3rd Battalion Headquarters Company 255th Infantry regiment 63rd Infantry Division

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Abernathy, Forrest C. Pfc. 38697599
Abshire, Charles F. Cpl. 35152524
Adams, Leslie W. S/Sgt. 19051830
Adamson, William E. Pvt. 34881442
Aikins, Pvt. 39338898
Akers, Charles Pvt. 32767400
Alling, Wilbur M., Jr. Pfc. 42030887
Amato, Joseph Pvt. 33515041
Angell, Russell W. T/4 19020605
Arbitblit, Herbert T/5 42010392
Arnold, Ellis D. Pfc. 37742916
Arnold, Frank J. S/Sgt. 14023423
Arroyo, Melchor M. Pfc. 39156643
Arsenault, Raymond J. Pvt. 31419904
Avery, John H. Pvt. 34779957
Bailey, Paul R. Pfc. 33012864
Baker, Richard L. Pvt. 38600457
Baldridge, Clarence E. Pfc. 37257035
Ballantyne, Thomas E. Pfc. 39919833
Balzer, Otto Pfc. 37175872
Banasik, Joseph P. Pfc. 37553324
Barger, Earl E. Pvt.  6656169
Barnette, Cecil E. T/5 34883422
Bartlett, Richard O. Pfc. 32999651
Bauder, Harry C., Jr. Pfc. 42009386
Bauer, Robert H. T/Sgt. 33703299
Beaver, Charles S. Cpl. 33703330
Bellafiore, Egnazio L. T/5 32236742
Belmain, Roy F. Pfc. 31462968
Benveniste, Albert Pvt. 42049075
Bernstein, Leonard Pfc. 42060523 +
Birger, Thomas E. 1/Lt. O1323998
Bishop, James F. Major   O22231
Blum, William A. 1/Lt. O1317874
Bochner, John M. 1/Lt. O1321282
Bodnarenko, Alexander Pfc. 36861107
Boesch, Paul M. 1/Lt. O1321567
Bohon, Boyd Cpl. 35749544
Boltzhauser, Harold O. Pvt. 33700062
Bostwick, Bernard Pfc. 35835424
Bottoroff, Paul (Bottorff) Pfc. 35083895
Bouley, John P. Pvt. 31388275
Bove, Alfred J. Pvt. 20251578
Bowen, William R. S/Sgt. 33122365
Bower, Walter B. Pvt. 34883058
Boyd, James M. Major   O24168 +
Bramson, Edwin M. (S.) 2/Lt.  O558768
Brandt, Vernie G. T/4 33515542
Brandt, William Pfc.
Bray, William S. Pvt. 36972430
Breaux, Clarence Pfc. 38266090
Breed, Ernest M., Jr. Pvt. 33683805
Breeland, John D., Jr. Pfc. 34478335
Brennan, Dennis F. Pvt. 36690382
Bridges, Perry L., Sr. T/4 14118576
Briley, Donald H. Pfc. 37692904
Brill, Theodore
Brinkworth, Paul J. Pfc. 12131168
Britt, George A. Pvt. 36685704
Brooks, James E. Pfc. 33702517
Brosnaham, John J. T/5 31299672
Brown, Charles W. Pfc. 20311821
KIA Brown, Clifford A. T/5 31351966
Brown, Ernest L. Sgt. 20311823
Brown, John W., Jr. Capt.  O555104 +
Brown, Ray O. Pfc. 39585497
Brownlie, Ray Oliver Pfc. 39565497
Brust, Daniel I. S/Sgt. 32533335
Bryl, Theophil J. S/Sgt. 36290065 /VA
Bunch, Paul E. Pfc. 35089795
Burnett, Boyd V. Capt. O1296479
Calabro, Albert O. Sgt. 20301425
Calvin, Guthrie C. Pvt. 36765350
Cameron, John C. S/Sgt. 32578251
DOW Campbell, Morse Pfc. 36962963
Cannella, Xavier F. Sgt. 34242061
Capalbo, Louis T/5 20301144
Carlisle, Robert J. 1/Lt. O1319104
Carlson, Herbert
Carmical, Harold P. (C.) Pfc. 34833832
Carouthers, John E. Pfc. 38673868
Carpenter, Benjamin G. Cpl. 39181551
Cartasegna, Joseph D. T/4 39338864
Carter, Ralph Pfc. 37064417
Casanova, Leo F. Pfc. 37544095
Case, Charles L. Pfc. 34835511
Cassidy, Frederick E. Pvt. 33082122
Casto, John L. Pfc. 35760807
Cattaneo, August A. Pvt. 42008581
Chamberlain, Charles A. Pfc. 35827198
Champion, Olin Pvt.
