Private ROBERT HARRY THOMASON, US Army Air Corp son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Thomason, Dallas Texas, was born June 22, 1917. Volunteered for service May 28, 1941, at the age of 23. Assigned to ground crew Army Air Corps. Trained, March Field, California. Served overseas from October, 1941, to March, 1942, on Philippines; on Bataan with General McArthur. Sent one of the first cables from the Philippines. Cabled from Ft. Statenbury December 11, 1941, “ may not have opportunity to write. Courage to all.” Killed in fox hole on Bataan (PTO) March 8, 1942, at the age of 24. He served in the 7th Material Squadron, 19th Bomb Group. He was awarded the Purple Heart Medal (PHM).


1- THE FIGHTING MEN OF Texas Book 1 – 1948