PRIVATE JOHN O. WHITE, 31372338  KIA US Army. Private White graduated from Tilton School and was then employed at the Unity Shoe Co. He enlisted in the Army Sept. 15, 1943. He was then assigned to Camp Wheeler, Ga., for his basic training. After a brief furlough at home he was stationed at Fort Meade, Md., from where he shipped overseas Feb. 3, 1944. Private White fought with Company G, 349th Infantry, 88th Infantry Division, as a rifleman in their sweep up the Italian peninsula and at Fondi, Naples, Cassino, and Rome. He was injured in action July 14, 1944, but rejoined his  unit upon discharge from the hospital. He was killed in action approximately a week after he had rejoined his unit on September 27, 1944, somewhere in Italy. Private White is buried in a military cemetery at Castelfiorentino, Italy,
about nineteen miles southwest of Florence, Italy. He leaves his wife and daughter, Mrs. Helen R. White, and Kathleen, 36 High St. ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. White, 35 Willie St.


1- Haverhill Massachusetts – Haverhill  in World War Two