Chasen, Harold M. 1/Lt. O1080520
Chikos, Frank (Chicos) S/Sgt. 36874721
Chilvers, William B. Cpl. 37463141
Christian, William B. 2/Lt.  O524376
Churchill, Forest R., Jr. 1/Lt. O1185386
Cicchini, Arthur E. (L.) Pfc. 36604196
Clark, Benjamin C. Pfc.  6555320
Clark, James D. Pvt. 38664860
Clark, John B. T/4 36330731 /VA
Clemo, Howard M. T/4 20302601
Coakley, Victor L. S/Sgt. 12085334
Cohen, Nathan L. Pvt. 33795358
Collier, Charles Pfc. 20238199
Colligan, William J. S/Sgt. 32636129
Conine, Norman F. Pvt. 35226772
Connolly, Michael G. S/Sgt. 31299520
Cook, Loise C. Pfc. 34571810
Coombe, Kenneth J. Pvt. 36830907
Cooney, Thomas R. Pvt. 36104512
Cooper, Orval Don Pvt. 15361264
Copas, Cyrus W. Pvt. 34883147
Coppock, Winford Lee Pfc. 34945909 +
Cronan, Donald George Pfc. 12194101 *
Culhane, Joseph G. Pvt. 32998523
Curran, Thomas F. Pvt. 32986575
Dagovetz, Eli Pvt. 35308844(36.)
Damuth, Karl Joseph Pfc. 13138572
Davis, Donald L. Pvt. 17144104
Davis, Randolph NMI S/Sgt. 16040535
Davis, Thomas A. Pfc. 32252988
Day, Edward R. Pfc. 33639482
Day, Harry H. Major  O326516
DeFalco, James D. T/4 36684779
DeForge, George E. K. Pvt. 31267591
Dehner, Howard C. S/Sgt. 35094362
DePaola, Daniel A. T/4 42008862
Devenport, John B. 1/Lt. O1041326
Devens, Joseph T/5 38243875
Devona, Joseph T/5 38243875
Dexter, David P. T/5 32333122
Dicembro, Frank J. T/4 32130126
DiStefano, Charles A. T/5 32236859
Dobias, Elmer E. Pfc. 36973775
Dodge, Guy M. Pfc. 39925938
Dominick, Frank P. S/Sgt. 37024596
Dorman, James R. T/4 32954679
Dorsett, Theodore M., Jr. 1/Lt. O1307523(.33)
Dostilio, Dominico A. Pfc. 31314344
Doyle, John C. Pvt. 31407763
Drake, Harley B. Pvt. 34898364
Drake, Walter K. T/5 36685873
Dreblow, Robert H. Pvt. 36950596
Dunlap, Harry (Henry?) T/5
Dunlap, Henry A. S/Sgt. 12198902
Dunmiro, William C. Sgt. 20300842
Dutton, Frank L. Pvt. 39119549(.7)
Dyer, Thomas H. Pvt. 34882764
Edmunds, William Sgt. 20101356
Edwards, Ernest A. Pfc. 32510490
Edwards, Freedom T. Pvt. 34890077
Emery, George M. Pvt. 18021273
Epstein, Adam (Alan?) T/5
Epstein, Alan S. T/5 42030966
Epstein, Leo L. Pvt. 42056663
Esquivel, Michael E. (A.) 1/Lt. O1316282
Evans, George J. Lt.
Everett, James D. T/5 34882879
Everhart, Clyde R. Sgt. 34678643
Fabian, Andrew T/4 33116877
Faull, Wilbert O. Pfc. 38025499
Feckley, Keith L. T/Sgt. 37660392
Feckley, Roy Pfc.
