas. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Gandara, Sr., of 205 Palm St., El Paso Texas. He attended El Paso Technical Inst., entering the service Feb. 3, 1944, At the time of his enlistment he was 5 foot 6 inches tall weighed 160 pounds had Black hair and brown eyes. He trained at Camp Howze, Texas. He went overseas on Sept. 15, 1944. He arrived at the port of Marseilles on October 20, 1944, with the first troops in port. He served in Company E, 409th Infantry Regiment, 103rd Infantry Division. He participated in the Rhineland campaign from November 9, 1944, to November 29, 1944, when he received shrapnel wounds in the abdomen; the results of these wounds caused his death the same day. He was buried in Epinal, France. His body was returned to Texas in 1948.  . He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal.

1-.Fighting Men of Texas book 3

2- U.S. National Cemetery Interment Control Forms, 1928-1962

3- World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947