2nd Lt. Leonard H. Schleicher 0-907790

Lieutenant Colonel Leonard H. Schleicher O907790 Army Air Corps. He served in SQUADRON IV FLIGHT 16 of HEADQUARTERS AIR INTELLIGENCE SCHOOL Army Air Forces Technical Training Command Harrisburg, Pennsylvania EIGHTH COMBAT INTELLIGENCE COURSE (Second Phase). He ended his War time service as aHe was a Lieutenant Colonel with the U.S. Army Air Forces, serving with the 38th Bomber Squadron.

Lieutenant Colonel Leonard H. Schleicher O907790 Army Air Corps. He served in SQUADRON IV FLIGHT 17 of HEADQUARTERS AIR INTELLIGENCE SCHOOL Army Air Forces Technical Training Command Harrisburg, Pennsylvania EIGHTH COMBAT INTELLIGENCE COURSE (Second Phase). He ended his War time service as aHe was a Lieutenant Colonel with the U.S. Army Air Forces, serving with the 38th Bomber Squadron.