Fegan, Arthur C. Pfc. 31370862
Fenstemacher, Edgar R. Capt.  O390510
Ferguson, Norman S. S/Sgt. 20750868
Ferrario, William A. T/4 20302100
Fiedeldey, Joseph H.(T/Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2011527
Fiedeldey, Joseph H.(^2/Lt.) T/Sgt. 32534671
Fieldgrove, Amos W. Sgt. 37034337
Fields, Raymond F. T/5 31109530
Fire, Frank S. Pvt. 20232340
Fishbaugh, Walter I. (Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2007100
Fisher, Ross Pvt. 35893518
Floria, Andrew Pvt. 35831701
Folkers, LeRoy M. Pfc. 20721273
Foote, Henry G., III Pfc. 37570717
Ford, Ralph E. Pfc. 35886133
France, Anthony R., Jr. Pvt. 33894598
Franciosa, Mauro M.? Pfc. 32084402
Freeman, Eugene D., Jr. Capt.  O443764
French, Homer M. Major  O138654
Friedl, Joseph O. Pvt. 36686205
Friedlander, Irving T/Sgt. 32026141
Frisina, John L. Pfc. 32000123
Frome, T/5  6704386
Furlong, Daniel J. 1/Lt.  O436319
Galbraith, John J. Pfc. 42030264
Gallihugh, Charles W. Pvt. 37520255
Gallop, Bill H. Pfc. 36459784
Ganske, Russell L. T/4 37692839
Gasparovich, Charles M. S/Sgt. 36439208
Gauthier, Frank S., Jr. Pfc. 35227310(.510)
Gazzale, Bartholomew Pfc. 32018833
Geris, John J., Jr. Pfc. 35750458
Gersenson, Max  (.sen) Pvt. 33794962
Gill, James R. Pfc. 34039024
Girard, James O. S/Sgt.  6933144
Goldman, David E. Pfc. 32956428
Goldman, Paul S. Pvt. 42072684
Goldsmith, Warren J. T/Sgt. 12060393
Goodridge, Edgar A. Sgt. 35115306
Grafmiller, James E. Sgt. 35401053
Gredder, Ray T/5 32657306
Green, Clyde B. Pvt. 36570520
Green, Gerald B. Pfc. 34634731
Green, John F. Pfc. 31330987
Greuel, Robert E. Pfc. 36807206
Grieco, Frank A. T/5 32164486
Griffith, Manford L. Pfc. 35780453
Groden, Gerald D. T/5 12168665
Gruter, Harold J. Pfc. 32012690
Gullette, Robert E. Major  O202350
Gumz, Leo A. Pfc. 39240110
Guyon, Charles F. Pfc. 32012721
Haboeck, Floyd W. T/5 36829711
Hahn, Russell F. S/Sgt. 20810586
Halfmann, Walter J. T/Sgt. 16006902
Hall, John J., Jr. Pvt. 37536556
Halvorson, George P. T/5 37281777
Hankins, S/Sgt. 14080218
Hannum, Howard L. Pfc. 13200562
Harmon, Homer W. T/5 36875064
Harris, Albert H. 1/Lt. O1295371
Harthorn, William S/Sgt. 36003200
Hartman, Richard E. 1/Lt.  O464361
Harty, James T. Capt.  O404072
Haughey, Joseph P. Pfc. 33795528
Havrillo, John Pfc. 33839087
Hayes, Gunnar R.  (T/Sgt.^) 2/Lt. O2007072
Hayes, Gunnar R.  (^2/Lt.) T/Sgt. 37445891
Heilman, Paul L. Pvt. 35227522
Heimbach, Harold L. Pfc. 33839057
Heligman, Martin J. Pfc. 37631873
Henderson, Everett P. Pfc. 34911954
Hendzell, Walter S. Cpl. 36517330 “
Henry, Cole NMI S/Sgt. 34455966
Hensley, Lee NMI Pfc. 15040912
Hill, Robert L. Pfc. 33933544
Hillenbrand, Berton F. S/Sgt. 35203264
Himmelstein, Harold Pvt. 42030243
Hincken, James B. (D.) Cpl. 33596140 +
Hines, Earl F. Pfc.  6947318
Holder, Henry D. Pvt. 14010061
Holecheck, Emil C. Cpl. 36684773
Hominsky, John G. Capt. O1299566
