The majority of the links on this page will take you to profiles on

Armstrong, Suzanne L. Bane
Atkeison, Ann
Badger, Jerrie Phillips
Browning, Christine W. Grayson
Carr, Pam L.
Carter, Ann K. Shaw
Cellar, Helen B.
Chapin, Emily
Coakley, Virginia A. McPike
Creger, Rosa Charlyne
Davis, Dorothy H.
Davis, Helen Paine
Detchon, Patricia Disston
Douglas, Suzette Van Daell
Faust, Eleanor Collins
Gaunce, Martha Blair
Germaine, Mary Jo Bardsley
Gilman, Margaret M. Werber
Graff, Ellen A. Howard
Guhsè, Ruth W. Glaser
Harlan, Betty V. Stabler
Hash, Virginia
Hayden, Sara E. Payne
Hibrandt, Kathleen A.
Hove, L. Levona
Hurlbutt, Juanita A. Dreier
Ireland, Dorothy K. Nagel
Jones, Suzanne Irvine
Jurnecka, Ruth Y. Kutner
Kimport, Julia L. Loufek
Lamb, Dolores M.
Leckie, June S. Wolfe
Mayes, Nancy Lenora
McAdams, Frances Gimble 
McCreery, Jean Moreo Terrell
McGrath, Catherine M. Henze
Miller, Ethel G. Lytch
Miller, Thelma K. Hench
Moran, Muriel M.
Morrison, Jane E.
Morrison, Nina K.
Murray, Nancy J. Burnside
Nagle, Nadine V. Canfield
Park, Francie E. Meisner
Phillips, Ruth Rees
Rideout, Patricia A. Houran
Robinson, Josephine H. Kater
Rosenthal, Ruby L. Hibbler
Seidenberg, Carmel La Torra
Sellers, Mary Jane Lind
Schirmer, Mittie E. Parsley
Sigford, Gail G.
Simmonds, Mary L. Van Scyoc
Simonson, Ailsa M. Connolly
Sproat, Henrietta P. Speckles
Squire, Barbara Searles
Temme, Margaret A. Eger
Thoits, Mary Elizabeth
Thokey, Louise E. Magoon
Uhalt, Joan M. Freter
Vinson, Natalie S. Jones
Wagner, Mary J. Ceyanes
Wheatley, Janis M. Gregg
Wheeler, Florence Emig
White, Betty Fulbright
Whiting, Elizabeth L. Phillips
Wyall, Mary Anna Martin
Yearwood, Frankie
Young, Millicent A. Peterson
Zerhalt, Jacquelyne Riley


Class 44-10 Trainees

Bagley, Geraldine
Baldwin, Jane T.
Barnes, M. Elizabeth Powers
Baughman, Louise G. Peck
Berrigan, Eleanor
Camp, Sydney T. DuTemple
Carpenter, Julie
Collerbrusco, Isabella A.
Diager, Margaret F. Trego
Douglas, Fern Richardson
Drobic, Dorothy H.
Earley, Audrey N.
Elion, Florence Rubin
Estes, Jewel Pfeifer
Fairchild, Dorothy R.
Gordon, Isabel C. Pedersen
Growcock, Carolyn Ann Lumpp
Halvorsen, Gladys C.
Harvey, Beverly
Healey, Dorothy Anne
Henry, Louise
Howard Elizabeth
Jackson, Jean C.
Johnson, Jean E.
Jones, Erma L.
Jurgens, Lola M. Baldwin
King, Jean I.
Kjome, Ruth A.
Lozon, Lydia E.
Mascott, Florence Elion Rubin
Masterson, Patricia M. Gillis
Metcalf, Dorothy Blockwitz
Might, Esther Mae
Nicoll, Harriet Kelley
Palmer, Theopa Owens
Patton, Elizabeth Kell
Pepper, Elenore
Raczka, Eleanor
Ready, Marian E.
Schumaker, Ruth E.
Snyder, Anne H.
Speer, Susanna M.
Stevens, June I. Lloyd
Stiles, Awana A.
Stoeber, Mary L.
Stratton, Jo Ann
Sweger, Valentine Gecht
Thoits, Mary Elizabeth
Twedell, Nancy
Ulhorn, Marie J. Hurley
Valentine, Carolyn J.
Wadsworth, Betty J.
Wardlow, Dolores P.
Williamson, Mary Ellen
Wood, Ellen J.