507th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Back to the 17th Airborne Division

507th Parachute Infantry Regiment (17th Airborne Division) on 20 July 1942 it was activated at Ft Benning Ga and assigned to the Airborne Command; moved to Barksdale Field La on 7 March 1943 and to Alliance Army Airfield Neb. 23 March 1943 where assigned to the 1st Airborne Infantry Brigade on 14 April 1943; staged at Camp Shanks N.Y. 23 Nov. 1943 until departed New York P/E 5 Dec 1943; arrived in England 16 Dec 1943 (attached to 82nd Airborne Division 14 Jan-27 Aug 1944) and assaulted Normandy France on 6 Jun 1944; returned to England 13 July 1944 (attached to 17th Airborne Division 27 Aug 1944 – 1 March 1945) and landed in France 24 Dec 1944; crossed into Belgium 25 Dec 1944 and returned to France 11 Feb 1945 where ,assigned to the 17th Airborne Division on 1 March 1945; assaulted Wesel Germany 24 March 1945 (attached to XIX Corps 31 Mar-2 Apr 1945); arrived Boston P/E 15 Sep 1945 and inactivated at Camp Myles Standish Mass on 16 Sep 1945. Campaigns: Normandy, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, Central Europe