Hooks, Francis J. 1/Lt.  O556008
Hoon, Emory Pfc. 16108813
Hornhostel, Charles S., Jr. T/5 42031164
House, Pvt. 35227904
House, Howard F. Pvt. 34883790
Howard, William L. T/5  6360183
Hoyle, Stewart T/4 20756536
Hudson, Thomas F. Cpl. 34961061 +
Huggins, James H. Pfc. 44022462
Huggins, Spencer J. Pfc. 36874449
Hughes, Regis E. Pfc. 33841515
Hull, Kenneth D. Pfc. 42183987
Hunt, Bobby R. Pvt. 35708380
Hunton, Willie L. Pvt. 34831879
Husband, William P. Pfc. 38277294
Immings, Ralph Lambert Pfc. 37692861
Irons, Lee F. Sgt. 33900243
James, Jessie L. T/4 20624350
James, William E. T/5 39682744
Jennings, Jackson G. Pfc. 33888517
Jensen, John J. Pvt. 39192723
Johnson, Joseph E. T/4 33700846 *
Johnston, John M. 2/Lt.  O548456 +
Johnston, Louie E. Pfc. 34945744
Jones, Paul B. T/4 16085872
Jordan, Henry H. Pvt. 35227904
Juliano, Chris Pvt. 20231199
Jung, Harold N. T/4 36077087
Kahn, Paul N. T/4 32544169
Kalkines, Harry Cpl. 32801366
Kaufman, Peter Pfc. 33096023
Kazacos, Nicholas J. Pfc. 12097665
Keeney, Floyd C. 1/Sgt. 18002330
Keilholtz, Howard T/5 33002990
Kellock, Alan (Allen) Pfc. 32994700
Kendall, Delbert W. T/Sgt. 36319244
Kennan, Warren W. Sgt. 32239279
Kennedy, Leon S. S/Sgt. 33057101
Kiang, Leonard L. Pfc. 39123256
Killgore, Carlton B. T/Sgt. 39240484
Kinder, William Noyes 2/Lt. O1320538
Kirby, Edmund D. Pfc. 32835941
Kist, Bernard R. Pfc. 35470084
Klatt, Lester H. Pfc. 36764664
Klein, Abraham H. Sgt. 32999281
Knecht, Norman E. T/4 20301249
Koeing, Frederick W. (Koenig) Pvt. 12013115
Koenig,   #2   (Raymond W.?)
Koken, William R. T/5 16144922
Kress, Jack Z. Cpl. 36875845
Kulczyk, Daniel P. Cpl. 36325910
Kunkel, Andrew W. Pvt. 36686408
Kunkel, Donald J. Pfc. 36977222
Kuntz, Joseph S. Cpl. 37252415
LaJoie, George E. Pfc. 36830975
Lalli, Michael T. Pfc. 32590587
Lamonica, Salvatore A. Pfc. 42009412
Landefeld, Frederick K. Pfc. 33724864
Landis, Devon R. S/Sgt. 33017179
LaPan, Alvin Pvt. 36978066
Lentine, Frank Pfc. 33809365(.3/.85)
Lewis, Vincent E. 2/Lt. O1317409
Lickley, Peter G. S/Sgt. 32145195
Liffick, Olen D. S/Sgt. 35829738
Little, William A. S/Sgt. 16016808
Litton, Willard J. S/Sgt. 20526751
Lockwood, Harry W. Pvt.  6908685
Lockwood, Peter Pvt. 31248760
Long, Eugene NMI S/Sgt. 15061059
Lopez, Edmundo Pvt. 39703353
Lorenz, Edmund C.(Charles E.) T/4 20916509
Lower, William W. Pfc. 13051141
Lucyszyn, Stanley S/Sgt. 32833254
Lussing, Thomas B. S/Sgt. 36319077
Lutz, Kenneth G. S/Sgt. 20310352
Lynch, Oliver W., Jr. T/4 37077454
Macleod, Hugh S/Sgt. 32433364
Madden, Charles Pfc. 36022971
Mahigian, Kourken T. T/5
Mahoney, Dan L. Pfc. 36779418
Maier, Anthony C. S/Sgt. 35475135
Malawakey, Edward A. Sgt. 32071184
Mallas, Peter Pvt. 42010505
Mallory, Charles H. 1/Lt. O1089307(.0307)
Mangan, Joseph M. T/Sgt. 20301492
Manning, Gale H. Major  O313406
Mares, Alex J. Cpl. 38071871
Margulin, Samuel S. Sgt. 33452920
Marvin, Richard H. T/5 37577653
KIA Matteucci, James J. Pfc. 39602336
Matzke, Herman O., Jr. Sgt. 36875325
Maxey, Samuel L. Pvt. 33655777
May, Roy R., Jr. Capt.  O449412
Maynard, Robert Pfc. 37102593
McAleer, Howard E. Capt. O1290275
McCall, Luther L. Pfc. 35050288
McCall, William H. Pvt. 32956469
McCullough, Chester N. (M.) Sgt. 34685288
McFarland, Charles E. Pvt. 35805695
McGuire, Arthur W. Pvt. 33709561
McIntyre, Vance F., Jr. Sgt. 36414257
McManus, Peter A. Pfc. 36467038
McMullin, Walter J. Sgt. 39385542
McNamara, Edward A., Jr. Sgt. 20111574
McPeters, Billy T/5 34594574
McSwain, Ben H. Pvt. 34779824(.8)
Menacker, Albert L. T/Sgt. 36320506
Merrell, Richard A. Pvt. 33557469
Mikiewicz, Edward W. T/4 20301947
Miklos, John E. T/Sgt. 35303900
Milbrodt, Clarence D. Pfc. 37178594
Miller, Joe R. Pfc. 34883107
Miller, Leonard Pvt. 38403823
Miller, Wiley W. Capt.  O327454
Miner, Richard S. Pfc. 36731782
Mitchell, Charles L. Pvt. 36874603
Mitka, Peter T/4 33137223
Mixon, Russel H. (Russell) Pvt. 34833216
Mollica, Salvatore Pfc. 32388452
Moulds, Richard F. Pvt.  6394411
Munjas, George J. Pfc. 35228097
Murch, Walter B. Pfc. 31460276
Murphy, Stuart Capt. O1296406
Needham, Henry J., Jr. 2/Lt. O1316776
Needles, Elson R., Jr. Pfc. 32047303
Newberger, William M. Pvt. 36765262
Newlen, Jesse L. Pfc. 35279772(.0)
Nickel, John J. T/5 13178828
Nixon, Patrick J. T/Sgt. 32012747
Nobel, Leslie E. (Noble) T/4 12022614
Norko, Michael E. Sgt. 31037402
Nulty, John C. S/Sgt.  6906762
Nunemacher, Irvin H. 1/Lt. O1054737
Olsen, John Carl T/Sgt. 31037750
Ormond, Lee E. Pfc.  6999362
Osborne, Donovan R. Pfc. 20752121
Ozabek, Julius 1/Sgt.  6667478
Palmer, William S. 1/Lt. O1042957
Papp, Edwin A. Sgt. 33700537
Parish, William W. 1/Lt.  O337837
Parks, George G. T/Sgt. 35475120
Partel, Leonard J. Pfc. 33024107
Patient, Harold C. T/5  6911203
Paul, Donald E. L/Col.  O262953
Pechart, Robert A. Pvt. 33502807
Pehanich, Peter 1/Sgt. 16002244
Pemberton, James H. T/5 34883187
Penland, John G. T/5 33047199
Pennington, Claude Pfc. 34779924
Pennington, Lee Ray Pvt. 15362147
Peterson, Charles S. Pfc. 32222451
Phillips, Charles E. Capt.  O305856(.36)
Phillips, James C. T/5 35401399
Plante, Normand J. R. Pfc. 31460299
Politi, Lewis P. Pfc. 42178926
Pollifrone, Salvatore M. Pvt. 42009624
Porco, Carl T/5 39305976
Potter, Berlin B. Pvt. 34893441
Poulson, Austin T. Pfc. 37111139
Prescott, Walter C. Pfc. 42068105
Puckett, Raymond R. Pvt. 34678969
Purcell, Joseph F. Pfc. 20136446
Quinn, Leo F. Pfc. 31075094
Rada, Louis S. Pfc. 33561643
Rahn, Earnest F. Pvt. 36950183
Ray, Everette Pfc. 34114242
Ray, Nathaniel W. Pvt. 39716349
Reames, John P. Major  O452094
Redstone, David W. (M.) Pvt. 42025575
Reed, Frank C., Jr. S/Sgt. 42023004
Reed, Henry D. Major  O304040
Reese, Jeffie N. Cpl. 34631369
Reiche, Ludwig P. T/5 32516211
Reise, Hugo C. Pfc. 18070342
Reisor, Madison E. 2/Lt.  O567735(O55.)
Renschler, Reinhold G. Pfc. 37155093
Richmond, Charles W. Cpl. 20155917
Ritchie, Cecil C. 1/Lt. O1286362
Roberts, Earl J. S/Sgt. 34259627
Roberts, William R., Jr. Cpl. 18164758
Robinson, Gaylord W. Pfc. 39155681
Roederer, Harry J. (Roderer) Pvt. 35498245
Roelandts, George P. Pfc. 36655272
Rogers, Earl A. Pfc. 31551970
Rogers, Sammie S/Sgt. 18020939
Rohr, Henry L., Sr. 2/Lt. O1332644
Romanczyk, Raymond E. T/5 20301888
Rowbo, John J. T/Sgt. 20228168
Rowland, Guy E., Jr. Pfc. 32283796
Rufh, Harry T. Pvt. 35927875
Russell, John P. Pfc. 32999122
Rutkowski, Frank S. Pfc. 32084683
Ryan, James J. 1/Lt. O1172635
Sager, Paul L. Pfc. 36686057
Salmon, Rodger E. Sgt.  6388982
Sargent, Robert E. Pvt. 33385072
Scanlon, Daniel J. Pfc. 20228443
Scarlata, Leo J. Cpl. 11054345
Schadler, Billy N. T/5 33832068
Schaltz, Luke J. (Shaltz) Capt. O1312853
Schaupp, Theodore T/4 20204166
Scheibal, LeRoy M. Sgt. 36077169
Schenck, Charles E. Pfc. 36685128
Schendowich, Lewis Pvt. 13089102
Schewe, Marion William L/Col.  O250195
Schiffman, Maurice K. L/Col.  O306113
Schisa, Louis W. Pfc. 12097687
Schneider, Charles W. Pfc. 15064605
Scholl, Kenneth L. (Kent) Pfc. 35296890
Schreiman, Harold J. Pvt. 42010112
Schultz, Thomas M. Pvt. 35228102
Schwartz, Lon Pfc. 20310358
Schwartz, William D. Pfc. 33888574
Schweiger, Eugene A. Pvt. 19032115
Scott, James E. T/Sgt.  6932341
Scruton, James R. Pfc. 34105231
Sears, Bartlett F. Pvt. 31460060
Selph, Harry E. T/4 38051550
Semit, Oscar T. T/Sgt. 36765828
Serfozo, Charles J. Pfc. 35550128
Sewall, Harold J. Pvt. 42009664
Seymour, Leroy M. T/4 34395008
Sharpe, Warren O. T/5 34179390
Short, Hugh J. Pfc. 13122833
Silph, Harry E. T/4 38051550
Sisko, Charles Pfc. 42006962
Skiffington, John J. Pfc. 20227832
Slaugher, Charlie A. Pvt. 34084804
Smart, Jay A. Pvt. 39911320
Smith, Sgt.
Smith, Jerry M., Jr. 1/Lt. O1314337
Smith, Oscar D. 1/Sgt.  6286167
Smith, Walter R. Pvt. 34883608
Smoak, Tiliman T. L/Col. O1289329
Smutney, Miles W. T/4 37465418
Snyder, Charles J. Pvt. 33700948
Snyder, John O. 1/Lt. O1047788
Snyder, Vernon Pfc. 35226262
Snyder, William A. Pfc. 36899498
Somers, Vernon H. Major  O228809
Sooter, Sanford L. Capt.  O303879
Spore, Herschell, Jr. Pfc. 35718986(.06)
Sreniawski, John R. Pfc. 36361764
Stanley, William G. Pvt. 42007927
Stanton, Arthur W. Pfc. 32667157
Steiner, Herbert S. (L.) Sgt. 32239256
Stephens, Preston Pfc. 13000324
Stewart, Jodie G., Jr. Major   O23256
Stewart, Wesley L. Pfc. 39926295
Sticka, Ben, Jr. Pfc. 33450497
Stillman, Edgar, Jr. Pfc. 42030901
Stokely, Ross E. Major  O305962
Strack, Francis W. Pvt. 31389973
Straub, Ernest V. Pfc. 35040912
Sturles, Edward P. 1/Sgt. 20227801
St. Roman, Joseph O. Pfc. 20432210
Sullivan, Paul J. T/5 32809489
Sutter, Capt.
Swanson, Harris R. Pfc. 31409941
Swindle, Oral C. Pfc. 39562097
Sypert, William r. Pfc. 34071673
Tanner, Eugene R. Pfc. 33909086
Taulbee, James L. Pvt. 35296849
Taylor, Robert M. Pfc. 42008952
Thompson, George N. Pfc. 33752834
Thompson, John C. Sgt. 33396411
Threatt, Ralph NMI Sgt. 34434074
Thurman, Vernon E. Pvt. 39467558
Thurston, Larry L. T/5 16040370
Tipa, Michael 2/Lt. O1323876
Todd, Edward H. Pfc. 31074124
Townsend, Wilbur E. Pfc. 34201043
Tranchitella, Frank B. Pfc. 33811368
Treadway, Robert B. Pfc. 34922004
Triggs, Frederick E. T/5 35640352
Turner, Ralph A. Pvt. 44050920
Urquhart, Raymond K. Pfc. 17166413
Valade, Clayton E. T/5 36874936
Valadez, Rudolfo T. Pfc. 38553212
Van Dyck, Howard L. Cpl. 33794284
Van Vlack, Charles L. Sgt. 32577563
Vance, Jack H. Pvt. 34883456
VanDenBerghe, Julian R. Cpl. 32225196
Vann, Raymond H. S/Sgt. 34880480
Victor, Frank V. T/4 20302070
Villano, William A. Pfc. 42008005
Visovsky, John Pvt. 42067413(4203.)
Volpe, Armando E. Pfc. 33795127
Von Dietsch, William R. S/Sgt. 32530082
Vonhoff, Anthony G. Pvt. 36685247
Walter, Arnold C. Cpl. 36760881
Walters, John B. T/4 20301908
Walton, Donald H.? Pfc. 31067045
Ward, Perry R. Pfc. 37011645
Warren, Arlin B. T/Sgt. 31176480
Warren, Clifford T. Pfc. 38037558
KIA Warren, Ferris E. T/4 16108499
Watts, Bennie M. Pfc. 34351877
Weatherford, Oscar H. Pvt. 13143384
Weeks, Clyde V. Pfc.  6970183
Weight, Verl F. Pfc. 39919346
Weimert, Lester L. (Wiemert) Pvt. 35226773
Weinberger, Herbert (Hubert) Sgt. 32519183
Weinick, Solomon Pvt. 12110963
Wells, Charles D. Pfc. 38037754
Wells, Harry W. Pfc. 33798160
Werzinger, Louis J., Jr. Pfc. 31413504
Westerman, Victor T/5 37034371
Wheeler, John H. Pfc. 34143887
White, Charles B. 1/Lt. O1326351
White, John C., Jr. T/5 42030176
Whittaker, Clifford W. T/5 33656012
Wigle, Thomas W. 2/Lt. O1314729
Wilcox, Clarence O. Pvt. 39282560
Wilcox, George E. Pvt. 31350374
Williams, Jack C. Capt. O1290345
Williamson, Wayne C. Capt.  O331120
Wilson, Stanley F. Pfc. 33931207
Winters, Paul M. Pfc. 31450216
Wise, Joseph V. Pfc. 33514800
Wiseman, Juel J. Pfc. 35848774
Wiseman, Vernate Sgt. 39676462
Wisniewski, Joseph A. Pfc. 32208567
Witte, Harvey H. Pfc. 36875679
Witters, James M. Pfc. 33839077
Wojnarski, Joseph J. T/4 20301748
Wons, Raymond R. S/Sgt. 36000576
Wood, Thomas J. T/5 33701038
Wood, William B. Capt. O1286406
Wright, Lennard H. T/4 39231089
Wunsch, Walter H. Pfc. 37692835(.9)
Zakrzewski, Stanley J. Pfc. 37608347
Zeleznak, Michael K. T/5 17047333
Ziza, Frank J. Pfc. 32036943


1- 63rd infantry division association

2- Research and Records from Timothy A. Malone